Unfortunately, the economic and domestic problems today distract parents from the fact that awareness of an unhealthy lifestyle that lead their children. In this regard, unbalanced and irresponsible mode of study, active rest and sufficient sleep our children leaves much to be desired. Reasons in the child's life includes such childish diagnoses as "fatigue", "chronic fatigue syndrome", "the syndrome of vegetative dysfunction", "scoliosis", "stress headaches" and "migraine" is set. But they are all links of one chain, a leading company in the near future to this global problem as "weak generation".
There are important elements in the life of the modern student, even if they wish to bypass the impossible:
Saturation of the school program.
If we want to give children a good education, we should not criticize teachers who load their knowledge - it is better to teach a child to properly plan your day!
The ability to use a personal computer in education and work - a mandatory attribute of modern man! But to replace the exposure to fresh air 3 hour sitting in front of the monitor, and even stooped back is unacceptable sacrifice to technical progress.
Often the defective physical education classes at school
Professionally competent construction of gym class for a productive practice that not only will not harm the health of children, but also strengthen it.
Often coaches do not have the necessary knowledge on the physiology and anatomy of the child's body, peculiarities of growth and development in different age groups. And also don't have practice on competent lesson development as a workout.
And, alas, among PE teachers today, it is not often you can meet men (the reason, of course, an economic nature). And this is an important psychological aspect, which is also impossible to forget. Authoritative for children the image of male teachers (especially for physical education) will not soon our country will become a regular event.
But there is offensive and completely unacceptable mistakes in working with school-age children, to fix that you need. And even better - time.
Irrational use of free time
Due to irrational use of free time is reduced and the night, needed to recuperate. Not enough sleep the children greeted the morning in negative psycho-emotional state, feeling exhausted replaces the joy again of the coming of the day: Helping children to properly plan your day, we teach them to set aside time for regular practice health - pool, sports clubs, gyms, gymnastics, and t.n. Moreover, it has gradually become a way of life, need, pleasure! Here you can not do without psychological support for parents of children (due to their small and serene life experience) are not able to see the inactivity of his enemy. And it is illogical to put them in guilt. But, teaching children, parents useful to reconsider your lifestyle and think about sleep and rest (Docendo discimus (lat.) - teaching we learn). As a gym or a fitness - places are not for the lazy! Our health will have children, we have to protect is an attribute of an internal culture.
The low level of educational work
There is still rampant disregard for inactivity on the part of pediatricians: many health problems are not considered as an inevitable consequence of modern "monster".
Food additives - a good and reasonable thing, But indiscriminate distribution of district doctors, Intrusive recommendations to purchase, sometimes without convincing motivation is just unsettling to parents, distracting from the real problems. District pediatricians have to earn a living distributing these products: (again we are faced with a purely economic problem). Smarter and more honest - to set aside time to talk with parents about the need to do regular exercises, a pool, etc.
What we get when the intersection of all the factors and reasons that influence, one way or another, on the health of our children and collectively called "physical inactivity"? Muscle failure, incorrect posture, scoliosis, weight functional disorders of the major organs and systems and, consequently, is looming in the near future, global health problems.
Pediatricians have no right to forget that the beautiful compensatory mechanisms the child's body much longer sends a terrible signal with requests for help.
The lack of medical specialists in working with school-age children in fitness centers and sports clubs.
Girls and boys are in need of help in creating the body harmoniously strong, perfectly healthy, and not program-"rocking chair", aimed at feeding biceps or decrease the volume of the thighs. This is all psychologically for them too, beautiful and young, important but secondary to the health and proper care about it. Parents who take family passes for regular visits to the gym, need to know what the syllabus is for them and for their child are two different things: the consequences of errors incomparably different: And to make these programs need after survey of the doctor-kinezioterapevt (or physiotherapist) who knows the peculiarities of the growing organism and have relevant work experience, further training under his control.
Ideally each sports club or gym such specialists should become necessary standard unit. And to be simply doctor LFK - little: very little to not be afraid to work with children who have real health problems. Traditional physical therapy today is axiomatic framework for thinking doctors, but not a guide to action, because of the effect of such a gentle therapy have to wait quite a long time. If any hope of recovery dissolves in time To the same instructors gyms rarely happens in reality, not from methodical publications, familiar with the huge, alas, with a variety of functional disorders of modern teenagers. Therefore, the coordinated work of the team physician instructor, based on experience, understanding and quite radical thinking is the key to success in principle!
If your child eats expensive food, it does not mean that they are useful to him. Meals should be balanced! A growing body needs it more than an adult has already indicated the reason is that the consequences of errors are different: for Example, already by the age of 18 in "the backpack Health of your child is just as much calcium as they take on the road. And after 30 years of age, this stock would decrease: how Much the child has time to "stock up" calcium? depends on the parents. And such a problem as "osteoporosis" is hardly too early to disturb your child, if from early childhood he received foods rich in this essential trace element. Currently, you can find a nutritionist that will allow your questions - just want time to solve them.
To analyze the health status of modern teenagers, not necessarily to be a pediatrician. Without going into professional details, look through other eyes in children who are studying in the same class with your child, or children, relatives, friends:
We have to admit that most of us with you, dear parents, jostle for position, not taking the necessary measures, and sent our children in the long and difficult road with an empty backpack health". But a fairly easy time to pay attention to what your child is doing hours of lessons, taking unthinkable, but habitual, pose. That he, a teenager, has grown rapidly over the past summer, stretched out so much that irreparable short steel all jeans: he stretched, still lost, and then lost a certain percentage of muscle mass and made intervertebral, for example, structure (s) protected from compression. He doesn't walks and sits for hours at the computer. He comes completely overwhelmed after physical education classes, and not proud of his achievements: he in the morning gets hard, pale and angry, because no time to sleep. Further enumeration meaningless, if the above is about your child!
Most likely, for you, is already clear: to persuade or force the child aged 7-14 regularly visit the gym at least 3 times per week) is quite difficult for many reasons! Well, if the parents did... Even better if the gym is sent together all the family! Mutual psychological support is a precious factor and even remuneration for Work of man for himself. If for some reason your child cannot attend a gym - keep it in the pool: let it begin just there to cultivate a "fruitful stubbornness, and put it in a backpack health".
If no pool - start with exercises performed at home using modern gymnastic equipment - absorbers, weights, balls, dumbbells and sticks, horizontal bar:
Contact the specialists to interesting form of business practice, without compromising the intensity of impacts on areas of disadvantage (and this means that sometimes it will "hurt"), were interested in the child, included healthy excitement ("I can do that myself")! From what will be the "start" depends not a little desire to do so occurs or when already sick, or when the child begins to respect yourself for real results! Well, your pride for him - no comments.
If your child has already had serious health problems, as the ultimate goal of conducting regular classes define "persistent therapeutic effect, otherwise motivation will be lacking. Soothing phrases like "be better" or "let's do it" - does not inspire confidence in the future.
Don't miss time: promising another immature person recovery, stimulating hard lessons, you should not be fooled - this means that health problems have not gone irreparable far. Teach your child to receive the joy of movement! And this baggage, you can be sure he will take to the road! And "backpack Health" will help him to be happy!
The family site
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