Monday, February 24, 2014

10 parental misconceptions

10 parental misconceptionsMothers are prone to hypochondria, hoax, they unusualy and reinsured with or without cause. In General, perhaps, moms can be distinguished in a special appearance. But not long left alone with their super strong sense of motherhood, otherwise they zombify each other, subject to the myths and superstitions, and the best of intentions, what good will screw up so that after drown in my own tears. Moms, spread the jam bun and sit in front of the monitor. Chew and remember. Dispel the myths and misconceptions that you stuffed on most I do not want!

1. The infant should be washed with soap every day

Not necessarily. Soap dries the skin, washes away natural lubrication, can cause irritation. Useful daily baths with decoctions of herbs, pine extract, sea salt. Child under one year is enough to wash with soap and water 2-3 times a week or less.

2. Powder or baby oil is a necessary and mandatory

If the child enough time naked (several hours a day), you can do without these tools. The powder is applied if the skin folds there is weeping irritation. It should be sprinkled on your hand and then apply on irritated place. If you use the powder, do not forget to wash it more often, otherwise, mingling with sweat, it can create an environment favorable for bacteria. The oil is also desirable to apply only to those areas that peel (the contact point of the elastic bands diapers, deep skin folds). The main part of the skin should be kept clean, because the skin needs to breathe. For baby's skin - the second light.

3. Red cheeks is a sign of diathesis

Before you take the test on diathesis, try a few days carefully (but without soap) to wash the baby after every meal. If the redness will absolutely, then a visit to the doctor can be postponed. It was just irritation from contact with the active substances.

4. Diaper rash are all kids

Diaper rash should not be. They are an indication that the child is not enough spends a lot of time naked, or that it is bad wash away, and this is a peculiar form diathesis. Irritant may become improper diapers. There are children who "prefer" diapers only one firm. Make the right choice is only possible method of selection.

5. Meat is necessary for the child every day

Eating meat every day is harmful. Children especially. Meat is hard to digest and slow, it can affect the digestive system. Children need at least two meatless days a week. Excess heavy food allergosorbent the body. Do not enter meat in the diet of the child before the 8th month of life.

6. Herbal treatment is absolutely safe

Any medication can be dangerous if taken incorrectly. Do not experiment on the child, giving him herbal infusions simply "prevention". At least, read the annotation on the package. For kids herbs sealed in lower concentrations for infants - 3 times weaker than for adults. Herbs especially carefully it is necessary to give the kids who are prone to allergic reactions.

7. You should not lull babies!

This is a common misconception. When cuddling the baby trains vestibular apparatus, faster evolving patterns of the brain responsible for movement, improves spatial coordination. Children, nine months spent in a rocking mother's womb, the very lack of such feelings after birth. Therefore, lulling your the sun, don't be afraid that you'll spoil him.

8. Infants should drink

If the child is breastfed and fed as often as he wants, then water it is practically not needed. Moreover, there are studies showing that the body of the newborn displays the water is much slower than the adult human body. So, firstly, inappropriate analogies (drink 2 liters a day, and the child does not give), and secondly, excessive consumption of water can have a detrimental effect on the kidneys of the baby.

To determine that the baby was given the excess liquid by swelling of the lower abdomen and inner thighs. Leather is not going to fold. In this case, the child does not have some time to drink, may also be more motivated by the legs, not worth his swaddle. After some time, the swelling will subside. Sometimes kids give dill water from gases. This is enough, of course, if the child is not "watergulp" from nature. In this case, to restrict its not necessary. Children who are bottle-feeding, should, on the contrary, to get quite a lot of water.

9. Vitamin C can be taken without limitation

In infants too early uncontrolled introduction in the diet of lemon juice, sour apples, and, especially, synthetic vitamin C sometimes causes swelling of the pancreas. In older children it settles in the kidneys. Like all vitamins, vitamin C has a daily rate, not to exceed costs. Everyone knows that the excess of this vitamin are excreted from the body, but, at constant temperature, the system may crash. The occurrence of such problems is possible at any age.

10. The child should sleep in a separate bed from the first days of life

The main thing is that the baby was sleeping. And if you best him sleep in bed with you, then this is quite normal. You can put the crib the baby close to the parent. You can put the baby in the next room. If only everyone was comfortable. But keep in mind that the child is good to listen in a dream breathing and heartbeat mom, so it's best when the baby is sleeping next to her.


A. Juric


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