Complete harmony
Despite the significant age difference and seemingly inconsistent, in that the Union has many advantages. Moreover, many of the positive aspects arise due to age differences.
Sexual euphoria
Pair with twenty years ' difference in age has many advantages in sexual terms. Relationships get exciting, full of passion and implement the most secret desires.
Judge for yourself: according to studies, women's sexuality reaches its peak around the age of 35-40 years, male - 20-30 years. It turns out that a young man and a Mature woman perfectly able to satisfy the sexual needs of each other.
Sex often becomes the Foundation for a relationship couples with a large age difference.
Despite the fact that Mature ladies are more experienced, more relaxed and often much sexier young men passed forty, on the contrary, tend to fall into the arms of very young girls, sexuality which has not yet reached its peak.
In fact, in this age, men are not looking for sex and freshness of feeling, or rather, the opportunity to catch up with leaving youth. For them it is an opportunity to prove themselves and others that they are still very capable.
And in this case in terms of sex is the ideal match: the man has already passed the peak of their sexual peak, and the girl was not yet reached. He, passing it your experience that feeling again capable and sexy, and she is fully satisfied with his attention and care.
Their needs for sex in most cases coincide. But the Union with a partner age is becoming more problematic, because of its growing need for a man to satisfy already difficult.
After years of working for the achievement of family welfare, women often forget about romance and what you can live just for yourself and your own pleasure. Her young lover, on the contrary, while only thinks about it.
With him she can relax, feel the lightness of being, to remember all your dreams and realize them. In turn, the young boy can learn a lot from experienced women - how to build a career, make meaningful connections, to be responsible and independent, etc.
You can learn from each other different perception of life, to give each other what each lacks, can open a lot of new things in everyday life with the help of a partner.
This Union can mutually enrich you and to promote further development.
If you have just gone through a divorce, or just tired from a long marriage full routine, you may not want a serious relationship for a very long time.
If so, the young lover is the best medicine in order to feel again the taste of life, free from obligations. Nowadays many young people under the age of 30 years is absolutely not ready to create family and to have children, and do not aspire to it.
With such a partner you again feel young and frivolous, will be able to carry out the desires that are themselves long denied. Nobody owes anything to anybody, you together until you are well.
A chance to start life from scratch
On the other hand, if you've been putting off marriage, or were dissatisfied with the previous marriage, relationship with your partner is much younger than you can open the path to new life.
If you have common values and outlooks on life, then it can create a new family and live like a second youth, re-experiencing all that passed once. For your partner it will all be for the first time, so you get the opportunity to experience life in a new way.
Restore youth and beauty
Next to a young lover, you will want to look good. Because all of his friends are much younger than you, and winds around so many young and beautiful girls! You want to look good, more time for yourself, start to care about their health, exercise. All this will benefit not only appearance, but also gives peace of mind, increases self-esteem.
You look younger and prettier right before your eyes! Of course, not only because they care about themselves, but with the help of exciting sex, new experiences and good mood.
Healthy offspring
Nowadays, modern ladies all lay on the issues of procreation. If you are a Mature age has not got children, with a younger partner these chances increase.
Earlier it was believed that men can produce healthy offspring though all his life. But in recent years new data. Research institutes analyzed data 8500 couples wishing to have a baby and it turned out that after 24 years of age annually males 3% decreases the ability to conceive a healthy baby.
Moreover, older fathers according to statistics, most often children are born with disabilities. So, if your partner is much younger than you, the chances of having a healthy child is much higher.
Time bombs
If the age difference between partners is more than 10 years, almost unavoidable significant complications, the cause of which lies in the difference of character. Over the years, the age difference loses its meaning.
For example, the difference in the 15 years between 35-year-old man and 20-year-old woman is much more dangerous than the same difference between a 50-year-old woman and a 65-year-old man. Unfortunately, the age difference can be a time bomb, which gradually destroys the relationship.
If at first you don't overlook your differences, and perhaps they are you and excite, while more stable and long lasting relationship they will swim out. And only the two of you depends on whether you will be able to overcome the inevitable challenges.
The difference in values
Of course, views on life may be different from peers. But still, the greater your age difference, the more chances for your pair to be at different stages of life development.
Each age has its own goals and objectives, sometimes quite the opposite. If your goals do not match, it is unlikely you will be able to preserve the relationship. Also of great importance is your perception of the world.
In older people it is very different from the perception of a person younger. If you have a whole generation, it is likely that the difference in your experience is so great that you can hardly understand each other.
In this case, someone will have to adapt and to sacrifice their values for the sake of the partner.
Misunderstandings and embarrassing situations
One of the enemies "unequal" relationship is public opinion. First, you can simply not understand, and it's the lesser of two evils. Often these relationships haunted jealousy, condemnation, ridicule, and even aggression.
Your friends and colleagues may feel that you are using that you are mad, etc. Its environment may also not approve the choice. Your children can be the same age as your lover, and then have to deal with their confusion and anger.
You may even become jealous of his young lover to his own daughter!
On the other hand, if your relationship went far and become serious, you have to meet the parents of a loved one, who may be your age, or even younger than you.
Also you can take for a mother and son, and it will give you some inconvenience. Public opinion can destroy relationships, even the most sincere, no wonder that on this subject there are so many movies and books!
On the other hand, if you both passed the tests, then your love has a great future. If you love each other and are happy, does it make sense to pay attention to what others think about you people?
The syndrome of the head
Because you are older, wiser, and perhaps more successful, you may want to get a young partner to your level. You begin to give advice and guide them. You get annoyed at your partner because of his immaturity, lack of life experience. You hate that which you does not match.
You can assume the parental role. You want him to give advice to correct and instruct you think you know better. You treat your partner like a child, he in turn is offended, and in some cases arranges a real riot.
In this case, think about it, did you chose a younger partner to realize his need for power and control? You may want to raise their self-esteem at the expense of more immature partner, you can feel confident and desired?
If you are a woman and you are richer than your young lover, this may annoy you especially.
It turns out that you either pay for a man, or have to be content with his level of income and can afford only what you can afford it. You can irritate his work, you may be ashamed of his position and social status.
Your young lover, perhaps just beginning the path to financial independence, the path that you have already defeated.
In this case, you need to understand what you want from your Union, discover its advantages and not to demand what you cannot get. If a man is serious, you will definitely achieve success.
But if you become his infinitely sawing and humiliate, the fruits of his labor will reap a totally different woman.
Jealousy and fear
You may fear that your youth goes, your partner may be someone younger. Especially if he is still very young, but already wealthy and successful.
You constantly jealous and compare themselves with younger girls. You can harass the pit of his insecurity and jealousy, thus provoking him to commit adultery. Think about what the secret to a long relationship not in youth and beauty.
Men are different from women, even from the most perfect and beautiful. If you believe in yourself, don't get hung up on age, and your relationship is filled with depth of feeling, and not just sex, nothing prevents them to last as long as the appointed destiny.
No one knows how much time not only relationships, but also people. So use this time for happiness, enjoy the love, and don't poison your span of period of time jealousy and fears.
You sacrifice your own interests, friends, relationships and so on, for the sake of the partner, as afraid to lose it and try to adapt to it, or Vice versa, trying to arrange a partner for themselves, forced to live your interests, friends, etc.
You either start Molodets and look funny, or try to get a partner to match your environment. It is best if you can be yourself, and at the same time mutually learning, revealing to each other their world and taking the world of their loved one.
If you this is hard to do, you can not fully accept your partner, and your Union rests only on the physical component, which, alas, is not durable, if not nourish deeper feelings.
Every case is different, and it is impossible to judge the prospects of relations only by age differences. There are people who and 45 years live twenty goals and way of life of young reveller.
You can also observe the opposite situation, when young people are living life with seriousness and responsibility.
Most importantly, do not age, and the community of your goals, views and interests.
Only then your Union can be happy for many years. The more you and your partner shared, the more you develop your relationship, the more chances of your love.
Female passion
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