I decided to conduct a small study on the relationship between a Mature woman (over thirty, forty, or even more) and young Komsomol age. It turned out that this novel has its pros and cons. Unbelievable, but the first still more.
First, I discuss the pros and cons, weigh, as they say, all the "pros" and "cons".
Romantic relationships. Usually young guys more romantic. This is not the old farts who are convinced that all the good in their lives irrevocably passed that "all life is a mess, all the women is... well... bad women". The young man, most likely, will cherish you. Why, you're one of the first women, if not the first. A young man like you back again in his youth. First kisses, walks under the moon, riding a motorcycle through the city at night, closely pressed against his strong back.... Feel like a young girl into adulthood is not given to each.
Sex. Generally, in this aspect, a young guy can beat older rivals for a place in the sun", that is, next to You. Not surprisingly, he did not even have time to get chronic diseases, not managed to poison her young body with alcohol and nicotine, did not have time to get fat, of losing his hair. and undermine the nervous system frequent stress and rush at work. In a sense, is an ecologically clean area. And if so, why this area is not to privatize?
Small note. Unfortunately, our native advertising with persistence bull Terrier introduces into the mass consciousness craving for nasty habits, and above all, drinking and Smoking. From TV tough guys and stunning girls convince all together and each separately, use alcohol - cool, and smoke - prestigious. But you, I hope, is not particularly concerned with the sales of the manufacturers of vodka, beer and cigarettes, right? Try to gently convince your boyfriend that much drinking of alcohol and cigarettes is not an indicator of coolness and does not increase its rating. So, showing off for schoolchildren.
To have your own opinion and not to adapt to the crowd is really cool. And yet - good health, good education, the ability to spin a novel with an awesome woman, finally. Not to mention the fact that drinkers and heavy smokers reek, and often have problems with erection. Probably says something like that, and his mother, of course, not to mention such intimate details. Mom boy doesn't listen, which is quite natural at his age, but, you quite possibly will listen, because he does not care how he looks in your eyes.
Perhaps young lover don't know how. So teach him. In the body of the young men hormones rage, literally bubble. Use this once had the same chance. Only do not take on the role of nurse, let the kid feel cool man.
When to surrender to him? I think it depends on each case. Surrender at once - it can quickly lose interest in you and go in search of new carnal pleasures. Long break, posing as an impregnable fortress - they will disbelieve that you will give him ever, not wanting to be in the role of a loser, you'll start to find (and develop) alternatives. Small tactical trick - from the outset to make it clear that he is nice to You, let him believe that he has a chance. Rest assured, at leisure, the guy will have to think hard on the subject that You are, in General, only be at hand. Then take a small pause: it is possible for a few days to pretend to be busy or to refer to family problems.
The vast majority tend not to appreciate what comes along to them in hand, but don't overdo it. And then - according to the situation. If You want the same as him, you can relax and have fun. Not to try to have fun and just enjoy. In sex, Yes and even in some spheres of human life, excessive effort only does harm.
Relationships with others. Here minus. If Your novel will become available to "the public" and thus you are not a pop star caliber Alla Pugacheva, you can be sure that the opinions of others will not be on your side. Especially if you are married, have children, live in a small town or in the countryside, working as a teacher, look much younger than their years, stylishly dressed and have a wonderful appearance. Knowing that you have a young lover, all local woman simply will come bile anger. And not only women. Another would be. The woman, the last time lozhivshemusya in bed with another man under Brezhnev and Khrushchev, extremely unpleasant by the fact that someone else is doing it regularly, and most importantly, not with the old canaricam, through reeked of booze, cigarettes, donkey urine and God knows what, and with a young, healthy man. Here you want to or not, obzavidueshsya.
If you know the mother of your beloved, it is possible that he will have some problems in the family. And if you know your husband... by the Way, many women, and some men, disseminate information faster than the Internet. To paraphrase the words of one well-known sports commentator, I would say that kind of sex we don't need. In a sense, sex is needed, but above extreme - no. How to avoid? Fairly simple. About the true nature of Your relationship should know as few people as possible. Ideally, You and he. So do not walk arm in arm in places where you may be caught. And, moreover, to have sex. Better to wait a couple of hours or even a few days, than to suffer the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, verified personally by the author and one of his failed mistresses, even in those years when he was young, naive and free, like a free wind.
By the way, some men have a habit of appearing well at the wrong time. If possible, it would be nice to "legalize" the position of the young person in your home or office. For example, You give him English lessons (mathematics, chemistry, biology). Or, for example, it periodically updates the accounting software on your computer. This option is especially good for those who have a separate Cabinet, lockable with a key. That is, Your guy as a secret agent, will have its own "legend". That's the only "legend" this should look believable. Agree, the arrival of the student in the twelfth hour of the night will look a bit weird. Moreover, with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of expensive wine, looking out of the package.
I assure you that other neighbors and, in particular, neighbor, in terms of vigilance as the employees of the NKVD, Stalin's repressions. Shoot-they will not be shot, because they do not have this capability, but will do my best to avenge inflicted moral damage. So, if you and he sat up rather stale late, sometimes your lover makes sense not to walk home in the third hour of the night, risking to catch the eye of suffering from insomnia (lack of love) old woman from the apartment opposite. Leave it on overnight (only pre-let to warn parents that will linger in a nightclub or in an Internet café), time to leave you and calm day. What is this? The boy went to you to do, now, now, goes home.
Under certain circumstances it is possible to marry the guy for yourself. As, for example, the homeroom teacher of my friends. Cool, sure, but such a feat by virtue of not every. Here it is all local woman simply perekrut with envy. If You have or not already married, to disguise you can meet with a man close to You in age. Periodically walk around the local Park, visit cafes, restaurants, theatres. And to sleep with boys. In the end, what do you care what is happening in the mind living next to old ladies. Will Posiet and calm down. People think primarily about their personal problems. A life devoid of sexual pleasures boring and dull. So, don't deprive yourself of a little joy, even for the sake of "public morality". As they say, they have their own wedding, you own.
Yes, and preferably no friends. If he happened to it, I also have the chance to solve a different friend and I will try for this chance to grab (both lower limbs). And the chances she really has. Guy pulls on all new, unknown, and therefore, can pull and new woman.
Beauty and health. Put fat plus. A woman who meets a young man, looks young. It is a kind of "hormonal therapy". This woman most likely pleased with himself, happy with life, and therefore, will not torment yourself and others negative emotions. It is called demand. And, if so, then it will be more incentives to do them.
Women, not sex, or working on major holidays, February 23 and March 8, often put on a cross. A few of them will attend a gym, beauty salon and sauna. Really, well what's the point? Why buy a beautiful, but extremely expensive thing? A woman with a young lover, tries to take everything from life. The word "all" means "all the best". Because she deserves it!
Money and Finance. Here, in my opinion, a small minus. Unless, of course, he is not the son or the nephew of tycoon. A young man, probably haven't learned to earn money. But have learned to spend on various things, like cool cellphones, expensive watches, spare parts for motorcycle, clothes, expensive perfume, and the like (again a big Hello to native advertising). Of course, men of middle age or retirement age, physical ability respectable. But not sexual.
In the end, You choose. So, if you are poor as a Church mouse and think about sharing a bed with a rich old man is your only chance to survive in this cruel world, well, maybe it is. However, some ladies in such situations get more and young lovers. As the saying goes, for the soul, for the body and for yourself.
However, your partner most likely has a father-mother who will feed and clothe. So, your income, it may spend on You. Only do not be too demanding. In the end, you're not a prostitute selling her body, and a good woman, and love him not for money. To demand from the second-year student, so he took on his shoulders all the costs you and your three children from a previous marriage and even presented on New year's diamond ring and foolish, base, and unwise. Well, he will throw the Institute, instead of lectures and seminars will be from morning till night to unload the wagons.
But at night you will sleep like the dead and will not pay the slightest attention to either your new, superarticle linen or his absence. Will suffer will suffer, and run away, most likely to another lady, a competing firm, so to speak. Anyway, tell me honestly, do you need a workaholic who thinks about sex more often than a resident of Equatorial Guinea on the merits of one or another ski lubrication?
Now, so to speak, the main pros and cons. To solve it again, you will: meet with a guy in his early twenties or not? Someone with indignation drop off this idea, but still going to call the author a bad word, and someone will think: why not.
Where to find such a wonderful guy?
Oh, I tell you, a lot of places:
Internet. On the Internet you can meet with anyone, fearing that know your relatives or colleagues. Another thing is that not always the information that tries to convince you the invisible man, true. A lot of jokers, thoughtless people, and this should be mentally prepared. But, anyway, acquaintance on the Internet is the most secure way of Dating. In which case, you can always start a new e-mail address instead of the old one or change ICQ.
Holiday romance. What it is, I think, you know, even milkmaids from the farm "Road to nowhere". What usually thinks the woman who came to the South followed without? 'll tell you a secret, most men are thinking the same thing. About the rest. How to relax with comfort. And what a summer vacation without sex? Most likely, men will run after you on the beach, bar and disco, offering to get acquainted (with all consequences). And so who will You choose... Man, older than you? For example, a rich guy who came to treat diseases caused by chronic fatigue? Which, pardon me, in bed nothing more than a mannequin. Maybe you should pay attention to guys younger? Like under certain conditions, you can continue this novel; no - leave without much regret.
Employment (training) group. On the one hand, this is where we spend most of the time. So why not use this time for yourself? On the other hand is somewhat risky: all under supervision. Or almost everything. So, if you originated this kind of affair with someone from the staff or students, we advise you to carefully observe secrecy. Don't Wake famously, until it quietly. Why do you and your boyfriend problems?
Public recreation areas. Here it is, as they say, how the cards fall. Only do not advise you to look for the man in Nalivaiko and salons slot machines in the first tend to asiatica alcoholics, second - gamers, giving the "one-armed bandits" all cash and almost all his free time.
According to the situation.
This possibility may fall at any time and in any place, it is important only to want.
In conclusion, I would like to remind the readers that much depends on you. Sometimes even more than you think. Of course, some of that depends on His Majesty's Case. But, as said dear Dale Carnegie: "I Want to be happy, be happy". If You clearly know that after the first extramarital night you will begin to torment remorse, well, stay home. Want to spice up your life - go for it.
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