Sex without commitment is a quite common phenomenon now. Single looking for sex both men and women. The reason is quite clear - all driven by the thirst for passion and accountable for partner few tries.
Disposable sex often happens:
- on the first date, when people could not keep the passion" and/or understand that their relationship associate will not still;
- when one of the pair is hoping that sex will help to keep a partner or to get close to him even more.
Why sometimes the relationship ends the next morning?
1. Didn't like sex
It happens: it seems people are attracted to all - and cute, and smart, and with good manners. But as soon as it comes to Dating, all of a sudden disappears.
You suddenly realize that this partner is not yours. But to tell a man that it is not like that in such a delicate matter, is awkward. It's much easier to say, "Call! " and removed without exchanging phone numbers.
To some extent, it is right - why lead person in complexes?
He still considers himself irresistible, because it is likely that someday he will find a partner who will be considered.
Agree to end the relationship, almost without having them, it is not the worst, and most importantly - it's more honest than to squirm.
2. Men's failure
If you are having a good night, sweet talking and literally fell into each other at first sight, come to the dessert called "sex", but you have a partner there are certain physiological problems is a disaster.
Of course, in psychology - specifically, in the vanity. The man who could not prove that he is a man (that's our logic in bed), would avoid her, which he failed. Comforting words that "this happens to everyone, everything is fine, you can try again" will not help.
A similar outcome is possible, if it all ended too quickly. "Fault" men.
3. Partner is not configured on relationships
Disposable sex prefers a man who is either afraid of responsibility, which require a serious relationship, or just has no plans yet to make a long novel.
Perhaps such a man will say that there is no time for something serious, you need to make a career, "fend"...
But this banal excuses, because together to overcome life's difficulties and troubles much easier than alone.
Although the reluctance to have a long-term relationship at some period of life, in General, is absolutely normal.
The same is true for women - it can also be just other plans.
In addition, the desire for sex without commitment is also caused by the influence of modern films and behavior of stars of show business, which are the main object of imitation of a new generation (still early in our country this kind of sex was much less than now).
4. Partners - friends
About sex between friends we have detailed reasoned article on this topic.
In particular, it was considered probable scenarios of further development of relations after intimacy.
Disposable sex with each other is usually either spontaneous or pre-planned. It can even happen if you have a permanent partner at one of the friends (or both).
The main reason for this kind of sex can be either sudden sting of passion after a good dose of alcohol, or the need to support a friend (sort of sex aid).
5. Sex under C
Modern girls often say, "What went shameless guys! " They say that one sex they have in mind. No romance, no respect for the opposite sex, etc. etc.
Not to understand naive girls that in places where they get acquainted with these guys, romance "does not smell".
Yes, gone are those days when people met in libraries and public transport, however, bars, discos, night clubs and other "hot spots" are hardly a place where you can find a young man for a long relationship.
After all, judge for yourself why people go to such places? To unwind, escape from everyday life and to break away really.
When the brain is turned off, a man driven by alcohol, people do stupid things. What a romance, if even on a sober assessment of the situation of the question?
Sex after Dating in places - it's just the logical end of a pleasant evening. Dessert if you want. It is, in General, need to understand both partners, but, alas, sometimes someone vain hopes of more.
6. Partner drinks heavily or says
It just so happened that we don't like drinkers. For men it is a kind of paradox. On the one hand it is very strange, because we are often trying buffet table woman, to make it more pliable. However, after this kind of sex a continuation of the relationship is unlikely to follow.
On the other hand, everything is logical. Hardly a man wants to have a life partner who will drink too much, and then says stupid things.
In General, a woman who talks a lot, quickly tired of the man. Not only because he is not interested in news about the TV series, show business, fashion, the actions of her friends, etc.
The man actually says less than a woman, and therefore he cannot stand when it is about something chatters incessantly.
If a woman combining these traits, attractive and sexy, it is quite suitable for one-time sex.
The man was even ready to pour it needs a dose of alcohol and listen to the flow of information about the stars of show business and fashion. But only once.
The woman, in turn, uninteresting, as played Spartak Moscow from Kiev "Dynamo" or what today Boxing Nikolai Valuev. Imagine, it may not even care what the Russian national team became world champion in ice hockey!
But if the appearance of the men she liked, then why not spend the night with him together? Again, only one.
7. Availability scares
The woman who catches itself on a neck, on a lot not count. Its role here is played by the hunter instinct in men.
As the representative of a strong half of mankind loses interest in what goes easily, preferring to stalk the victim, to drive her into a corner, and then enjoy their victory.
However, this behavior men says more about his complexes than for character. This is a man with obvious signs of narcissism. He is selfish, believes that he should conquer a woman, not a swift surrender.
Disposable accept sex as another way to prove that he is the man that can have as many women as he wants. Moreover, they hung him on the neck.
But long-term relationship, he will build only with those women, which was won for a very long time.
Similar arguments can be lead in the opposite situation. A woman is unlikely to have a long-term relationship with a man that women change more often than shirts.
Nobody likes to be 101-m a partner, and even more to start a relationship with someone you "know" require.
The woman, who had many men, interested only in his experience and, consequently, the ability to vary the time in bed. It's not in the complexes men, and in a healthy selfishness - it's better to be with a less attractive woman, but more serious.
Women - the same logic, multiplied by the maternal instinct: what can be learned from potential child Gulami dad?
8. Did not agree on issues of contraception
Many men want to have sex without a condom. But with an unknown partner, it may end up effects, which have to feel sorry for the rest of my life.
As evidenced by reluctance to protect themselves? About the selfishness, irresponsibility? Both qualities not add points to the partner.
Even if you know exactly what you both have no sexually transmitted diseases, the consent of the woman to have sex without contraception may indicate its desire to conceive that men are not always acceptable.
In the opposite situation, the woman may think that the man is all about her not worry and simply throw with a child in her arms.
So, waking up in the morning after a night of love "without protection", one of the partners can seriously think about whether to change their usual way of life and attitude to sex for the sake of another.
9. Incompatibility
It can be seen immediately, but you can realize for a moment. You need half-hour and 3 minutes. Or Vice versa. He prefers the pose that you can not stand and will never agree to use it. He knows no other way. It is necessary to you?
A cause of imminent rupture can also be behavior after sex. For example, partner instantly slips out of bed and sits down to play at the computer. Or the woman takes the phone and calls her friend, telling her only what she had fun sex.
"I'm sorry, but we are too different to be together" is a standard phrase when leaving for this reason. Maybe it's for the best, in order not to continue it, in which there is no future.
10. Sexual egoism
Nobody will appreciate a partner who does not notice anyone's desires, in addition to their own. In sex it can be expressed very clearly, and can only be subtext.
The main thing: too demanding and wants too much partner nobody needs. Sex this is the case when playing in one of the gates cannot.
Both the man and the woman subconsciously want not so much affection, love and care.
When one of them always says the word "want", another is quickly bored. Because it is always and only to do that to meet the needs of another person.
Can the disposable sex be the beginning of something more? Of course, Yes, if sudden passion will grow in love. If the partners realized that they've found what they've been looking for. In this case, the sex (for example, on the day exploring) will be just a fun page in family history. Otherwise everything will end as quickly as it had started.
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