Sex is the need of the body
Libido - from nature, but it so depends on the education that is to compare it with purely physiological needs completely wrong. Everyone knows for himself that there are times when abstinence is higher following the instinct, and it also happens that cannot be implemented, although all features.
Family life kills the desire
Desire does not disappear with long-term relationships, although it really varies. The reason why sex is often quenched in marriages, it is not the property of the marriage is the reason that people find it so difficult to grow up. When people are emotionally immature, desire increases new partners, but if they have reached emotional maturity, it strengthens family life.
Not only does this technique
Sex is good as a continuation of love, not as a set of gestures. Sex differs from the instinct of procreation, that's cool mixed emotions, relationships and mutual support. Each to his own experience, he knows that with a loving woman no problems in bed, and not loving or unloving can kill the last desire and the latest features.
Always ready!
Many people believe that a woman needs a reason to make love, but the man only place. Like women, men experience falls and rises. A man goes through periods when he is just not interested in sex or directs energy into other areas of his life. When he's in that bottom loop, a woman may experience anxiety that he found another or has lost interest in her. But sometimes my mind completely different things.
The main thing is the size of
It is believed that the success of men in bed depends on the size of his genitals. The larger the penis, the more satisfied woman. But the large size of the penis can cause discomfort to the woman, especially if it is small or it has little lubrication. And for men its great asset is the cause of grief due to incomplete erection. And the redistribution of blood in the body can lead to headaches due to oxygen starvation of the brain. They say that the size of the penis just does not satisfy a man, as a woman is her Breasts, but this is all superficial, grafted idle talk going on almost since elementary school.
Everything is decided by hormones
Hormones affect the need or desire of many women to have sexual relations. But hormones do not control their desires. If this were so, the desire would disappear at menopause.
Studies show that desires do not disappear with the disappearance of hormones. 38% of married men and women aged sixty to make love once a week or more, and nine out of ten of them said that their spouses are very attractive physically. And although the level of hormones is very low, and most women of this age have passed menopause, it is unlikely that the hormones were controlling the desire that they have.
Self-control reduces the desire
Even words do not have: the desire to relax yourself comes into direct combat with the popular notions of obscenity and harm in this lesson, both for General health and for male potency. To Masturbation resorted 90-95% of all men and 40-60% of women. However, women who in the past had the practice of Masturbation, in the future, much less had problems with orgasm. Therefore, normally be regarded Masturbation as a relief valve sexual function, which allows you not to explode with excitement, and slowly to pull the pair, if there is no partner.
Desire is love
Indeed, it stimulates desire. Unfortunately, when people feel less desire, they begin to doubt your love for your partner. And their partners interpret this lack of desire as for themselves. But the real obstacles to sexual desire usually have nothing to do with lack of love.
Potency is depleted
There is a misconception that the man released 5400 dreams, and under any conditions and at any age, were in childhood emission - Wichita masturbated in his youth - stocks fell, lived a stormy life in 20 years - to forty-nothing will remain. And if up to 50 years to abstain, then that can be every day three times?
In fact, the sperm is formed continuously, and the age of onset and the end of sexual life depends on the level of sex hormones, which regulate and frequency of sexual life. Sexuality is not subject to immutable laws. The more you know about sex, the more you think the norm, the more they trust each other, the happier will be your life.
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