Monday, September 1, 2014

Rules of life Madonna

Rules of life MadonnaElvis - kingand I'm the Queen. I told you that my birthday coincides with the anniversary of his death?

Money is not for me have special values. The more money you got, the more problems. But fame is like a drug. It fills the emptiness inside of you.

I'm not happy

while not equal in popularity with God.

Appearances can be deceiving

. In my childhood I was a diligent student, a model child. Never quarreled with his father, did not take drugs and not ran away from classes. And then, about thirty years, as the chain failed.

Taught me life?

To concede. This is not to show weakness: I just realized that you can put pressure on people and terrorize them, and you can achieve a more subtle means.

And another lesson I learned: in no event it is impossible to tell the press that the Argentine President looked at the strap of your bra. Especially if you want to return to Argentina.

I still can't stand the so-called good life. If from me waiting for something, this is what I do not want.

As a child I believed in God - passionately, as is the case with teenagers. Jesus was someone like a movie star, my main idol. Now the Church has become for me a sanctuary, it gives me a sense of unity with people. I may not agree with its dogmas and doctrines and yet to participate in religious observances.

Losing virginity?

I looked at it as one way to make a career.

In the eyes of many people motherhood has made me more worthy of respect and more acceptable. So to say, more convenient to use. On the other hand, I don't think the birth of a child deprived me of sexuality. Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer - they're still sexy, right? If you're sexy - so sexy, you don't have children or already five.

A better year to live tiger

than a hundred years as a sheep.

It was difficult for me to understand

his father, while I myself do not have children.

In Hollywood few people who read the book not to do it movies. This is partly why I moved to England. Don't want to roll a barrel on America, but I really think that the British are smarter. In addition, in London makes me feel better. I live on the marble arch here completely of Araki in burqa. No one pays me any attention.

My fear nbefore something usually means that I have to do it.

For external sociability of extroverts often hides herself. This happens with men: to be a hero, but inside is not confident. This is similar to the exercise you should perform if you want to change.

I'm a real workaholic

and do not imagine myself without a job. Of course, I intend to change, to grow and to be interested in different things. Only not to retire!

At heart I'm still the same girl

that was once sold in the café donuts. The one that was dismissed because it suddenly occurred to me to pour all visitors jam - filling for these donuts.

How could I be another with the same name - Madonna?

I could leave or nun, or what happened. Other options were not.

Fame is like a drugit fills the emptiness inside of you. I won't be happy unless equal prominence with God.



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