People fall in love, marry,
I have no luck in this case,
What a mess...
Why are some people lucky in a relationship and happy marriage, and someone like the hero of a famous song, life is bound to be the third in a love triangle? Why she, and not I? The triangle is even more mysterious its Bermuda relative, let's try to understand what unusual history (almost fairy-tales) associated with it.
The first tale my grandmother is gone and his grandfather had gone or where and what escaped the bun
Increasingly, men leave their wives after 10, 20, or 30 years of marriage with them, go not simply go to the mistress. But miracles: spending some time with razluchnitsa man leaves her. In his life there is a new woman and already it creates a very strong and happy family. Why is this happening?
It turns out that the man with the purchased years loses confidence in itself - it has to do with sex and with age and the fact that his wife knows him inside and out, its now there is nothing to surprise or to conquer. But the young mistress must win, to charm, to fascinate. After the divorce mistress becomes a normal woman, is also a culprit immediately and crimes and celebrations. The result is that the man gets a new, third family.
Conclusion classically simple - if you want the man was always there, amaze your husband and yourself be surprised by his deeds and actions, in short, be interesting to each other. Well, if interesting can not be - well, you have made your choice, and the man is not guilty, that he preferred another.
The second tale: Cinderella at the ball or who to wife the Princess and half a Kingdom into the bargain
Cinderella before the ball was normal hardworking woman and does not stand out, but then came the witch and turned it into beauty. And here she shines on the ball, catching admiring glances and attracts the attention of the Prince. As they say, drew attention to it all around - drew and the Prince. If not for the small feet and the lost Shoe, would not see Cinderella as their ears, nor Prince nor a successful marriage.
The situation from another well-known tale explains the formation not only of triangles, but all sorts of polygons: the spirit of competition, the thrill of the hunt. Given the task and who will perform perfectly well - received by all. In the present time on the horizon rival, man has for a woman of incredible interest.
Male - breadwinner and hunter since primitive times, and tales only proof. The emergence of the third, thus, can be used in their favor, suggest to her husband that the boss or neighbor gives you increased attention and consider a quarter of the Kingdom you have in your pocket.
Tale three: Thumbelina, or still happy going, even if without you
Strange but true - many women after divorce, quickly accustomed to the new circumstances, immediately marry another man. The first marriage was for them only a kind of bridge in a new relationship. It is possible that rapid new marriage of their urges and the desire to prove the ex-husband that this time everything will be different - better. Remember, Thumbelina, who is married to a mole, not knowing there was a man with whom you do not just live under the ground and flying in the sky? First marriage gives the required experience and new ideas about the family.
Now, why us and not to follow the heroes of these stories? For example, Fox tale about Kolobok. It then wanted to grab a bun, still wanted that she only didn't do it. And persuaded and cunning were enticed, and the mistress - she will do anything to keep a man about himself. She just need to choose the right moment to catch the ball, that is to say lover: "Or I or the wife." If the currently selected well - bun from a Fox will not run.
On the other hand, if the husband sees that his wife has success with other men, and he cherishes her - he will do everything to return her favor. And go there, do not know where, bring it, do not know that, and the ship flying build, and stone, though immortal, will win. Will fire and water and copper pipes, in any case, I wish it was that way. As in a fairy tale, in General.
Lover, in turn, beating another man's wife, will speak to her about how he suffers without her, make her promise mountains of gold, rivers of milk and honey, in a word, all that will force her to leave her husband. Maybe he didn't even have to do anything, if it really is a fabulous love.
Wife wants to keep her husband, if she is a clever woman will not sit at home to Polish the pots, and go right to the sorceress. Well, if not to the witch or fortune teller, but in the beauty shop to become Cinderella. She will try to return the happy past, and to keep her husband's attention and affection.
As you can see, passions ignite in this triangle, not fairy. And that's why these are formed sometimes very strange triangles? Why do people change? It is clear that, for example, teenagers and elderly men change to a greater extent only in order to assert themselves in sex. Why change women? Really out of revenge or from inferiority complexes? Who changes the most? Questions, as you can see, more than answers, and not all have answers in fairy tales.
Female magazine Arabio
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