The fact that Coca-Cola was invented by pharmacist John Pemberton, consisted of Coca leaves and Cola nuts, was patented as a medicinal remedy for nervous disorders and sold in pharmacies, known to everyone today. Most people know that Santa Claus, as we know it, the handiwork of Coca-Cola marketing Department. The company 80 years put to firmly link the image of the well-fed old man, dressed in red, with the main season of winter holidays.
However, few people realize about unreal-powered Cola to constant growth: sales, consumption per capita cost. During the expansion of Coca-Cola in school, for example, the company decided that the children should drink 1 liter of coke a day and at least 3. Such unpleasant facts from the history of the development of a brand abounds in the book "Coca-Cola. Dirty truth", which is a journalistic investigation about how the drink was created and developed the company in the period from 1885 to the present day.
Here are some interesting facts mentioned in the book of Michael Blending.
Coca-Cola is not original drink for that time. It was at least 4-5 companies that also produced "Cola", but started to do it before.
Modern Coca-Cola hides and hides the fact that 20 years after the original composition of the drink contained Coca leaves. Until 1906, it was really "Coca" Cola.
About the expansion of Coca-Cola during the Second World War. It turned out that "to spread democracy around the world" invented not the U.S. government. Guide Coca-Cola has proved the administration that soldiers drink associated with "Homeland" and Cola gave mad at the time the promise: "Each of US troops in the world will be able to buy a bottle of Coca-Cola at a price of 10 cents." And not to carry around the world glass bottles of Coca-Cola just took money from the government to build its own plants in Europe and Latin America, which would spill the drink. So Coca-Cola and easily, without extra costs to the end of the war had a market share of 69%.
Before the Second World war the largest market for Coca-Cola was Germany. And, of course, big business doesn't care about all the moral values and principles, when war is the biggest market for to lose not comme Il faut. Not to "burn" their ships and trains with Cola, who travel to Germany, Coca-Cola simply built on the territory of the Third Reich, several of its plants - it's easier, cheaper, the market is saturated and the public is silent.
By 1943 Germany had problems with sugar then it was mainly supplied from Latin America). To plants not idle engineers has released a new drink, which required no sugar, and extracts of fruit (Apple cake) is called the drink Fanta.
But, again, it is quite logical, in Germany by 1943 the problems were not only sugar, but also with the labor force. And where many people sit and do nothing? Pravilno... Dachau, Buchenwald, Chelmno, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor... that's where we took the "work force" to make a refreshing drink Fanta.
In the late 90s Coca-Cola Company had signed with the American schools of so-called "Treaty on the soda. Having signed a deal with Coca-Cola, the school was deprived of the right to sell other drinks. Moreover, the school could not sell anything without the approval of the company, which insisted that the machines did her, and only her drinks. For this privilege Coca-Cola paid school 3 thousand dollars a year - about a dollar per student. For eight school hours, the children had no other source to quench thirst, affably in addition to flashing machines Coca-Cola.
From 2001 to 2009 Coca-Cola signed 85 contracts product placements in movies. Often its products on the screens appeared only Apple and Ford. Coca-Cola appears in films aimed at children: "Harry Potter", the cartoon "Madagascar", "Scooby-Doo", "Elf", "Enchanted".
How does the business model of the company Coca-Cola. There are Coca-Cola Enterprises (hereinafter CCE) is the main plant, where the secret formula to produce a concentrate syrup which, when mixed with water gives "the taste". There Bottlers are factories that pour the concentrate bottles and are involved in its distribution. Between CCE and Bottlers, there is almost no connection, in addition to the franchise: buy the concentrate and pour it in its original bottle. The secret is, how do you get water Bottlers to dilute the concentrate. Often they don't really bother and, for example, Coca-Cola in Novosibirsk people drink Coca-Cola with running water Novosibirsk water. Everything is simple! No secrets and zamorochek, if there is water.
What do you think you drink in the bottle under the label "Bon Aqua" or "Aqua Mineral"? Correctly. The answer is in the paragraph above. There is also no secret of running water filter bottle. As well as lawsuits, excuses Coca-Cola that they are very cool filtered water and for this charge, and so on.
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