Rarely a woman in childhood dreamed of becoming a Princess. A fairy tale about Cinderella, Sleeping beauty, Donkey skin was amazed and fascinated. And what happiness was at least once a year to put on a carnival dress fabulous heroine and feel like a Royal daughter! But if 20 or 30 years ago, those dreams were amused and touched by adults, but today parents are concerned that children's dreams becomes obsessive, turning into a problem.
The range of toys is growing every year, on the shelves, more and more variety of goods - from the abundance literally dizzy. However, parents notice that my daughter is somehow not crave rubber dolls or miniature vacuum cleaner, and ever look at the elegant Princess with an impressive dowry: a pile of clothes, accessories, carriages, horses, palaces and cars. Many mothers and fathers complain that daughters want to play exclusively in secular ladies, Barbie dolls and Bratz, and every trip to the toy store ends in tears and persistent entreaties to buy another doll".
"Of course, the girls liked to try on the image of Princess or fairytale beauties - says clinical psychologist, co-chair of the International society for art teachers and art therapists Irina Medvedev. - Many girl wanted to grow - even in the 1950's famous Illustrator Norman Rockwell depicted the girl trying on her mother's outfits. But the children knew that honor, happiness and love Prince can only be achieved hardworking, kind and modest woman, not a capricious king's daughter, accustomed to command his subjects and from morning to night look in the mirror".
The situation has changed, and now Princess looking like glamorous supermodels, whose main task is to demonstrate bright outfits, to appear in glossy magazines and conquer men's hearts.
Meet on clothes
"My daughter loves to play Princess. Even at home wants to flaunt in festive clothes. The other day I bought her a cute little dress, which She indignantly refused, saying that "the real Princess go only in pink with strazikami! " And how could she have such silly ideas? "is not understand Elena, mother of 4-year-old Nastya.
The fact that the taste is formed not only parents, but also the environment, children's collective, where is rotated kid, cartoons and the characters who surround the child. Children react to all colourful, this is why manufacturers of modern cartoons and dolls virajaut their heroines in dresses poisonous flowers - it's easier to hold a child's attention and interest. Very quickly, the girl learns that flashy outfits - the standard style. Look how dressed many modern doll: cleavage, mini skirt pink-light green-gold color with a lot of tinsel, stockings, heels. And certainly calling make-up.
"If you're worried that your daughter wants to dress like their dolls, offer her the game in a fashion designer and together invent, draw and sew new, really elegant and beautiful dresses for my dolls. Their hands can make and accessories: necklaces, bracelets, earrings, using ready-made sets for needlework or old, unnecessary beads and beads. This lesson will not only develop artistic taste, but awaken the imagination and creativity will be to train fine motor skills, perseverance, attention and help to master shapes", - said Irina Medvedev.
To rush the stage
Before the "era Barbie dolls, even beauty and the Princess had no forms of adult women, and were like children. It is not a coincidence: the traditional doll - a type of child. In the game the girl was on the position of the mother, cared for "son" or "daughter", fed, put to bed, bathed and so day after day mastered the maternal role.
But many modern dolls - way adult girls. In the baby, playing only them, not tinkering with dolls, not "live" role model mother, and this experience is important for girls. If the girl is in very early childhood, 3-5 years of age, have not submitted themselves to the mother (not the doll, namely himself), her vision of motherhood will be simplified.
"Modern heroine on top form certain stereotypes of beauty: excessive thinness, disproportionate body. They often have a disproportionately large head, wide-set eyes, huge lips. As a result, the child's distorted idea of beauty: all defiantly spectacular and loud baby starts to perceive as a model of beauty", - says Irina Medvedev.
Many dolls break the traditional canons of beauty, contributing to the development of the child, as in "human equivalent" of its parameters would look like 99-46-84, which is absolutely fantastic. Trying to be like "icon of style", the girl may begin to lose weight, harass a diet to exhaustion and the emergence of anorexia and to the "ideal" not even close. So harmless at first glance, hobby toys in the absence of parental control can in some cases cause emotional problems in adolescence. Girls will start to think that only after becoming similar to "standard" will be able to be happy and loved.
Ahead of time
At all times caring parents understand that the main task of education is to instill in children the moral values, to cultivate inner core. It is important to identify life goals, and explain how to act in different situations, where to move. Then in the future the child will be able to resist the destructive impulses and go on a creative path. To do this, adults trying to protect the child from negative influences, watched some spiritual food he receives. Especially since today is the toy involves the child in huge world related products - cartoons, computer games, magazines. This entire industry. But parents often have no time to check that the game they bought my daughter, although inattention may do a disservice.
"Recently I brought a girl. Little girl 7 years old, owns a collection of contemporary dolls-beauties. She dreams to be a Princess, to buy a pink car, to marry a Prince and live in the castle. Seemingly, nothing special. Thought so, and her parents were not worried, laughed at flirtatious antics of his daughter, on her love for the ridiculous outfits, manicure, children's discos. While the daughter had gone to school, where she began a love with a classmate, with whom she kissed on the recess. It is found only at the parent meeting. It turned out one of the computer games on kissing: doll heroine must catch the maximum number of times to kiss with her boyfriend for a certain time", - says Irina Medvedev. The girl was sure that it must behave in a "real Princess".
Psychologists do not get tired to repeat, that such toys and games contribute to early sexualization of the child, have a negative impact on intellectual and mental development. The girl too soon begins to feel like a woman, but not getting it until the end. Looks adult, being at heart a sensitive, vulnerable, lonely child - even at thirty, forty years.
Of course, by themselves podobnie games and dolls may not distort the natural maturation. But if the family constant conflicts or dad left the family and not interested in the baby, the mother delayed until late at night at work, the child has lost mental contact with parents.
In this situation, the girl will feel abandoned and lonely, and similar toys and cartoons can be a catalyst for the emergence of the difficulties of a psychological nature.
That's why it's important for parents to pay attention to the problem of choosing toys for their girls. to read the old tales, play "mothers and daughters", to develop an interest in creativity and more often to talk, explaining to the child that "shiny wrapper of the world Barbie" does not necessarily guarantee happiness and well-being, and only a parody of real life.
Sandalova K.
Happy parents
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