For many the word "removal" and "waxing" means the same procedure. This is partly true, because in both cases we remove unnecessary hair. But the similarity ends there. Under the definition of depilation are: good old shaving razor, waxing, sugar, caramel, using special creams, as well as the use of mechanical home epilator. Using these simple procedures removes the hair shaft, that is the part that we see on the skin. But his "heart" - the hair follicle continues to exist, and therefore, in the near future will bring new "shoots". You want your hair no longer grew? The follicle must be destroyed, and along with the germ cells. With this task perfectly salon methods of hair removal from thermolysis to photoepilation.
What? Remove unwanted hair with shaving machine
How? Women's razors - elegant and stylish - represented in rich colours, they are light and ergonomic. Machine with a rubberized handle is comfortable to hold in hand, and dual blade provides the most clean shave, helping to avoid cuts. Contrary to popular belief, by itself, this procedure is neither the growth rate nor their structure is not affected. These processes occur in the hair bulb, which razor will not be enough. Even in this simple case there are several intricacies.
First, never shave following the direction of "dry." Will cut themselves, and the process of shaving is uncomfortable. Don't skimp, buy the special foam, or even better gel. It will soften stubborn hair, moisturize the skin and thus ensure a perfect glide.
Secondly, to shave off the hairs can only be compared with their growth. Move upwards, slightly stretching the skin, and after the feet will be smooth, spread them with a special lotion or cream. These tools contain panthenol, bisabolol, and tea tree extract, so soften, and most importantly, disinfect the smallest cuts.
Possible problem: ingrown hairs. It can be accomplished in two ways: regularly use a scrub or purchase a quality razor.
<> Quickly and painlessly, the minimum cost.
<-> The next day breaks first "seta". If you shave sloppy, may cause injury. Too frequent shaving dehydrates the skin, causing dryness and peeling.
Suitable for: legs, arms, underarms and bikini
I do not advise: face
Save the resultst: a maximum of two days
Contraindications: Inflammation on the skin, moles and skin tags
Cream depilatory
Dissolve hair chemical composition containing thioglycolic acid
The cream glides onto skin with a special spatula and left no more than 10 minutes. Then you wash it with cool water and apply any smoothing lotion or baby oil. If the hairs remain in its rightful place, most likely, they are too thick and cream them just doesn't "take".
<> Pretty quick and painless procedure. If done regularly, the hairs become thinner and grow slower. And no stubble!
<-> The risk to cause allergies. Cream depilatory dissolves only a thin hairs.
Suitable for: legs and arms
I do not advise: for the face, underarms and bikini
Save the result: maximum one week
Contraindications: Irritated or overly sensitive skin, dermatitis, susceptibility to allergies
Hair removal
Wax strips
Remove unwanted hair using special strips impregnated with wax
How? The day before epilation spend exfoliation of the skin - the wax will act better. RUB the wax strip between your hands for 5 seconds, so the wax is hot. Slowly separate the strips into 2 parts. Each strip can be used several times until the wax will not cease to grasp the hairs. Press one wax strip to the skin, smoothing her several times in the direction of hair growth. In one swift motion, remove the strip in the direction against the hair growth (from ankle to knee). To relieve discomfort, hold the skin of the hands. Repeat in the same sequence on the other skin. After the procedure, wipe the skin cream.
<> Removes even the shortest hairs, and the sensation may persist for up to 4 weeks. With regular use, hair is growing less and become thinner and softer.
<-> Possible idiosyncrasy before you use the strips to test for hypoallergenic.
Suitable for: legs (tibia) and arms, underarms, bikini area
Save the result: 2 to 4 weeks
Contraindications: Moles, scars, irritated, chapped or burned skin. The varicose veins. A history of negative reactions to the wax depilation
Mechanical epilation
What? Removing hairs with tweezers or electroepilation
How? First of all mechanical hair removal involves the use of classical tweezers, but its activity is very limited. The maximum that you can, is to adjust the line of the eyebrows. Foot suitable mechanical epilator. In fact, this set of disks of various sizes, which, revolving, grab and pull up hundreds of hairs per minute. That was not excruciatingly painful, manufacturers are constantly coming up with new way of "anesthesia". The speed change, then offer to "freeze" the nozzle before you start the procedure. It all depends on your pain threshold (it is slightly higher at the beginning of the women's cycle), and Yes, don't laugh! from your attitude.
<> If we consider only a one-time purchase of the appliance, this method is quite affordable, and effective. The hairs significantly slow down its growth.
<-> Not a very pleasant procedure. If you act too rough, you may damage the hair follicle, and it threatens pigmentation. Perhaps ingrown hairs.
Fits: tweezers eyebrow epilator - legs, arms, bikini area and underarms
Save the result: 3-4 neelipleona: Varicose veins, moles and skin tags, inflammatory skin diseases
What? Hair removal using the special composition of vegetable glue, sugar, honey and lemon - caramel, which has an elastic consistency (easily rolled into a ball) and is used unheated (body temperature).
How? First applied to the skin a special talc. Then the individual pieces of caramel is hair removal: a confident gesture, touch or massage movement. Removed abruptly, always against the hair growth. Over time, the hair stop growing or grow much slower and never grow under the skin. The skin is like new, absolutely clean and very smooth.
<> No ingrown hairs, strong stretching of the skin. The varicose veins. Eventually, the hairs become thinner, their growth is being phased out. There is no swelling and redness in sensitive areas. Even very long and lush hair is no obstacle for depilation caramel.
<-> On the first day, you cannot be in the sun.
Fits: for face, legs, arms, bikini, underarm, abdomen, buttocks
Save the result: 2-3 weeks
Contraindications: Individual intolerance, diabetes mellitus, chronic and inflammatory skin diseases
Electrolysis is usually
What? The destruction of hair follicles by using high temperatures
No anesthesia is not enough: without it, the procedure is very painful. Then, a thin needle is inserted under the skin, where the hair follicle is located. Through a special apparatus is supplied with alternating current, which causes an increase in temperature, which destroys the hair follicle. This method is called thermolysis. It is effective, but the process is slow - for each thread spent a few seconds. So many have come to appreciate the advantage of electrolysis method using a DC low voltage. You hold in one hand and a metal disc, and the specialist enters into the follicle active electrode (needle). You become a little "galvanic element. Is an electrochemical reaction, which resulted in the follicle forms a caustic alkali, causing its destruction - thread "dies", and it is removed by ordinary tweezers.
<> Thermolysis: a lasting effect. Electrolysis: it has high ability to kill the hair follicle, does not require repeated sessions, the least painful.
<-> Thermolysis: a rather painful procedure, even with the use of anesthesia. Great risk of various problems from minor burns and irritation to the small atrophic scars. Electrolysis: for each hair takes about two seconds, so be patient. Electrolysis is not suitable for bikini, underarm and face, as it causes severe irritation.
Suitable: for all areas except for bikini and underarms (discussed with a beautician)
Save the result: minimum per month
Contraindications: Oncology, neuro-psychiatric diseases, skin diseases, dermatological inflammation, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, pregnancy
Light-based hair removal (photo - and laser hair removal)
What? The destruction of hair follicles light flash (the principle of selective photothermolysis).
The first light technique for hair removal is laser hair removal. The first machines were invented long ago, but in clinics appeared relatively recently. The laser beam has priceless as he is absorbed by the melanin of the hair, resulting in heat, which destroys the hair follicle. The procedure itself does not cause any discomfort because of the nozzle apparatus is supplied a blast of cold air.
A worthy competitor is the so-called photoepilation. Allows, first, to remove blonde hair, secondly, to perform hair removal on dark or even tanned skin and thirdly, significantly reduces the procedure time. In addition, IPL is absolutely safe.
But the "palm" today belongs hair removal ELOS technology. It combines the advantages of multiple hardware options: laser, photo - electrolysis, therefore, has almost no drawbacks. ELOS hair removal safer: the likelihood of burns is reduced to zero. It can help you remove any type of hair and any skin! But the main advantage is that after a few days you will be able to enjoy the sun without fear to be "spotted". No laser or IPL that is not allowed.
How? Any light hair removal session looks like this: first you wear protective eyewear, then the doctor treats the epilation area special provodnikovym gel and touches skin with a special nozzle. The maximum that you will feel it a little spank, as if a rubber band.
<> Laser: the procedure is almost painless, does not injure the skin. In one session you can handle, for example, the femur and tibia. The laser removes fine vellus hair, which is why this method is ideal for getting rid of "antennae".
Photoepilation: you can do dark-skinned ladies with dark hair. It removes any hair type, including hard and crispy. Stops hair growth forever.
<-> Laser: the laser beam "sees" only the dark hair, he is "indifferent" to the natural blonde and tanned skin or dark nature.
Photoepilation: not suitable for those with dark skin, and the hairs are gray or light.
Suitable for: all areas
Save the resultfor several years, or for life
ProtivopokazaniI: acute and chronic skin diseases, diabetes, varicose veins (on the site of the procedure), severe hypertension, herpes in the acute form, keloid scars, skin malignancies, pregnancy
Expert opinion
Blinova Lyudmila V.the doctor-dermatologist
Any hardware method of hair removal affects those hairs that are in the growing phase. Those that are not visible on the skin, must go to the active state and grow, then the laser will be able to influence them. Your hormonal levels in order? Enough of 3-8 treatments. The level of androgens (male sex hormones) is raised? The rate of 1-2 treatments have to be repeated every year,"
Knyazeva L
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