Much later, many have begun to wonder: Yes, the actress is there actually a "second" Hepburn (after Catherine the great), does it gift reincarnation - or only and can vary on the screen of their personal motive? The first response to these concerns was the role of Natasha in "War and peace" (1956) king Vidor. Audrey managed to make it almost impossible to fill without a trace one of the great ghosts of world literature. In the sometimes purely illustrative scenes Hollywood epic actress, thanks to his intuition, almost never deviates from the psychological scores Tolstoy image. And, as if on top of stilted script, embodies in its Natasha just unspeakable - dazzling smile and black eyes, a lightning change of mood, rushing out the fire of life and poetic grace - all that Pierre defines the words "she's charming, nothing more". Another victory for the growing masterpiece of craftsmanship actress was the picture "Breakfast at Tiffany's" (1961). Having donned the role of frivolous hunter millionaires (which, incidentally, was predicted to Marilyn Monroe), Audrey again managed to make it an integral - like a little black dress from Givenchy, in which she shines in the famous first scenes of the movie. Her fragile Holly Golightly in absurdly huge green glasses and the hat, though, and feed herself questionable ways, hovers above the everyday new York city, like a dragonfly, not thinking about winter. And gradually over extravagant bravado detects this vulnerability, the fear of loneliness and the need for emotional warmth that the audience in the finale can't hold back the tears.
And finally in his - paradoxically - the most grossing film "the nun's Story" (1959) Audrey Hepburn was not afraid to creatively reveal the deeper side of his personality, which was so interested in meticulous journalists. She played a Belgian girl sister Luke, diligently performing its mission in the colony for lepers in the Congo, but hidden under the dense monastic robe passionate nature. Almost continuously in the frame of neuro-refined face of the actress brilliantly reflected the struggle sacred duty and inner freedom. The result is that the heroine Hepburn refused to vow to God and joined the Belgian Resistance, to avenge who died at the hands of the Nazis father.
Ironically in adolescence itself Audrey, which coincided with the Second world war, and so much has been, and is entirely different than in the history of the sisters Hatch. The daughter of a Dutch Baroness Ella van Heemstra, Audrey in six years lost adored her father. Irrepressible Irish temper led Joseph Hepburn-Ruston, humble Bank clerk in the ranks of English of Hitler's henchmen, and then in prison.
Mother aristocrat taught the girl under no circumstances not to bow proudly raised head, thinking of others before yourself, and work hard, but could not compensate the daughter of a lack of tenderness and warmth. Deeply buried in yourself and never work until the end of the main drama of his life, fourteen-year-old Audrey found an outlet in a serious ballet exercises and... assistance to the Nazis in German-occupied Arnhem. She inevitably became older than herself, obsessed with trying to overcome hunger and fear - fear of death, loss of loved ones and their human dignity.
Psychological biography of Audrey Hepburn, without a doubt, could serve as a fertile material for any avid Freudian, if not for the power of the spirit with which it was overcome their complexes for life. Each regular role aroused actress painful doubts all up to your own compelling appearance, but it almost always overcame their work, bordering on denial. So, in the early 60s, she was professional enough courage and skill to abandon his winning image of the "eternal innocence". In painted post-modern irony tapes "Charade", "How to steal a million", "Two on the road Audrey Hepburn mischievously played contemporaries, free from any bourgeois conventions, but ineradicable romantic. And changing outfits fairy princesses on the latest style "Twiggy" again looked the standard of elegance, the mystery which has always been natural limit, inner harmony and ease. If Hollywood career initially more answered the hidden ambitions of her mother, than the Audrey, became a world celebrity and she has chosen its authentic off-screen existence, having put on the first place old-fashioned marriage and parenting. Numerous depression were associated not only with the failure of any film, but with repeated unsuccessful attempts to bear children. And despite everything, she gave birth to two sons and made them Ediny cozy house in Switzerland, which over the years less left for the next filming.
The talent of love and lust were Audrey Hepburn is so huge that none of her on-screen partner, whom she was fond, nor her husbands (actress was twice married) couldn't match. Actor and producer Mel Ferrer, her Prince Andrei in War and peace", for 13 years tried to be for Audrey all - lover, a husband, a support and guide to the cruel world. But this cargo was beyond him, as his own acting career obviously Merkle next to the world famous wife, and production projects, in which Audrey fearlessly rushed for the sake of ambition Ferrer, have become major failures on her star trek. Her second husband, an Italian aristocrat and playboy Andrea Dotti, was in love with the screen image of Audrey Hepburn from the age of 14, since "Roman holiday", but, as it turns out, is not in itself. A psychiatrist by profession, he has helped to survive a forty year old actress drama first divorce, but could not give her what Audrey was so thirsty, tired of the attention of the cameras, human devotion and reliable family of the world.
She and the shooting has reached the limit of emotional revelation only in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and love. The absence of such an atmosphere during the filming of "My fair lady" (1964) George cukor and was due primarily palousek Audrey Hepburn in the seemingly created for her role of Eliza. Actress, first as though loved by all, for the first time are faced then with Frank dislike of Hollywood, where it was considered an impostor who stole the role of Eliza in her first Broadway singer Julie Andrews. At the same time Audrey was convinced that the most constant and devoted love is the love of the audience, enthusiastically accepted the flower with the aristocratic soul.
The last years of his life, putting an end to dependence on men, and movies, Audrey Hepburn directed itself - with disastrous persistence and wisdom. Always used to give more than to receive, it is more than 50 times went with charitable missions UNICEF covered by hunger African countries. And this latest work of Audrey was interrupted only by her death from cancer in 1993, aged 63 years. Most likely, was a classic case of "overload compassion", what is irrefutable convince the last pictures of the great stars, where her mournful face almost indistinguishable from the exhausted people of African children.
... Perhaps, Audrey Hepburn is really best played that she was not required to simulate, in fact, "play": love, pain, fear and happiness to live. But Audrey Hepburn was always convinced that this is the most important things in the world. And that is why the light of her personality will illuminate the screen for more than one decade.
Butaeva A.
Capital news
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