Not be able to handle it reminds dependent on its coolness. Not to understand that it controls your life - is a disease.
Maybe someone from the us and it seems that the "syndrome of otlichnicy" is the sole and indispensable condition of success in life: to be perfect, to strive for the ideal, not to stop, to do everything perfectly and with extreme care - the care, which come in touching the excitement of a school teacher and a strict mom.
But, if you look at the syndrome of otlichnicy on the reverse side that has any gold medal, will be:
Otlichnicy almost always disappointed: in myself, loved ones, friends, profession, in the scheme of things. Why: none of the above is Yes that there, nothing conceivable in this world does not conform to the ideal, is not perfect and is not going to reach the highest point.
Otlichnicy almost always littered with varied work: they do, finish, alter, change your mind, reschedule, looking for the smallest shiboski, Agresti, neochetina, fix them, find new - otlichnicy Affairs of the throat, and they all, both important and unimportant, are dumped in one of the infinite heap.
Otlichnicy most often reach the dangerous point at which to begin a nervous breakdown and depression. The conflict of the ideal and the real catches up with them everywhere: in family life, child rearing, work, friendship everywhere. Where it is possible to strive for the ideal. The ideal, of course, in reality does not exist - but otlichnicy know that he's in there somewhere! It's hard not to go crazy.
Otlichnicy usually just don't do serious business, because they are afraid to do it badly. And since I had almost all of the long years of progressive perfectionism they begin to understand that to be always and everywhere the best isn't really going to do anything they can't. That is why real perfectionists rarely successful.
To treat the syndrome of otlichnicy hard. Especially the student. And yet, as with any disease, this also needs to win:
- refusing authorities;
- allowing yourself to make mistakes;
- opening for support;
- recognizing someone else's right;
- taking outside assistance;
and deliberately denying their own very high standards for themselves and others.
Simply giving yourself the opportunity to live and breathe deeply.
Belarusian women's portal
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