The study conducted by Csikszentmihalyi suggests that already twelve-year-old children draw a clear distinction between work and play, and most of us continue to do so until the end of his days. Children understand that learning is hard work and in the classroom, and at home - work, work and work again... due to the fact that students perceive their studies as forced labour, they largely lose the ability to get pleasure from the learning process, because the scale of the entire society against the work there is a strong prejudice. This prejudice is so deeply rooted in the soul of Western man, that it can be traced up to the very foundations of our culture.
The life that lived Adam and eve, was the quintessence of idleness - they did not work and did not think about the future. But it cost them to eat the forbidden fruit and forever banished from the garden of Eden; and they themselves, and their descendants were condemned to a lifetime of labor in the sweat of his brow. The idea that labor in the sweat of your face is the worst punishment for a person who is inseparable from our culture, so even Paradise is the perfect place in which we would have the perfect life, is drawn in the land where there is no suffering, no papers. And however it turns out that if we want to be happy here on earth, we really need to work.
In his article "Optimal experience in work and leisure" Cziksentmihalyi and Judith Lefevre prove that people prefer to sit back and not work, but such a conclusion is unlikely someone will surprise you. Much more curious they discovered another fact is that people are actually much more likely to experience a state of "flow" at work and not at home.
Very strange and revelatory look of this paradox - we assure that we prefer to laze around, than to work, and actually moments of high emotional departure to visit us at work. This paradoxical phenomenon suggests that our prejudice against labor because in our eyes, any work associated with suffering, and idleness with pleasure, rooted so deeply that distorts the perception of what is happening with us at the moment. When we regularly and automatically, at the level of the conditioned reflex characterize pleasant events that happen to us at work, as something negative, we are cutting the wings of happiness; because in order to be happy, we must not only experience positive emotions, but also to perceive them as such.
Work can and should be the place where we experience positive emotions. In his book "the Courage to teach: exploring your inner world teacher" distinguished scholar-teacher Parker Palmer writes: "When, as part of our culture, which habitually put an equal sign between labour and suffering, we are to prove that the most eloquent internal sign, indicating that the true vocation - it is a deep joy, our words produce a bombshell; but it's true." It is our habit to put a sign of equality between labor and suffering is a powerful internal barrier that keeps many people experience happiness in doctrine and in work.
In order doctrine and labor were our joy, we can consciously change your attitude towards them is to get rid of the existing we have a prejudice against any work. In 1930, Donald Hebb conducted a very interesting experiment that will help us to understand how such rearrangement can be carried out.
Six hundred students aged six to fifteen years said that there are no tasks for them to perform is not necessary. If they are badly behaved during the lesson, they were punished - out and sent to play in the yard. If they behaved well, they were awarded - allowed them to work a little. And this is what informs Hebb: "In these circumstances, all students within one to two days came to the conclusion that the work - of course, within certain limits - for them is preferable to the complete inactivity (by the way, at the time of the experiment they have mastered more extensive material on arithmetic and other subjects than it was in previous years)". If we learn to accept work and study as a privilege, not a duty - and if we teach it to our children, our income in terms of a universal equivalent increase dramatically. Moreover, we will develop a more extensive educational material and it is better to perform its work.
Women's Magazine
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