Increasingly women postpone having a child, engaged in study or making a career. The number of early delivery (before 20 years) in all civilized countries has been steadily decreasing (Russia, however, is an exception). But the number of women who had their first child between 30 and 40 years, has become over the last 20 years almost 3 times more. In addition, almost 50% increase in the number who became mothers after 40 years. In General, it is now the 12th child gives birth to a woman older than 35 years.
Thirty plus
Not so long ago a woman after twenty-five was considered the "staracademy". Now, it seems that this word safely disappeared from the lexicon of physicians. Numerous studies have shown that pregnancy and childbirth after age 35 do not pose such a serious threat, as previously thought. The average portrait of a woman "thirty", which is preparing to become a mother for the last time has changed greatly. As a rule, it belongs to the middle class, well educated, watching their health. The body is not worn numerous genera.
It was always considered that the later are more likely to be born prematurely, worse gain in weight and more sick in early childhood. The latest research has led to doubt.
American doctors, watching four thousand women in one of the hospitals in new York city, came to the conclusion that women older than 35 years, if she is physically healthy and had no miscarriages, the chances of having a normal healthy child (even if it is the first birth) is almost the same as 20 years.
Pregnancy as a gift
As you know, psychological readiness for motherhood comes much later than biological. According to psychologists, pregnancy in adulthood is much more favorable than in his youth. Woman's perception of their condition in a more relaxed, less stressed, less is experiencing internal conflicts. It is more disciplined and live in harmony with each other. Many consider the birth of a child the gift of fate or God's blessing.
Older women, most of whom later married, as a rule, are stable, have reached a certain level of professional activity, are confident that after some time after the birth will return to work. All of which makes them great peace of mind and be optimistic about the future.
Typically, parents of middle age, in contrast to young, devote more time to child rearing. As a result, many "late" children on their intellectual and physical development ahead of peers.
American psychologists have conducted a survey among women who became mothers before 20 years of age and between 30 and 40 years. Those and others were asked to answer the question, they would have to give birth at the same age, if I could re-make the decision. More than half of those whose children were born before 20 years, said "no", and most moms older expressed confidence that they have chosen the optimal time for the birth of the child.
The reverse side of the coin
In late motherhood has its challenges. In women older than 35 years are more likely to experience complications during pregnancy, especially diabetes and high blood pressure. Such complications occur in about 6% of women older than 35 years compared with 1, 3% in the younger.
Another problem: "solid" age of the parents increases the risk of abnormalities in the fetus, the birth of children with severe hereditary diseases. Therefore, all pervorodyaschey over 35 years, usually offered in the second trimester of pregnancy to do an amniocentesis analysis of amniotic fluid. This allows you to identify about 200 hereditary diseases associated with impaired chromosome set. To determine the degree of risk of such diseases and with the help of the "triple test, make it about the 16th week of pregnancy. For the analysis of blood is taken from a vein.
Senior women of reproductive age not so quickly recovering from childbirth, as young women. Some of them, after decades, they cared only about themselves, it is difficult to get used to the fact that the baby, especially in the first months, requires constant care and attention.
To do a caesarean?
In women aged 30-40 years childbirth can be more difficult and protracted than in the young - this is the generally accepted opinion. In fact, any experienced midwife can attest that in many cases elderly mother copes with its task with minimal medical help. Often, by the way, is not always justified at this age are offered a caesarean section. This does not cause problems, if there are medical indications for surgery or woman has been pregnant only with the help of doctors. Then, trying to rule out any risk for the baby and taking into account the aggravating factors, the doctor and so decides.
Where to start
If you for some reason postpone the birth of his child, to the possible appearance of it in the light is to prepare in advance.
Try to get rid of bad habits, if you have them. For 35 years we have time to experience a stronger impact of adverse environmental factors than twenty. Needless to add, the harm from Smoking and alcohol?
Watch your health, do not run even trivial, at first glance, disease. If you are going to treat cold and not move her legs, much more likely that you will have healthy kidneys and heart - bodies who are experiencing significant stress during pregnancy.
Control your weight and maintain muscle tone. Engage in sports or physical exercise. Excess weight creates additional problems during gestation.
It is worth bearing in mind that after 35 years of fertility gradually decreases. Experts believe that at this age for conception may need 6-12 months instead of four. Before you decide that the time has come to engage in procreation, visit the therapist. Sometimes a woman for years treated for infertility, during this time, she'll find various ailments. These diseases can interfere with normal pregnancy.
A sure way to prolong youth
"Want to preserve the beauty, give birth to a baby in forty years," the French say. If a woman is healthy during pregnancy it blooms. So magically have estrogen - the female sex hormones, production of which is increased in several times. Menopause in women who became mothers in adulthood, may come later. But raising a baby is a unique opportunity to turn from a middle-aged woman in a young mother.
Arguments and facts
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