For a start, let's define what can be considered a healthy diet for men. Plate light salad for dinner hardly fits this description is very useful, but man after a hard day's work will not appreciate. General principles of healthy eating (not just men) is very simple: there should, first of all, regularly, secondly, useful products. In the case of women it's simple - we constantly monitor figure and agree with the wisdom of "you are what you eat". But how to be with a man for whom any salad - rabbit food?
To convey what it's all
Not only for the sake of a good figure, although it, too, of course. But in the case of men, the correct nutrition it is rather an investment in your health and longevity. Whole grains reduce the risk of heart disease, fish is good for the brain, and green salad, incidentally, has a positive effect on the reproductive system.
To make a healthy diet is not coercion, and the perceived need of the beloved, to try and do two important steps have first of all to you.
Step 1: get rid of harmful products
Of course, the meat - eating men. Not only sausage with sausage and fatty pork with beer. Completely eliminate them from the shopping list, along with dumplings, sausages and other allegedly meat products. Instead, cook lean beef, chicken, Turkey. Please choose healthy ways of cooking - no breading or frying, baking or grilling is both more useful and easier.
The most popular side dishes, potato, macaroni and leave in the past. Instead, think about diversity: the meat is served with vegetables, white rice is substituted for brown, cook legumes (such as beans and lentils). This is not the only option garnish, but also an additional source of protein.
Definitely try to include the maximum number of vegetables and fruits in your menu. Often prepare salads (in addition to the main dishes), make vegetable stew. Well, to eat more fruits, sometimes enough that they were just in sight. Very often we all (and not only men) think: "Well, like bullseye, but it's got to get up to follow him into the kitchen to wash then...". Keep in a conspicuous place the dish with the already washed fruit, and you will be surprised how quickly it will be empty. Radical option (if the dish does not work) - tempt a man is sliced into slices of fruit, such as when he watches TV or surf the Internet, or prepare fruit salads.
A special paragraph in the correct diet for men - milk. It is necessary, but a majority of men somehow ignored, as well as other dairy products that contain useful calcium and easily digestible protein. Perhaps drink man yogurt after a workout, saying: "my Dear, this is your dinner", not necessarily, but still try to cook more often cheese casseroles, to use when cooking yogurt and drink so much milk. By the way, start to quietly lower its fat - go with the red packaging of the blue, most likely, no one will even notice.
Review your standard shopping list and boldly black out of him:
- carbonated drinks (solid sugar and no nutrients);
most of the sweets (leave only dark chocolate and natural honey if you want to act radically);
- mayonnaise, ketchup and other chemical sauces (instead refill the salad unsweetened yogurt or olive oil);
- chips, chocolate bars, alcohol and everything else that tempts you in the supermarket, but does not benefit neither you nor the budget.
Step 2: set an example
To accustom favorite healthy food, you certainly need to adhere to this "faith". Use the power of persuasion: tell the man about the health benefits of various foods on your table and, on the contrary, the terrible history of cholesterol, fats and nitrates.
The transition to proper nutrition should occur gradually, but all (and you, and man) should understand that to follow this diet have. This naturally promotes a healthy lifestyle in General. So it is worth thinking about sports.
What else should be in your kitchen
The wonders of modern kitchen appliances not only reduce the time required to prepare meals, but will also make it more useful. Gadget number one, which will assess your man is aerogrill. Meat is cooked quickly, without additional fat, tasty crust, and even without your participation. The same applies to fish and vegetables. Number two - steamer, for useful and quick side dishes. Use a blender for soups and milkshakes for dessert (milk plus fruit and no sugar is not necessary), a juicer for fresh juice as a natural alternative to fruit and yogurtnitsu for making absolutely natural yoghurt without additives and preservatives.
Useful trivia
1. Preparing sauces, useful even olive oil to substitute unsweetened yogurt or low-fat sour cream. Well, if your prescription is written for "one spoon of oil, pour in the eye of the bottle, and honestly this measure spoon.
2. If you have with loved ones have a habit of chewing something (chips or nuts) in front of the TV, act radically: stand in front of a plate with something useful - fruit or chopped vegetables.
3. Reduce consumption of sugar - despite the fact that men have to spend a day a lot more calories than women, this is not a reason to put three spoons of sugar in one Cup of tea.
4. A man loves toast for Breakfast? Fine, but let them be of wholegrain bread, it's "slow" carbohydrates that are useful for metabolism.
5. Replace products that are not explicitly bring any benefit. White bread is changed to cereal, chocolate bars in dark chocolate, sugar, honey, chips for carrot sticks.
They say if you do something for 30 days it becomes a habit. Try to put a kind of experiment and stick to a healthy diet for one month (and, of course, together). Even if within the required 30 days of you first two will run to catch up in my favorite Italian restaurant, most likely, some principles of healthy nutrition will be included in your habits.
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