According to rough estimates, American specialists, about 30% of early deaths are somehow connected with the influence of work stress. It leads to numerous heart attacks, strokes, problems with the stomach, diabetes, depression and also provokes cancer. Known cases and office of suicide: not withstand voltage or unable to cope with failure, people are simply committed suicide.
However, if you want to avoid such unfortunate consequences, not in a hurry to swallow a sedative, or worse, to resign. To help the poor "office plankton" American psychologists have identified 8 major sources of stress at work and accordingly divided all employees on "stress". Each type has its own problems, its own ways to react to them and fortunately for us, their methods of solving them.
Master of all trades
You are busy with something all the time, but can never say with certainty what and why. You help a colleague, trained interns, consult a third-party project - in General, the time to own direct responsibilities you have almost no. In the everyday things you end up almost at night, and projects pass in a hurry and exhaling with relief.
What to do. Inability to concentrate and prioritize is one of the main causes of stress at work. On the one hand, you can not refuse the help of colleagues, and on the other, desperately trying not to get his own job. Will help you an easy weekly. Describe her - it is her and not someone else - case on the degree of urgency and importance and systematically go through the list, putting a check mark in front of each line. And, most importantly, learn to say no in response to the request to help.
Who carries on that and ride. Heard this saying? It is about you. You don't give up no matter what - even from the most distant from your position of work, and I think that's - and your boss will appreciate this sacrifice. Appreciated. But not in the form of bonus or promotion, and you continue to run someone else's business and not feeling any gratitude.
What to do. "Boys on errands" are usually those for whom it is extremely important the approval of others. Therefore, they fulfill any requests, trying to please everyone, and when you don't get anything in return - the stress begins.
The only solution for you would be to discuss all be honest with their bosses. Not necessarily to demand salary increase and a new position, but at least ask what the chef has plans on your account - it will bring a little clarity to the situation. But at the same time will demonstrate: should you continue to try so hard or not.
And yet
Council: you need approval can be obtained not only at work. Help his wife with household chores, buy new curtains, start small repairs, etc., you'll see: thanks really expensive for you will bring no less satisfying than the favor of the authorities.
The outcast
You feel that you have no one to turn to. Neither professional, nor for a hundred rubles to pay", and even you have to eat alone. If you head scolded, all complaints and resentment you hold in yourself, and if praised, again, evaluate your credit you have.
What to do. Psychologists say that the components of mental health in the company actually only two: "the closeness and openness of the authorities and emotional support from co-workers. If you lack one or the other, you will always feel the precariousness of their situation, so hurry up to make contact anybody from colleagues. Coming to work, don't leave immediately in case with the head, talk to someone, exchange a few words; and remember: even if you cope with the job best of all, the chiefs often remember the person and not the work that she does.
The whipping boy
You just sent the most spiteful, unhappy and noisy customers, and you only have to smile, nod and ask for forgiveness unknown for anyone. Yes, your stone tranquility - a sure sign of professionalism; however, it is the constant hurt that no one to count on and once the "play".
What to do. Business coaches and psychologists recognize: hide under the mask their true emotions - especially as strong as irritation and anger, is extremely difficult for any mental case. But because that is what you are paid a salary, you will have to learn to cope with this stress.
The easiest way to find out your emotions somewhere outside the office. For example, to arrange a session crico therapy, coming home and just... screaming a few minutes in a row. Also helps to relieve stress any physical activity, but the main thing is that it was intense and prolonged.
And of course, from a psychological point of view, try not to impersonate themselves with their company and work. If a client accuses you of all sins, think about what you are not you, but "a showcase of the firm"; but at the window no feelings or the ability to feel any stress.
Hostage technologies
Say "thank you" to technical progress. Thanks to the laptop, smartphone, pager, etc., your boss can get you at any time of the day or night, and even on a relaxing vacation needless to say. When you are in the office, you are constantly answering phone calls and letters, and in between trying to focus and finally to work.
What to do. Digital technologies are finally mixed our personal and working life. In bed we go with a laptop, go in the shower, do not part with the mobile phone; and if you continue you will continue to live, "will Clevite" not only stress, but also insomnia, fatigue, confusion, etc.
Set a clear timetable: for example, from 8 p.m. you cut off all your digital devices and spend some time "cleaning" of the head. Otherwise you will litter it completely, and then any smartphone will not help you.
Squeezed lemon
The physical and emotional fatigue is your constant companion, you used to feel exhausted. In fact, you are not living, but merely functioning, and daily activities handle "on the machine".
What to do. You urgently need a vacation or at least a day off. If this option is well, nothing is impossible, learn to relax during the weekend. Get out of bed, despite the fatigue, seek new experiences, walk, go to the cinema, have fun, find a hobby, get a dog. You need a change of scenery, some kind of "safety valve" and make sure the companionship and support of my family.
Forever blame
Your boss is constantly chooses you in order for public condemnation, gives the most challenging tasks and assigns impossible a short time. And if something in the work of the Department goes wrong, guess who the first will be extreme and will get "on the carpet"?
What to do
. Of course, you can try to "cajole" boss, searching for a path to its favor; but it is best to go by contradiction and show that you are still professional. When he will deliver you another impossible deadline, calmly and convincingly explain why it is not in your power, and at the same time specify a new, more adequate working time. So you will get the deserved respect and superiors, and colleagues - and not the reputation of a "lapdog", and at the same time will regain a sense of dignity.
In life and in work there is no truth. In this you have seen, watching as the boss increases their favorites, and award pays only the closest relatives. And since neither long legs, nor a close relationship with the guide, you don't have to hope for something long ceased.
What to do
. The situation is apparent injustice is always a stress for those who are deprived. And the sense of helplessness and hopelessness only doubles the emotional load.
Unfortunately, the only way out is to apply to the Supervisory bodies or senior management. Such complaints are not always effective, but emotional relief you will get for sure. But my job is not the best option. So you will do yourself a fugitive, and guilt for their weakness will not leave you for a long time.
Manage stress
Arguments and facts
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