"Huge profits" - I will answer you. And they will be right, but only partly. Because many very reputable and very rich company does not hesitate to use the services of experts in Feng Shui.
Businessmen do things with panache and seriously: the results achieved through the application of the methods of the ancient Chinese teachings are studied and compared, and in many universities of Europe (not to mention Asia) along with courses in international Economics, marketing and Finance as seriously studied Feng Shui as a powerful tool for business promotion.
And as soon as the ancient Chinese teachings for the Millennium helps people to find harmony, happiness and achieve success in business, why don't we listen to his advice?
Of the frogs and not only
If the leadership of your company and believes all this nonsense and folly is not so bad, because nothing prevents to organize your personal workplace so that things went uphill.
. According to experts, the location of your desktop is very important. It is best to sit so that your table was visible right from the front door, but was located away from her as possible.
You cannot sit with his back to the window and to the door, so as not to provoke an outflow of energy and trouble. If you are a novice businessman, ideally, your Desk should be oriented to the East. North-West - favorable direction for people with leadership abilities, South-East will attract the energy of creativity and creation, and the West will make your position a reliable and stable. However, the South should be avoided by all without exception - it brings disharmony, adds tension and increases stress.
Please note that your workplace is not obscured by any large objects, and especially not to have to squeeze your Desk in the gap between the cabinets. Head over there should be no overhanging structures a La "sword of Damocles" is a sure sign of disease or injury. All telephone and computer cables should be carefully removed at a special panel - Feng Shui explains that all visible pipes and wires mean outflow of money.
Color. Each color symbolizes a certain kind of energy. And now fashionable design offices in hi-tech style with its color minimalism from the point of view of Feng Shui is absolutely unacceptable.
White-black-grey - is inharmonious combination, which should be avoided. It represents stagnation and oppression. However, too many bright colors, too, will not give the desired result. Not only do they quickly tire your eyes, but also can make a mess and confusion.
Choose Golden tones: dim orange, yellow, warm shade tree, beige. Calm green color will give you confidence, Golden attract wealth, dark red will contribute to the promotion. When choosing color schemes for your workplace follow your own intuition, and you can hardly go wrong.
. The first and most basic rule is on your personal desktop should always be the order. No debris, landfill disposal of waste paper, old magazines, Newspapers and other trash. Cleanliness is the cornerstone of success, according to the laws of Feng Shui. This, however, applies to the office in General.
Now more about the zones. Here's what experts advise.
The career field is right in front of you. It must be empty, providing the convenience of your Desk and symbolizing the infinite possibilities in your career.
The scope of creativity is at the right hand away from you. Place the folder with chores, work on which has already been completed.
- The area of health is to the left of you. There should be a folder with unfinished business or projects that you are currently working or going.
- The center of the table, symbolizing the beginning, should also be free. This can easily be achieved, if you move the keyboard away from the monitor or move back to his laptop.
- The area of assistance and protection to find in the lower right corner of the table. Well, if there you have a phone.
Area of expertise is in the lower left corner of the table. Put something symbolizing knowledge, - the figure of an owl or a directory.
- Area relationship, marriage is in the top right corner of the table. So it's best just there to post pictures of your favorite people.
- The area of wealth in the upper left corner of the table. Put down the pot of money tree or three pawed toad with a coin in its mouth - the amulet of attracting wealth.
As you can see, Feng Shui is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. And certainly no more difficult to master than Chinese Charter. Start with the most simple and the most common recommendations and you will see how it will change your life. And who knows, maybe you will be another guru in the field of Feng Shui?
Good luck and prosperity!
Your workplace. What is it?
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