Drinking alcohol at home with parents pushing baby to problemsEvery fourth mother believes that if a small child will try alcohol, then a teenager, will not drink.
40% believe that the forbidden fruit is always sweet and the baby will be out in all serious, if not to introduce him with alcohol. These are the results of research conducted by the University of North Carolina.
Christine Jackson, project Manager, says: "the Relevant information we gathered during the survey 1050 mothers. At least a quarter of the mothers claimed that allow children to try alcohol, in order to quench the baby's thirst for knowledge. Women believe that if children do not like the taste and eventually they will not abuse alcohol.
22% believe: children, trying alcohol at home with their parents, will be better able to resist peer pressure in relation to consumption of alcohol. 26% of mothers believe that children will be less likely to experiment with alcohol in high school".
Thus, parents mistakenly believed that children will behave with friends as well as at home. It refuted the results of the survey children. In particular, scientists wondered, did the guys beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages, and gave the alcohol parents. Almost 33% of children drank beer, wine and other drinks. Thus the more often parents give children alcohol, the more often they had problems with alcohol in adolescence.
Source - "МedDaily".
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