Perhaps you won't need any supplements, if you think about the 7% of women who never skip meals and eat only healthy foods. For the remaining 93% they are the perfect way to fill the shortage of necessary substances in the body, which often lead diet. What developments should take the woman every day? In what form and in what quantities they are better absorbed? All additives, which are covered next, you should take part multivitamin complex with food. This is, firstly, will save money on the purchase of dozens of different bottles, and secondly, they all work better together. But vitamin pills do not replace full power.
Vitamin A
The woman needs to: maintain and restore epithelial tissues that make up our skin and prevent early fading and dryness, promotes the production of collagen. No wonder retinol (also known as vitamin a) is included in all anti-aging cosmetics. When taking oral contraceptives need for vitamin a decreases.
The number of
: up to 1 mg per day of vitamin A. About 20% of daily needs can be met by beta-carotene. In the body it is converted into vitamin a, but only in quantities necessary.
In any products:
milk, liver, egg yolk, butter, cheese. Beta-carotene: in dark green leafy vegetables, deep orange fruits (carrots, red peppers, apricots, sea-buckthorn, pumpkin).
Vitamin D
The woman needs to: strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis, which affects ladies after 30. Reduces premenstrual symptoms.
The number of from 19 to 50 years of age, and breastfeeding and pregnancy up to 5 μg, from 51 to 70 years of age is 10 mg, over the age of 70 years - 15-20 mcg per day.
What products
: cereals, salmon, sardines, egg yolk, dairy products.
Vitamin E
The woman needs to: production of collagen and elastin fibers of the skin. It's an antioxidant, it binds free radicals that are harmful to women's beauty and youth, retains moisture in the skin. Useful in the treatment of fibrotic diseases of the chest, relieves leg cramps.
The number of: 8-15 mg / day.
What products: vegetable oils, wheat germ, most nuts (forest, almonds, peanuts), egg yolk (in small numbers).
Vitamin K
Woman needed for normal clotting of blood, which is very important during childbirth. Reduces swelling (by reducing capillary permeability), and so it is often used for external treatment of various skin pigmentations.
The number of: 65 mcg per day.
In any products: leaves of greens, fruits, cabbage (cauliflower and Brussels), oats, green tea, eggs, cereals, fruit.
Folic acid
The woman is required for: preparation for conception and a healthy pregnancy. This will allow you to avoid many of the pathologies of the child. It is also essential to relieve postpartum depression.
The number of: up to 400 mcg. Pregnant women and nursing mothers - 500 µg. More than 600 micrograms per day without a doctor cannot accept.
What products: leaves of green, orange juice, wheat germ, cooked dried beans, yeast, liver, carrots, cheese.
Vitamin B6
The woman needs to: mitigate manifestations of PMS, eases morning sickness during pregnancy, stimulates the growth of embryos in pregnant women. Shown with anemia.
The number of: 2 mg per day.
What products: chicken, cod liver, fish, oysters, lean red meat, avocados, potatoes, bananas, cereals, cooked dried beans, nuts and seeds, yeast.
Vitamin B12
The woman needs to: maintain healthy reproductive organs, prevents depression and anemia in pregnant women. Necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and brain.
2, 4 mcg; pregnant - 2, 6 mcg; nursing - 2, 8 mcg per day.
What products: lean meat, poultry, shellfish, eggs, milk, sea cabbage.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
The woman needs to: speed up the healing process and strengthen the immune system. It is a powerful antioxidant, also recognized wrestler with breast cancer. Promotes the formation of collagen in the body. It is proved that oral contraceptives reduce the level of vitamin C in the blood, respectively, the daily demand for it increases.
The number of: 60 mg. Smokers female 110 mg, pregnant - 85 mg breastfeeding -120 mg per day.
What products: citrus fruits, Brussels sprouts, peppers and green leaves, currants, strawberries, tomatoes, apples, persimmon, rose, potatoes baked in their skins.
The woman needs to: prevent osteoporosis, improve blood clotting. Helps to reduce weight and to consolidate the results obtained. Premenstrual condition.
at the age of 19 to 50 years old, and pregnant and lactating - 1, After 50 years, more than 1 200 mg per day.
What products: sardines, tofu, green leaves, peas, dairy products low-fat. You should avoid natural calcium from the shells of oysters and bone meal, as they may contain lead.
The woman needs for: metabolism of sugar. The level of chromium is reduced during pregnancy and after birth of the child, its deficit and sometimes due to the increased glucose in the blood of pregnant women. Promotes weight loss.
The number of: in age from 19 to 50 years - 25 mcg, pregnant - 30 ág, nursing mothers - 45 micrograms. After 50 years - 20 mcg per day.
What products: cereal, wheat germ, orange juice, chicken, oysters and brewer's yeast, legumes and cereals.
The woman needs to: increase the ability to conceive. A copper deficiency can cause the girls with delayed puberty and in women - infertility and decreased libido. She is involved in the formation of skin proteins, respectively, helping to keep the elasticity and velvety.
The number of
: 2 mg per day.
What products: shellfish, cereals, nuts, seeds, leaves green, cocoa, cereals (buckwheat and oat).
A woman needs for: prevention of anemia. During pregnancy increases the body's need for iron due to the increased blood volume (plus the fetus and placenta).
Number: from 19 to 50 years -18 mg, pregnant 20 mg, women who have reached menopause, no more than 8 mg per day.
In any products: lean meat, fish, poultry, cooked dry beans and peas, dried apricots, green leaves, raisins, cereals.
The woman needs for: prevention of osteoporosis and relieve stress. When magnesium deficiency in the mother can experience excessive anxiety, insomnia, increased uterine tone. Women using oral contraceptives, also required an additional intake of magnesium. A very important additive of this trace element in the menopausal period. You can take it apart from the usual multivitamin complex.
The number of: 400 mg pregnant - 450 mg.
What products: low-fat milk, peanuts, avocados, bananas, wheat germ, cereal, boiled dried beans and peas, green leaves and oysters.
Fatty acids omega-3
The woman needs to: the breast cancer prevention, weight loss, prevention of varicose veins. Improves overall health. Taken separately (not as part of multivitamin preparations).
The number of: up to 1 g per day.
In any products: fish, tree nuts, linseed.
The woman needs to: repair of body tissues. When interacting with vitamin E. selenium is a powerful antioxidant.
The number of: 50-55 mg, pregnant - 60 mcg, nursing mothers - 70 mg per day.
What products: cereals, nuts, oysters, pork fat, garlic, sea cabbage.
The woman needs to: work hormonal system. Zinc deficiency can cause menstrual irregularities.
The number of: the maximum absorption by the body 40 mg per day.
What products: oysters, lean red meat, Turkey, nuts, cereal
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