foaming condition, we have the opportunity to strengthen the muscles of the waist and
at the same time to relax. And you don't have to visit
fitness club.
Breathing belly
From multiple and rapid breathing cycles you can not only earn dizziness, but to lose consciousness. The reason for this so-called hyperventilation of the lungs, which caused such an intense breath. Secondly, to repeat multiple breathing exercises could only advise people absolutely incompetent. The usual number of repetitions of the exercise in the Eastern health exercises - 3-18 times. For the same, so that the waist was thinner, and decreased body fat in the back, is invited regularly to perform the following exercises.
Streetwalker turtle
Accept the position depicted in photo 1. Thighs, abdomen and chest should be on the same line, the head is raised. Make 3 - 4 step forward, backward, left and right.
Bamboo bear
Sit on the floor, clutching his legs and clasping their hands. Slowly lean back, puts his back on the floor. Hold hands, bow legs, a slight pressure will return to its original position.
Using these exercises, you will tighten the belly, get rid of constipation. When the lack of time they can be run instead of the morning or at any time convenient for you.
Exercises to do easy fatigue and the feeling of warmth throughout the body. By doing them, think of animals, movement of which you imitate. Imagination is a very important element of all Eastern health systems.
"Self-massage for lazy people"
This name was given to this complex in one of the health groups. It can be performed in the morning, not getting out from under the blankets.
1. You woke up? Do not rush to get up. Lying down, RUB the palms so that they become hot. At the same time pound feet of each other.
2. Firmly press the left hand to the right shoulder. Women should press his right hand to his left shoulder. So it is accepted in the Eastern health systems. Slowly slide along the inner surface of the arm from shoulder to fingertips 9 times. The same movements follow, changing hands in places.
3. Within 1 to 2 minutes pads of the fingers carefully promassiruyte the scalp from the forehead to the nape of the neck, or, conversely, from the nape to the forehead. Your movements should remind scratching.
4. Lying on his right side, vigorously, but not too quickly RUB the back of the left hand from the coccyx to the blade about a minute. This same exercise will do, lying on your left side.
5. Lying on the back, RUB the abdomen is soft and smooth movements clockwise. Perform each exercise for about a minute.
This small complex of self-massage the recommendations from Eastern specialists in line and point massage.
Club health and longevity
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