Sunday, February 23, 2014

Home fitness: simple exercises

Home fitness: simple exercisesDo simple exercises at home, require no special equipment, is a convenient and affordable way to losing weight. Today we offer you a range of such exercises.

All the exercises are chosen so that they can be performed at any age: the risk for joints, spine and cardiovascular system are minimized. Most importantly, take your time, do everything slowly, without jerking. Exercises with weights - dumbbells or large plastic bottles filled with water or sand. The weight will be chosen empirically. Start with 0, 5-1 kg and in a few weeks, lift it up to 2-3 kg of Rule selection weight burdening such: in the first iteration, you might even be easy, but the last two should be given with considerable effort.

Slimming complex it is necessary to perform at least 3-4 times a week, however it is possible and every day. First time you will have to make myself. A recent study conducted by a team from the Centre for healthy living, University College London, established to introduce some healthy action in the habit, on average, takes about 66 days. In the study, 96 volunteers offered for 12 weeks daily to do one of three useful actions: have dinner on the fruit, to take a 15-minute evening jog or drink enriched drink. With the help of special tests detect when a habit to be acquired, that is, its implementation did not require special efforts and did not cause internal protest. Most of the time it took to get used to jog, to fruit for dinner and useful drinks volunteers were used faster. Now, bear two months, and then you not only lose weight, but will do with pleasure!

The rise of standing

Target area: shoulders, chest, abdomen, legs.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands with dumbbells omitted. The shoulders are straight, stomach in, back straight. On the inhale, raise your hands through the sides up over your head at the same time lifting in socks. Maximum stretch up, exhale down on all foot, dropping her hands.

20-25 reps.

Squats with the lifting of hands

Target area: hips, buttocks, the waist, shoulders, chest.

Stand up, as in the previous exercise. Squat, simultaneously lifting the dumbbells forward to the horizontal. Do not stoop, hold the balance, make sure that the knee does not go forward for a toe. Don't squat too low, the thighs should be horizontal or above the knee.

15-20 repetitions.

The slopes in hand

Target area

: the waist, hips, abdomen, and shoulders.

Place your feet together, pull your stomach. Lean to the side alternately, with one arm (the one in the direction which is tilted along the lower hips as low as possible. And another bend and tighten to the armpit.

20 repetitions in each direction.

Steps forward

Target area: hips, buttocks, arms, waist area.

Stand up, as in the first exercise. Take a wide step forward on the heel, shifting your body weight onto your front foot, slightly bending your back and raising it on the toe. One arm bend at the elbow, turning the palm forward and lifting the dumbbells to your chest. Return to starting position and repeat with the other leg, bending the other hand.

15 reps on each leg/hand.

Leg curl

Target area: hips, buttocks.

Lying on his stomach, put his head on his hands, legs straight. One leg lift to tear knee from the floor (if the first did not work, it does not matter, it will happen over time). Bend the leg at the knee, trying to keep the hip remained motionless. Making the allotted number of times, change the leg.

50 reps on each leg.

The rise of the pelvis with dumbbell

Target area

: thighs, buttocks, waist area.

Lying on your back, bend your legs, feet flat on the floor. Squeeze the dumbbell knees (if hard, use a small ball or an empty bottle). Strain the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen and lift your pelvis from the floor as much as you can. Point it straight up, not rocking and doing jerks.

20 repetitions.

Legs raise with dumbbell

Target area

: thighs, abdomen.

Assume the starting position as for the previous exercise, the dumbbell (ball, empty bottle) is sandwiched between the feet. Extend your arms, put them on the floor, you can rely palms. Without lifting your lower back and shoulder blades off the floor, pull your knees to your chest. In this case the angle of the knee joint is preserved, i.e. feet while holding the dumbbell upward.

15 reps.

Crossing the legs

Target area: belly, hips and thighs.

Lying on your back, raise your straight arms straight up. Pull your socks up your legs. Spread them as much as possible in hand (you can insure hands under hips), then pinch, crossing over itself.

40 repetitions.


Arguments and facts

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