Where is it, the ease with which we woke up when we were kids? Morning, even if it's not a Monday morning, for an adult is almost always a difficult time. However, in our power to alleviate this condition, and then get rid of the typical morning with them.
For starters, take care of your morning to night: sleep in a well-ventilated room with an open window or an air vent. Your mattress should be smooth and not too soft - it is, first, will not allow the body to bend, and, in addition, you will sleep just as much as the body. And in order to finally Wake up and energize for the day, you can do a few simple asanas.
General recommendations:
to perform asanas need after all hygiene - the body must be clean both inside and outside. Ideally, yoga should be on an empty stomach, but before you can drink water, tea or coffee. Half an hour after a workout, you can eat.
To perform asanas you will need a few thin blankets and a rug.
Sukhasana (comfortable pose):Sit on the Mat, cross-legged in Turkish. Place hands on knees, palms down. Straighten your back, pull the entire spine up, make it smooth and vertical. Lower the shoulders down and pull back, lift up the center of the chest. Relax your belly and throat. Lower your head down and close your eyes. Breathe calmly.
This position is called "Sukhasana" with her, we usually start the execution of any of the complexes. Sukhasana increases the mobility of the hip joints, teaches body stability and balance. A few minutes wait quietly, watching his breath. Then lift your head, open your eyes and stand up.
(the tree pose): Connect the foot. Tighten the knees: pull your kneecap inside and send them up along her thigh. It is important not to push the knee back, "progira" leg, namely to pull the kneecap inward and upward. Twist the fingers and turn the palms outward, so that thumbs "looked down".
On the inhale, raise your arms and pull up the whole body. With every breath vitrifies above, on the exhale do not lose traction. Limite heel into the floor, push the hips back, buttocks, point down. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds, exhale arms down, change the interlacing your fingers and do the pose again. This asana tones up the muscles of the legs, gives a sense of balance and stability.
(pose intense stretching): with your feet parallel to each other on the hip width, hands down along the body. On the inhale, pull your hands up and grab your elbows with your palms. On the exhale lean forward, initially parallel to the floor, then lower still. Not croslite back heel point at the floor, buttocks pull up to the ceiling. Stay in the pose for 1 minute. On the inhale lift up, adjust the capture of the elbows and do the pose again.
Uttanasana tones the abdominal organs, calms, relieves tension and stress. The longer you stay in the pose, the stronger the effect.
The Adho Mukta, Svanasana
(dog pose upside down): Sit on your heels and spread your knees apart. Place the palms in front of your knees. On the exhale, slide your hands forward until the body and arms are pulled along the floor. On the inhale lift your pelvis up, bend the fingers and log in to the pose. The legs are active; tighten kneecap up, hips push back, buttocks, point up. Use your palms from the floor, shoulders lift up and pull the entire spine.
In this position of the person who is often tired, rest and refreshment. Back gets strong and smooth mobility of the shoulder joints is restored, you feel refreshed and full of energy. Are you ready for a new day: good morning!
Coming home from work, we usually sit down with a plate in front of TV or indefinitely serphim Internet. Everyone has their own habits, and we certainly do not encourage you to change them. But, nevertheless, we need to understand that the rest should be as informed as work.
Before going to sleep, it is advisable to empty your mind of vivid images and disturbing thoughts. "Forget during sleep, the person gets rested, " writes B. K. S. Iyengar in his book "Demystifying yoga". But if anxious thoughts enter his mind when he falls asleep, he will not be able to relax".
To calm the mind and relax the body, to disconnect from the cares of the day and tune in to a deep rest, do a few simple asanas.
Yoga, Mudrasana of Sukhasana: Sit in Sukhasana (in Turkish). Put his hand in front of him. On the exhale, sliding his palms on the Mat, begin to lean forward. Try not to kroglice back. At the bottom point, extend your arms, lower your forehead on the floor or on a support. With every breath vitrifies forward, belly, face and neck relaxed. Stay in the pose for 1 minute. On the inhale lift up, change the intersection of the legs and do the pose again.
The slope of Sukhasana calming effect, it is a very comfortable position, which is ideal for relaxation.
Baddha Konasana
(pose captured angle): Fold up the blanket to get a small rectangle. Sit on it. Allow the muscles of the buttocks back and sides. Bend your knees, feet connect. Right knee lower right, left - left. The soles of the feet should fit to touch each other. The tips of the fingers put on the floor on both sides of the pelvis.
With my fingers, lift the center of the chest forward and up, the shoulders, on the contrary, lower down, and get back. Relaxing inner thighs, lower the knees down to the floor. Let your back be straight, abdomen relaxed. If you feel tense in my stomach, then you need to catch up on a folded blanket or some blankets.
This pose improves circulation in the lower abdomen and returns the mobility of the hip joints.
Supta Baddha Konasana (pose captured angle lying): Roll the blanket roller, another blanket, fold the rectangle (it will be under your head). Sit in baddha konasanu on the floor so that the toes parted to the side and rested against the wall. Roll roller blanket position along the spine from the sacrum. Using hands, put back on the armrest and his head on the blanket. Arms along the body and relax. Stay in the pose 5-8 minutes.
This is another great pose for relaxation. The front part of the body is extended in length and expands, so the internal organs get more space and better function. And opening of the chest gives a sense of harmony and peace.
At the end of this short complex, we recommend that you do Shavasana (corpse pose). Spread a blanket on the floor, one folded blanket beneath the head. Another blanket can cover, if you are cold. Lie down, put your head on the blanket. Connect the foot, pull the legs, then relax them, let them fall to the sides. Let your hands free to lie on the sides of the body with palms up. Close your eyes. Inhale and as you exhale relax your whole body.
Alternately relax the feet, legs, pelvis, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders, neck, head and face. Relax your eyes, throat and tongue. Let your breath be smooth and quiet. Watch your body release all the clamps and voltage. When the body is completely relaxed, stay in the pose for some time, watching his breath.
Then slowly start to prepare for the exit (the minimum time in Savasana - 5 minutes). When you feel ready, bend your arms at the elbows and knees, face on the right side, lie so little, then open your eyes and sit down.
Your day is complete. You are now ready to complete and deep relaxation. Good night!
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