Immediately we emphasize: in this article we won't talk about Tantra yoga, nor, especially, fashionable neotantra that resembles, rather, on pseudointima Orgy. We will not apply and the Kama Sutra, although this fundamental work about love, no doubt, worthy of the liveliest interest.
We will focus on Hatha yoga - the one, which is "health". Yoga, which teaches you to become aware of your body, soothe your mind and to accept ourselves as we are. That is, gives the opportunity to come to everything that a person needs to be happy. Including for happiness in his personal life.
"I started practicing yoga in 32 years, that is, in the age of reason, " says Marina. - It is quite clear that by the time I was big enough experience with men, including one formal marriage, a couple civilians, and several novels of different length. I thought I was a great student in terms of love and sex, loved to rant on this subject, and friends often asked me for advice.
However, in my own personal life continually occurred failures, which I explained trivial reasons: "he's just a goat", "he loves me not worthy", "I was such a fool" or "I need to lose weight".
The farther I was disappointed in men, however, acquired a huge number of complexes. And deep down, all blame yourself: it's me, am I so wrong.
Now, three years later, I remember the time, and think - is it me? Well, Yes, of course I am, that's the same pictures there... And yet it was another man. Three years of practice have changed me completely: both internally and externally. In addition, I learned to feel your body and manage it the smallest muscles, I realized many important things. For example, that at a difficult time (as they are in any relationship) but don't get angry and chase the wave. Need to step aside and to let it go. I realized that the quiet concentration helps to sweep away negative emotions and to highlight the point.
I saw he had made a lot of mistakes: confused love and sense of ownership, not told the truth, behaved selfishly or, on the contrary, with a desperate sacrifice. But most importantly, I no longer blame myself for these mistakes, because they have learned to accept yourself. No I was explaining, understanding came naturally, gradually, as I learned new asanas and worked on his body. And with it, worked my mind and my soul".
This story (by the way, is absolutely true), is quite telling: in this example we can understand what and how changes in a person when he practices yoga, and much rooted the attitude that comes with regular practice.
What happens to the body?
This crazy world every day gives us high-tech innovations, which, of course, strongly make our life easier. But every coin has a reverse side: increasing the level of comfort we are getting farther and farther away from nature. Spending long hours at the office table, on the couch watching TV, driving a car, we lose the joy of simple, natural movements.
Body seastream", becomes hard, or, on the contrary, spreads, losing structure. It is separate from the mind, relationships destroyed, and we perceive it not as a whole, and separately: this is the hand lying on the steering wheel, my leg wedged in sandals stilettos, here's neck, which somehow hurts...
What kind of love when your neck hurts? Practice helps us to understand how interconnected different parts of the body and what needs to be done to the entire body functioned normally.
"Changes in body I felt immediately, literally after the first session, - says Marina. We did standing pose, which was given to me is very hard. Once I even almost fell, losing his balance. But when I went outside, and felt such a surge of energy! My body was so alive. I accidentally touched a hand to his thigh, and it seemed to vibrate, and exactly the same thing happened with each of my cage. Was not, and as if flying, and that's my feeling, perhaps, were passed on to others, because people turn out to be after me. It was then that I realized that I was going to do yoga".
What happens to the soul?
Unfortunately, few of us are truly aware of my body. But there are even less people who understand that our views and traits have a physical correspondence in the body. So, for example, stiffness of muscles and joints can say that people consciously or unconsciously resists anything new.
Excessive flexibility is a sign that a person lacks structure and it is difficult to make decisions, to stand firmly on his feet - it's not about him, both literally and figuratively.
Stiffness of the shoulder girdle, the inability to take the shoulders back and "open" the chest is a sign of predisposition to depression and the inability to open yourself to another person.
"When I started out, I could not bend forward, " says Marina. The deflections in the back - please, but forward - no way. Then I read that this problem happens to those who do not want to submit to circumstances, that is, to accept them as a given. And I realized: it's just about me.
I always wanted to do things their own way, change the person who is near me. And this, of course, nothing good has resulted. When I learned how to do the tilt - Uttanasana or, say, Jan Shirshasana, I love them most because they felt that they helped me to cope with one of my biggest problems. I no longer try to "break" the situation, people, and myself too. I just take all".
Where did everything come from?
Although yoga is now very popular in the West, it must still be remembered that her Motherland - India. And for those poses that we today are performed in yoga classes for health", is a centuries-old philosophy and a particular world-view that is very different from the worldview of the Western man.
In particular, this applies to women as the relations of others to her and her attitude. Indian women are free from the so-called Judeo-Christian in their tradition, the woman's mother was never opposed to the woman as a mistress. They, so to speak, joined eve and Lilith, the virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene. Give birth and breast-fed infants, however, remained desirable to their husbands and with great enthusiasm belonged to the joys of physical love.
Times are different now, but the mentality has not changed, maybe that's why Indian women are beautiful and feminine, even when they are forty. In addition, Indian women, as we can see in bollywood films, especially not bother with weight loss. Perhaps you will laugh, but in India compliment is to compare women with an elephant - with its smooth movements, soft tread.
Of course, we do not encourage you a lot of buns on the night that the plan amounts to "catch up and overtake" the elephant. But do not fall in the other extreme, trying to turn a feminine figure in a dry body of a teenage girl. The nature of a woman wet and flowing, gentle and soft. This softness is waiting for us man. Well, we naturally seek hardness and strength. And that's when two opposites find each other, everything.
"There was a time when I was ashamed of my body, " says Marina. - Well, Yes, it is imperfect - and who among us is perfect? But now I am with him in trouble, because it is given to me by nature. Even if I gained a few extra pounds, I know that I will be able to reset.
And yet, I know that my body brings joy to me and the person I love. Often when we are resting in bed, he tells me: "Who are you in all this was taught? " I laugh: "Life has taught". And add myself: "Life, and another three years of yoga practice. And yet look at what you say in ten years! "
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