Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What to do to a child is not Basil

What to do to a child is not BasilThe child feels safe and harmoniously develops only if clearly sees the boundary between what is allowed and not.

What you need to do to a child is not Basil and not rebelling:

1. To comply with the limits. Everything you need naughty child, is clear and unambiguous condemnation of his action. Be consistent.

2. To set the rules. The punishment will be fair only if we have pre-set rules of conduct and the child knows about them.

3. Not to deny love. Even when we punish a child must be sure that he still love: bad for us, not himself and his actions.

Many parents struggle with how to "to Beat or not to beat? "

Here's five reasons why you should not hit the child on the butt:

1. In any case, the blow, in itself reprehensible.

2. This recognition of our weakness: parent could not control myself, and it drops its credibility in the eyes of a child. The child concludes that its provocations he can take precedence over adults.

3. It makes violence than usual: adult gives to understand that physical force is the only reliable means of solving conflict. There is a danger that the child will get the hang of it and in turn will choose behaviors associated with violence.

4. It is humiliating: he feels not enough love, it all worse and worse behaves... and gets new flip flops. This vicious circle makes and that, and the other side to more violence and prevents the formation of a child's self-esteem.

5. This is inefficient: if the child and inferior to, that of fear, and not in recognition of his guilt. It does not extract from punishment any lesson. Causes of conflict does not disappear. On the contrary, they provoke a new crisis in relations. Yes, under the influence of emotions the principal parent can slap a child on the butt. But some time later, when the crisis was over, explain without confusing in the apology: "I didn't want to do that, but your behavior (speech, act) brought me out of myself." This phrase will show your child that you understand the futility of physical punishment. And, perhaps, will be the first step to your dialog.


Women's Magazine

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