Friday, February 21, 2014

The epidemic kisses

The epidemic kissesTextbook Council from the novel "What to do" - it is better to die than to give a kiss without love - modern teenagers seems strange. However, today it has acquired a new meaning, because kissing is most often transmitted viral disease mononucleosis. His flashes are observed in school communities usually in autumn and winter.

The causative agent of mononucleosis - Epstein-Barr - belongs to the fourth type of the family of herpes. In total there are eight representatives, which infect humans. This so-called latent virus, and most of us - his media. More often, however, mononucleosis sick children of school age, adults - almost never.

Meanwhile, scientists not too long ago revealed new features of Epstein-Barr. It turns out, in the form of mononucleosis it appears the Russians, Europeans and americatel.

The Chinese, especially the residents of the southern parts of the country, the same virus causes cancer of the nasopharynx (nasopharyngeal cacinoma), and the inhabitants of the African continent is a malignant tumor of the upper jaw (lymphoma of Berkata). All this suggests that the nature of the pathogen has not been fully investigated.

As is manifest

Traditionally mononucleosis starts high temperature, which is impossible to capture by traditional means. Doctors often confuse mononucleosis with colds, flu or severe angina.

Characteristic symptoms:

- badly swollen throat;

- enlarged lymph nodes, most commonly cervical;

- significantly increased spleen and liver.

The final diagnosis helps to establish a blood test. The disease is diagnosed on the spectrum of specific antibodies. The child needs to donate blood for antibodies to the Epstein-Barr (IgM and IgG).

Acute period of the disease lasts about three weeks. The child should not meet with friends, and his loved ones need to observe the rules of hygiene. In the first place - not to use the utensils of the patient, cups, spoons, plates should be washed separate sponge and rinse with boiling water. Personal belongings and linen is best to boil for 5-10 minutes.

How to treat

Previously, when mononucleosis hospitalized in the infectious diseases hospital was considered mandatory. Today the rules have changed. If the parents can provide the child with proper care, it is permissible to treat at home. However, the blood test should be done every three days, as doctors monitor the course of infection.

Viral diseases are not curable with conventional medicines, and Epstein-Barr no exception. In the treatment of disease, it is important to raise the immune system and to mobilize internal forces of an organism of the patient. So he prescribed interferon, Immunostimulants. In the Arsenal of doctors there are very effective antiviral drugs of the last generation.

In some cases, the doctor may recommend antibiotics, antipyretics. They do not fight the virus, and with the attendant complications.

While a fever, children tend to eat very reluctant to mainly drink a lot of liquid. They are especially useful natural juices without preservatives, sweet tea with lemon, sour fruit drinks and fruit drinks.

As infected

Mononucleosis often develops in children weakened undergoing stress, severe mental and physical stress. Activation trapped in the body of viruses can contribute, in particular, dispute or divorce of parents, lack of understanding of best friends, hyperthermia, hypothermia, lack of sleep.

The infection is airborne and contact way. The virus can catch not only kissing, but with any close contact brawl during the school break, travel, transport, during the dance. In one of the schools epidemic mononucleosis broke out because of the tele-phone system, which was called a sick child. The disease can also be transmitted by poorly washed dishes.

How to eat

When the temperature returns to normal, the child is usually very hungry. However, it is important not to overload the liver, which was badly damaged during the illness. It is here that blood gets Epstein-Barr during the acute period of the disease. After a massive attack the liver comes only six months later.

Therefore, it is necessary to follow a diet, the duration of which will recommend a doctor. The food must be adequate in calories and protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. To eat it is recommended 4-6 times a day in small portions.

Preference is given to dairy products, vegetable soups, lean fish, lean meat - beef, Turkey, rabbit, unsalted the biscuits, fruit, sour berries, cabbage, carrots, beets, pumpkin, zucchini. Recommended cereals and pasta, bread, cereals, mainly wheat, meal, cakes of the previous day - biscuits and other products from wheat non-short test.

The use of butter should be limited to 30-40 g / day, part of the fat is injected in the form of vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, olive), egg yolk - no more than 1-2 times a week (protein often), cheese in a small number (mild variety).

The child prohibits all kinds of fried, smoked, pickled products, canned food, pickles, spicy seasonings - mustard, horseradish, pepper, vinegar, vegetables and herbs with a sharp taste of radish, radish, onion, garlic, mushrooms, peas, beans, beans, sorrel, cilantro. The patient is also not recommended pork, lamb, meat fat birds - ducks, geese, and pastries - cakes, pastries, chocolate, cocoa, ice cream.

Additional conditions

About six months after the illness, the student may feel very tired, feel weak and overwhelmed. He needs more time to sleep, including daytime. Doctors advise not to overwhelm the student with additional practice.

Will benefit from a relaxing stroll in the fresh air. It is recommended that some time to live in the country or in the village. And, of course, elated mood, interest in life especially necessary little patient, as when a positive mood faster comes complete recovery.

The child must see a doctor. It requires regular consultation of the doctor in the domain, as well as the possibility of special serological and biochemical studies. It is also important at least once in ten days to do a special blood test.

To prevent possible complications must be observed within six months following recommendations:

- carefully be on clinical examination in the clinic;

- not recommended to take physical education in the General school program, it is forbidden to visit the sports section, to participate in competitions, camping trips;

- physical therapy sessions, on the contrary, is desirable;

- avoid overcooling and overheating, it is forbidden to sunbathe;

children are exempt from immunization.

Fortunately, mononucleosis sick only once in my life, then there is a persistent lifelong immunity.


Nikolay Lvov, D. M. H., Professor, Institute of Virology behalf of the D. I. Ivanovsky RAMS


The health of the schoolchild

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