- Influence: Mars, The Sun.
- Characters: sheep, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
- Colors: bright red, Carmine, orange, blue, purple, crimson, and all shiny (purple color is unsuccessful).
- Gemstones: diamond, ruby, amethyst, Bloodstone, Bloodstone, lunar, aquamarine, emerald.
- Colors: hawthorn, anemone (verenice), sweet pea, violet, cornflower.
- Metal: iron, steel.
Mascot: the hammer, the Golden fleece.
Favorable numbers: 4, 7, 9 (all numbers divisible by 9), 11
Happy days: Tuesday and Sunday.
Bad days: Friday, Saturday.
From March 21 to March 31, under the influence of Mars - born nature especially brave, aggressive, strong, undisciplined, manly, to the bravado and passionate in love. Born 1 on 11 April under the influence of Sun - nature is proud, generous, noble, brave, able to command, ambitious, able to overcome obstacles. Love a big affection for them. Born on 12 April 20, under the influence of Venus - passionate and tender, clever and impulsive, love music and fine art.
Temperament and character
The influence of Mars and the Sun gives a spark, a constant movement and prone to exaggeration. But the Rams will do anything to avoid boredom and frustration. For example, can not go to the funeral of a best friend, but will be surrounded with care and attention friends. Aries feel more than think. They can be very generous and love to make gifts and give orders. Courageous, often stoic type, full of original ideas and tireless curiosity about everything new. The sign of the pioneers and inventors. Loves to blaze his own path, curiosity can turn into immodesty and promiscuity.
Women Aries love to go ahead of the fashion inclined to extravagance, prefer bright colors: yellow, green, lemon, orange. Both women and men Aries - potential madmen, they are heroes, conquerors, crusaders. But all this primary, raw energy. Brute force can give a person impatient, not considering the feelings of other people coming in rage and fury, if they interfere, unfair and aggressive to sadism and destruction and self-destruction, too). The RAM there is an element of "self", self-affirmation, but also thirst responsibility, sandramatiss and self-denial. With RAM you should never argue.
Aries usually know their profession from childhood or from school. Routine or sedentary life the wrong choice, if you do not see any change, risk, prestige, a sense of indispensability: "nobody does it better than me". Generally, Aries knows how to treat people and animals, especially with people who are not working every day from 9 to 17. Of the Rams face a dynamic capable vendors, salespeople, speakers, dentists, vets, soldiers, police, butchers, great mechanics, surgeons, sculptors. Get along well with fire and metal. Muscular body of the RAM is promising sports career. Regardless of career choice, Aries tends to be the first, the best fighter. Aries is a young character, his need for bravado, ostentation. Attitude to money - was able to earn and skillfully to spend, not for effect, but for the sake of power.
Ready for love and sex at an early age, earlier than the society, because of this, in some cases Aries in his youth pass through domestic conflicts. Sometimes have big trouble, t.to. the boy-man's breach of any installation in the name of exercising their first desires. Girl woman will become conscious bully and will fail under rape. Have a tendency in all ages to fall in love at first sight. If they fall in love, nothing will stand in front of their passion. They are often entails the forbidden fruit, they tend to get it at any price. In return, ready to sacrifice himself. They are generous, sometimes sparingly. When the repulsion passion Aries turns into obsession and rage, and sometimes even murder. On the other hand, they quickly reconciled and calm down. Aries for any beautiful adventure, the temptation is an invitation to change. All Aries are impulsive, impetuous, sometimes naive. Almost touching lovers, whose every whim must be satisfied as well as the naughty child. As children they like to brag, "pluck" applause. In man there is something ostentatious, and women love to show their advantages. Can be deeply committed, but temporarily, until the relationship is undefined. At the first sign of recurrence all the throws and is removed.
Primitive male type has something of the caveman. He tries to subdue the woman and implement sexual needs, but to leave it all behind when. More advanced type wants to be the hero for his sweetheart, dreams of exploits for it. Aries can't stand to be restricted in the pursuit of the will, ideally, ambitions. When losing yourself in a crumbling life. Primitive female type should immediately be satisfied. No control over their desires. If a man does not satisfy her, she's breaking up with him. A more developed type - type of absolute love and devotion.
The dilemma of whether to compete or cooperate. With his friend likes to dominate, subject only more intelligent and Mature companion. Then it can become a wonderful lover, whose whims are neglected because of their temporality. Marriage in Aries is under greater threat than other characters, needs love and patience to save the marriage. His energy should be addressed carefully, not suppressing his enthusiasm, to give a right direction. Aries should be avoided in marriage and friendship Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Should look Libra, Sagittarius, Leo.
(April 21 - may 20)
- Influence: Venus, The Moon.
Symbol: the bull (winged), cow (winged).
- Colors: lemon yellow, bright blue, deep orange, lime green, orange and all the spring (red failed).
Stones: turquoise, sapphire, agate, opal, emerald, green marble, jade, carnelian.
- Flowers: Lily of the valley, lilac.
Metal: copper.
Mascot: owl, Golden calf.
Happy days: Monday, Friday.
- Bad day: Tuesday.
- Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 16 (all numbers divisible by 6).
Born from April 21 to may 1, under the influence of mercury - have great minds and propensity for commercial and agricultural enterprises. Melancholic. Born on 2 may to 11 may, under the influence of the moon dreamy, graceful, half-hearted, prone to politics and literature. Born 12 at 20 may, under the influence of Saturn - aloof, pessimistic, fear of poverty and love of solitude.
Temperament and character
The double influence of Venus and the moon causes the sensitivity and sentimentality that gives Calf calm and confident taste. Love the subtle, but well-made clothes, leaving the right to extravagance for the RAM, not like necklaces, stiff collars and ties, loves perfume with a delicate scent.
Keeps clothes for a long time, accesses the same style, if it considers that suits him. Usually Taurus peaceful and patient. The need for harmony makes them put up with a lot, but terrible when they run out of patience. Taureans don't like controversy, especially in a strong tone of voice and not stand disharmoniously life.
Trust your perceptions, inner conviction, based more on feelings than on the conclusion. Careful observers who prefer to look forward again before drawing conclusions. For Calves important objective, they do not like to think, less religious than other Zodiac signs, have an excellent memory, keep the word. Annoy yourself and others of his hesitation, reluctance to deal with the changing situation. They need to overcome the belief that the whole world revolves around them, you must learn loyalty.
They are secretive when talking about their personal Affairs, even if they are talkative. Generous, but at the same time greedy and owners. You must learn the right balance: "give and take". Taurus inherent sanity, simplicity, pragmatic intelligence. Feeling the Calf is sharper than the other characters.
In my youth I think a lot about choosing a career, I want to be sure that they would do it well, and they will be able to do everything well, a lot of money. Not opposed to some routine, against certain of repeatability, giving the impression of stability. Adhere to rules and love success. Not a single sign does not spend so much effort for nothing. Since biblical times the sign of Taurus is associated with wealth, money Taurus attracts and who escaped from the losers, because they are spending too much, trying to make ends meet. Usually, the Taurus good hands.
Writers Taureans prefer the handle of the machine, and if printed, it is only yourself. The best use of Bullocks, all that provides rewards, satisfaction of the senses - from the farm business to the cultivation of flowers, livestock, cooking, baking, catering business (famous chef mostly Taurus). Well show yourself that relate to the comfort in the house: the architecture, the interior design, construction in General, are for fashion, beauty care, weaving. Capable poetry, writing, pedagogy (especially to the teaching of languages, art, music, economy, exchange business. Generally apolitical (hereinafter economy, sociology, biology, anthropology introduction to policy is not).
In my youth I dream about love, fall in love with "Love" long before the first lover. When this happens, they need time to Wake up, to open up to the reality, the other person, until the person becomes an object of love. Passion even in more Mature years, does not occur suddenly, but grows slowly and imperceptibly, but when feelings talk, more sensual character. From his choice he does not deviate.
For Calves feelings and desires are the same thing. The passion, the Taurus full: he was going to end, regardless of whether sweet or bitter the end. In love Taurus can't stop neither criticism nor inconvenience or discomfort, although in other respects Taurus is practical. The sensitivity of the Calf above the sexual act, it is visible in all that pertains to your loved one: clothing, complexion, smell, tone of voice. Love the Calf is fraught with intimacy and isolation deserted island in the sun's rays, mysticism warm and dark caves. It is deeply touching, tender, not anything complicated and lasts a long time. For Taurus saves old-fashioned, romantic promise of eternal fidelity, death like Romeo and Juliet, if you interfere with their love, and it is inherent in both young and Mature Taurus, men and women.
They want to own her lover(-Oh) and belong to them until the end. If reality does not conform to the ideal. Taurus passes through the hell of jealousy, sadness, doesn't want any reconciliation and distractions, sometimes even can die from a broken heart. Can go to the other extreme - "Conjoint", alcoholism, gluttony, but this is relatively rare.
Female Calves get most terrible old virgin, male Calves generally warmer, more thoughtful, devoted lovers, though the owners, they like to ensure all requirements and be surrounded by the luxury of their ladies. They can even overdo it, but they do not compete with other males for the affection to his beloved, do not share it with others, don't compromise, don't forget and don't forgive betrayals and deceptions.
Female Taureans want to worship and expect from lovers evidence of their senses. Ascertaining the feelings, they become steady, affectionate and lively and happily indulge and spoil the man in different ways. Usually they know how to keep men. Both men and women attach great importance to the physiological aspect of love relationships and do not tolerate frigid partner. Connection with the Bullock is entanglement, drawing sometimes in a difficult position. Marriage to Bullock summarily dismiss the possibility of a divorce and is designed for harmony. From Bullocks get tender warm parents who care about their children happy. Physically and psychologically can not tolerate emotional attachment partner to the children.
The bulls succeed in the harmony of family life, can not stand quarrels may be slightly dictators in relation to children. If Taurus overcomes jealous proprietary string, there is no ideal lover. Sentimental Taurus and Scorpio are two opposites to each other. However, not always successfully Calf fits Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius. Leo (love and friendship). Avoid Fish, Cancer.
(may 21 - June 21)
- Impact: Mercury.
Symbol: the twins, mask, hand, star.
- Color: purple, gray, light yellow, gray-blue, orange (green is unsuccessful).
- Stones: chrysoprase, beryl, garnet, rock crystal, agate, Jasper.
- Flowers: daisies, poppies, buttercups, Jasmine, Narcissus.
- Metal: gold, amalgam, silver.
Mascot: snake mask.
- An auspicious day: Wednesday, Sunday.
Unfavorable day: Thursday.
Favorable numbers: 3, 5, 12, 18.
Born from 21 to 31 may, under the influence of Jupiter - smart, intuitive, inclined towards the arts, unselfish. They find satisfaction in religious thought, for want of fame and money. Character born from 1 June 10 under the influence of Mars is aggressive. They are mocking and restless, anxious. Born 11 June 21 under the influence of Sun - nature untamed, powerful, high-tempered, vain and talkative.
Temperament and character
Intelligent, direct, complex character artists, an Air sign, changeable under the influence of mercury, dual, ancient, talkative, brave, humane, with an attractive appearance. The twins are under the influence of mercury.
This means instinctive indifference, developing as a protective mechanism against emotional impact on criticism, irony, any jokes. Born under the influence of mercury, is seeking to position themselves to protect and organize their lives in accordance with their interests. They are looking for ease, but it often leads to neurasthenia. They have a taste for the game, they are moving mind.
Lively, clever, inquisitive, sometimes fail due to the volatility and dispersion. A developed mind should add painful sensitivity, variability and a tendency to exaggerate trifles. They are unbalanced, inconsistent, doing several things at once, but practical, sensitive, selfish, and petty. The existence of the Twins is not always completely happy. Bad luck and family responsibilities cause them to enjoy the riches to wallow in poverty. Some setbacks due to the lack of energy and predisposition to let things take their course. Hurts them the tendency to fatalism and impermanence. With effort and perseverance, the Twins can succeed.
Gemini by nature light and variable. This internal intellectuals. They have changeable mood, they are easy to grab all, I love debate and fun, have the ability to live a double life. Gemini self-centered, often emotional, cold, but always variable. Astronomers explain this by the fact that mercury is the planet asexual, it affects Gemini and Virgo, have no feelings. They are resourceful, daring, inventive. Under unfavourable position of Saturn are born dishonest and rude people. The twins are cute, have a mind of ease, relaxed, accommodating, like meetings, travel, fleeting contacts. Female Twins love to dress in colorful fabric. The Gemini governs the nervous system. Born under it has the quickness, reaction, often literary gift. Negative as gifted Twins - impermanence. The vast adaptability, as well as the propensity for deception and disorganization. Not very strong, they are afraid of tired, as tired quickly, because the liveliness of their exceeding strength.
Under the sign of Gemini is born a lot of people doing mental work. The twins prefer this kind of work that is associated with the continuous change of impressions and activities: agents advertising service, managers, TV and radioreport. The twins can work with artists, journalists, publishers, secretaries, postal employees, accountants, writers, small traders, scientists. There is a close relationship between belonging to the constellation the Twins and literary abilities.
Almost all of them have the gift of language and the ability to construct phrases. They are skillfully papers, reports, documents and books, writing plays and writing books, most often it is a novel, biography or popular scientific literature. Very rarely Twins have their own diary or writing a memoir, they do not like to write letters. Gemini is capable of languages, among them so often polyglots. Favorite language, usually French.
Verbal ability Twins are so large and diverse that they can convince anyone in anything. In the mouth Twins the most absurd ideas sound reasonable, and the false seems true. Talent similar properties pushes some Twins in a dishonest way, but it happens not so often, because he is the soul of an idealist. And yet it should be recognized that these abilities, along with incredible dexterity, can make it an unsurpassed master of criminal Sciences. The area in which a Gemini is difficult to compete - entrepreneurship.
Being frivolous, they have the imagination and ability to research work. Mercury can make the Twins as a genius, and adventurer. Saturn has a positive effect on mercury, and if he is in a favorable position for Twins, are born people tend to philosophy, teaching, diplomatic activity (service).
To love a man Twin easy and pleasant, if not only to give themselves to it with all the passion. He has a kind of its own spiritual essence, which he will not share with anyone. No need to complicate and to dramatize the relationship, you need to treat everything calmly and simply, not to bother him, and try all the time to awaken his imagination.
Not to protest against its variability and change with it. You need to be lively, interesting interlocutor, because the most important thing for Twin - intellectual level partner, he will prefer not primarily outfits and brilliant sharp mind. The twins, as a rule, marry more than once, although the later concluded the first marriage, the greater the likelihood that it will persist for a long time, maybe forever. The twins have the ability to read thoughts.
A man in love Gemini brings a sense of security from the outside world. Twin is ready to help always and everywhere. But almost every rule has an exception. And this exception is beloved Twin. There's no reliability can not speak. He can go for bread in the nearby bakery, and to return in three days. Secret love Affairs often fail. Their feelings surface.
In early adolescence, the female Twin is totally unpredictable and love for her - only game. But the older she gets, the more interesting to communicate with her. With the greatest force it manifests itself in love, because love is the one area where best captured the essence of a woman, reveals all the richness and complexity of her nature. She is sentimental and romantic, charming and smart. No one can compete with her in ingenuity in love. It will never feel bored. For confidence in the constancy of women Twins you must always be beside her all the time to remind of your presence. She doesn't know how to control their emotions and feelings, prone to frequent change of mood. They were drawn to Aquarius and Libra, rarely are satisfied with Calf. Looking for Leo, Aries, Cancer, should avoid Fish and Fusiliers.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
- Impact: The Moon.
Symbol: cancer, the crab, the heart.
- Colors: white, light blue, dark blue, silver, green peas (grey - unsuccessful).
- Stones: moonstone, emerald, ruby. - Flowers: honeysuckle, water Lily, all white flowers, Jasmine.
Metal: silver.
Mascot: clover, heart.
- Good day: Monday, Thursday.
- Bad day: Tuesday, Saturday.
Favorable numbers: 2, (all numbers divisible by 2), 4, 5, 8.
Those born from June 22 to July 1, kind, passionate, sensitive, have developed artistic abilities and are able to get others to love ourselves. Those born from July 2 to July 11 under the influence of mercury - giddy, curious, ironic, pretentious, tend to Commerce. Born from 12 to 22 July under the influence of the moon dreamy, restless, sensitive, Bohemian, capable of occult Sciences.
Temperament and character
Intellect sinks into the soul from the "darkness". Cancer has a good intellect, incredible memory, he just should not use it for introspection, regret and revenge. Well, if the Cancer is their rich life experience as weapons with which to go, not as a nest in which to retreat. If he had no fear of a phantom, and would force them to work for themselves, if he forced himself to live in reality and not in my dreams! If he thought about her tomorrow and threw whatever was yesterday!
But Cancer's walking backwards or to the side, frightened. If it is moving forward, but stopped in terror, holding his breath. No other sign is not greater potential of sweetness than Cancer, no one can be more playful, loving. If not, there is always a danger of escape in mind from the cruel reality. None of the characters are not homesick, home-like Cancer. Cancer takes time to think, it cannot be rushed. If you have the patience to cultivate Cancer as a rare plant, not a great return, than from him.
Female Crabs love to take care of your body, like cats, preferring silk, lace, delicate tone, long hair, following the fashion and discreet elegance. Men usually sleek, campy in his youth, with a tendency to become careless in later years.
In his youth Cancer is in no hurry to become an adult. The world is limited to basic life needs: hunger, thirst, sleep. They wait until fate will decide for them what to do. Many are walking in the footsteps of the fathers, doing the family craft, however, public protest can lead to the opposite choice from family sessions profession. Lunar - type slow, lethargic, listless, apathetic, it is best manifested in routine work that requires minimal mental effort. While he does work, he thinks about something else.
Slowly, but persistent, conscientious, obedient. Being busy with work, he knows how to simplify the work of yourself and others. This type works best in an intimate, family-type environment, where he is sympathetic to all others. He often allows you underestimate yourself, to exploit, to get less than you deserve. He did not have the "nerve" to ask for a raise.
Persichetti type (the influence of Saturn) can abuse the familiarity, but cannot give or receive orders to move from job to job, ranging between explosions of enthusiasm and extreme irritation. Both types of potentially good in work with children, animals, food, clothing, water, liquids in General. They make good assistants for breeding horses, dogs, staff of kindergartens, zoos, circuses, child psychologists, psychiatrists, obstetricians, nurses, owners and managers of bars, pubs, restaurants, shops, navigators, gardeners, foresters, and watchmakers.
They can be excellent mothers. Often certain types of Cancer carry something parasitic. At best they are accustomed to order, or they are just gambling and the lottery, at worst, become alcoholics and womanizers.
The most sensitive and emotionally vulnerable of all the 12 signs. Can live the richest and most painful life. Its success as an individual, depends, did he manage to destroy the problem of the relationship with the mother, not to remain dependent on her.
Often reject the physiological aspect of love. Therefore, this sign is easier for women to solve the problem of the relationship with the mother so that they themselves become mothers. Women should be wary of the Oedipus complex (Freud), when the mother marries the son. Avoid the passion of his own son. Others are unable to break with the family and remain old maids or companions parents. In his youth Cancers romance, dream about the perfect love. They are quiet, deep water. Imagination is ahead of experience.
When implementing the first hobby on the first try their sensitivity, depth of feeling makes them magnificent, gentle lovers. They are perfect in bed, but they need the emotional content of each sexual relationship. They are waiting for the exclusive love, understanding, amazing, supportive, they give themselves entirely and will surround partner tenderness. These romance can be tyrants, owners, they are usually the first to feel the blow of disappointment and run from a hostile world, if possible, to the mother, or seek salvation alone.
Hidden desires out of fear to see their bulgariaromania, dream unreachable love. Male Crabs can be peaceful, calm and simple, and love their unwavering. From such work devoted husbands and fathers, living for the family.
Others can be capricious, suffer mysteries to ourselves, sophisticated and unique. This type roams from woman to woman in search of an idealized his mother or fall into a fatal irresponsible sense. He may even commit suicide or love object. Some find a woman more experienced and older than yourself, which is able to identify their potential, mainly lyrical and philosophical talents. They do this by supporting and peace, and then the return of Cancer is very high.
Women, too, are divided into two types: a charming, affectionate, shy, sometimes frigid, a little cocky women with child tantrums, and women trying to put themselves on a pedestal, to inspire a sense of inaccessibility of love. The first type can voluntarily bring themselves to what will become a mere object of sex, humble to slavery, reevaluates her man, seeking in it the ideal father, "the hen", they are sometimes too watch over their children. Both men and women tend to submit yourself completely to your partner. They are perfect, if you feel loved, and they are the most difficult, if not feel love, they live with this difficult and painful life. Their inner life depends on their success as parents. They will be richer, but it can be done and banal. The only character that can find common ground with everyone, but special finds happiness with Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces.
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
- Impact: The Sun.
Symbol: the lion, the Swan.
- Colors: purple, gold, orange, scarlet, black (white is unsuccessful).
- Stones: amber, peridot, Topaz, ruby, onyx, diamond.
- Metal: gold.
Flowers: peonies, marigolds, gladioli, chrysanthemums.
Mascot: ladybug, lion, eagle.
Happy day: Sunday.
- Bad day: Saturday.
Favorable numbers: 1, 5, 9.
Those born from July 23 to August 3, under the influence of Saturn - a strong, mystical, passionate, not love loneliness and coercion.
Born August 4-12, under the influence of Jupiter - sensitive and sensible natures, who love arithmetic and ceremonies. Born from 13 to August 23, under the influence of Mars - nature strong, powerful, loving and worshipping power and command. The mind combined with the force. Flourish and prosper in the army.
Temperament and character
The sun means life, heat, fire, flame, light, consciousness, idealism, discipline, radiant Majesty. Human consciousness as opposed to the "moon" of the subconscious. Internally Lions are aware of their social role, which can make them seekers status.
Unfortunately, not all have a resemblance to the king of beasts, but all have his ambition. Lions fiery passionate men and women who refuse to play second fiddle, consider themselves the center of the universe, a star, a reflection of his own imagination.
They want to lead, to inspire, to bring good luck, to fall asleep gifts, to protect, to have fun. They can be generous to recklessness. They have no sense of danger.
Loyal, explicit, explicit, they can't live in a moral denial, they require explanation and resolution at the first shadow of doubt. The secret of their strength of faith and truth. Don't like the dark, live in the vicinity of the fire, wars, disasters, which are sometimes called.
Their enemy is pride, especially if it is not justified. In these cases, there comes a psychic inflation: depression, quirks, combat morbid humor. It turns arrogant, painful, pompous person, against their unfulfilled ambitions of the tyrant, which is a slave of his own vices, small restless adventurer, trusting only himself. Napoleonic complex can sometimes bring to the madhouse.
Female Lions want to be noticed and cared about, to show themselves, preferring silk, patterns, bright colors, strong perfume. They don't follow fashion, they enter and copy the prominent ladies of the society, if you can afford, then spend a lot on clothes, if not - then highlight the number at the expense of quality service and are cheap furs, fake jewels, vulgar spirits. Men spend a lot of time on dressing, combing. They look good in a tuxedo. Leo passion to Tolstoy afford.
From the very beginning aware of the importance of the choice of profession, the society expects from them significant contribution. Wagered entire career. They don't want to go into fine detail, to play a subordinate role, and are committed to justice, they are tireless. They don't like to watch, sitting on someone's work, they want to be the first by and large.
May surpass even Taurus. They hate it when they interrupt or bad help, or obstructed the inefficiency. For them it is best to work either independently for themselves (art, intellectual labor, entrepreneurship), or to enter in the highest administrative circles, climbing up the hierarchical ladder. They are good in all that relates to politics, culture, or show business, and physical education.
They make good jewelers, taxi drivers, diplomats, politicians, artists, gallery owners, theatre Directors, designers, filmmakers, athletes, Directors, chairmen, presidents, and administrators.
Like to earn big money and even more to spend. They borrow, spend, spend, often live beyond their means. These are the most incorrigible gamblers, but unlucky. The Lion has the highest success rate of all the Zodiac signs, but the most terrible failures.
Leo is the sign favorable to men of honor, at least where the man is allowed to create an Empire, a dynasty. For women Lion is often difficult to implement their romantic ambitions: to find a man who will raise her on a pedestal, on which she has the right.
They usually try to marry a high standing on the social ladder, long abstain from marriage until you find the one that they think you want: a well versed man with the money that will allow them how to look and saddle home. They believe love is the trump card in the game of life and keeps his sensory issues, which she is not too much, often frigid.
Many women-Lions think they are beautiful, often it is. They are afraid to give themselves physically for fear of losing their beauty, many are paying a nervous breakdown about 30 years for a marriage of convenience.
Men can be very generous lovers or fans. They are not very gentle, but very passionate. They want to find a woman worthy of them and their great romantic destiny, for which, in their opinion, they are born. They cannot imagine that a woman can reject it. On the other hand, a good compliment to the lion throws it at your feet, it is something of a Peacock. Love for the lions feast of exaltation.
The appetite of lions are large, persistent desire, the pain is deep, they don't see the point in indecision, doubt as to the feelings and situations. They don't like that they had been across the road. If the lion does not love, he can not forgive himself of his choice - his anger is destructive. On the other hand, no woman can stand on the way to my position in life and career.
If it does, then the lion gets rid of humiliating for him the situation, even if it threatens his loneliness. Successful in society lion can allow the saddle a home when no one sees. He may be the most flexible in the world husband. The loser may be the worst tyrant in personal relationships, skittish, pompous, insulting a woman accuses her all failures of life.
Both men and women-the Lions have to resolve the conflict between love and social status in favor of love and to try to overcome vanity, when a selection is made. Lions happy with Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra. In friendship and marriage should be avoided Scorpio and Taurus.
(August 24 - September 23)
- Impact: Mercury.
Symbol: the virgin, the cube, Chan.
- Colors: white, blue, purple, green.
- Stone: jade, carnelian, cat's eye, agate, carnelian, Jasper, malachite, Topaz, chrysoprase, marble. - Metal: tin, copper.
- Flowers: asters, mother and stepmother, red poppies.
Mascot: grasshopper, Astra.
- Lucky day: Wednesday.
- Bad day: Thursday, Friday.
Favorable numbers: 3, 5 (all numbers divisible by 5), 6, 12 (all multiples 12), 20, 27.
Those born from August 24 to September 2, under the influence of the Sun - have a sense of harmony, peace and the trend towards sedentary life. Born 3 September 11, under the influence of Venus - secretive, shy, often partygoer. Born from 12 to 23 September under the influence of mercury - frugal and resourceful, sometimes lazy.
Temperament and character
Virgo, perhaps one of the most complex and rich characters of the Zodiac. The need in the culture, improvement, understanding through logic, deduction, system. It is the skeptics who do not believe in revelation and intuition. But most religious philosophers are their spiritual leaders born of a virgin. Virgin rarely exaggerate, analyze and think you see things too clearly, all attributed to your account, criticize, try to simplify, clear. A deep need clean. They are like cats torn between curiosity and fear. Virgo is the sign of the cats and all the small animals. They are restless, they want to think it over before doing. Sometimes I think too long, depriving them of their spontaneity, and sometimes lose their chances, missed opportunities. They are smart, hard working, reliable and can do anything, they can be ideal middle of representatives and freaks, the geeks, the greatest thinkers and geniuses. There are 3 different types Virgins.
Type I. He always restrained, constrained, temperate. This trend may be in the range from positive to negative extremes: from needs in order to obsessive pedantry, from penny gathering before the great coleccionista, from clean to over-scrupulous, careful planning to snooze just for tomorrow.
The type II. Came to the opposite extreme, to physical and psychological diarrhea, as a form of protest and dissent. Love the "dirt" of all kinds, thirst of power and authority, cruelty to selfishness. This type is often compared with Scorpio.
The type III. Mixed, oscillating between the first and second. Hold with one hand and give the other. Intermediate person, sloppy today and covered with a passion for clean tomorrow. Respectable citizen suddenly becomes frantic. All types are reflected in the clothing, classic impeccable style, conservative, caring about the details, but without much imagination, courage or freedom. Sometimes intentionally-refined, overformal. It can go into dullness, monotony, having lost all touch with fashion. Such love anything donashivat hesitate in buying new things. "Positive," a virgin is carefully selected and tailored clothing, which produces a nice impression simple.
Careful in his youth to career choice, realizing how much life is serious, willing to learn and work life. The love for detail and perfection, sharp analysis, sometimes turning into a greedy pedantry, anxiety about health, all this offers them great opportunities. Virgin immaculate, regardless of chosen profession.
They may prefer to work alone, but this does not exclude the ability to collectivism. They are correct with superior, simple to subordinates, sometimes a little patronizing, condescending. They feel uncomfortable asking for a raise. They sometimes underpaid for a long time, they are paid by the encouraging signs, medals, and patents. They are attentive, careful in money matters and can live on little money, are able to slowly save up for a "pleasant" tomorrow, worrying about the black bottom. Rarely risk in gambling, do not rely on luck.
Of the Virgins make good doctors, pharmacists, veterinarians, Ministers, emergency care, midwives, massage therapists, herbalists, detraci, linguists, also watchmakers, opticians, engineers, chemists, clerks, designers, farmers, laundress, cleaners, shop owners, secretaries, telephone operators, home staff, civil servants, experts in textiles and the care of horses. Virgin are considered "working bees" society. They love their work to self-denial.
This is the core of their lives. LOVE THE virgin has no natural instinct to do anything. If their heart is caught, they depart, they leave the shelter, to think. They hate and fear of all unknown and expectations. Some virgins are afraid that bearing children would deprive them of femininity, attractiveness.
Others become mothers, tied to children and relinquish their independence. Passion seems Virgo disease of the soul that the mind has to heal. They analyze their feelings, trying to minimize that, with the help of reason, doubt, debate, ridicule, being bound stronger than they think. Virgin - burning ice, they do not pour out their feelings and love, proving deeds more than words. Tenderness takes the form of humiliation, swearing in devotion, do not expect the same in return.
And they kept their word. They rely on relationships, where the main emphasis is on the moral integrity, purity, deep chastity, affection, if they can't have it, prefer solitude. Not a single sign does not have a larger number of bachelors and old Maids, isolated in the tower of criticality. The greatest difficulties encountered in the first phase relations. Virgin bound or feel uncomfortable, when it is necessary to understand the other, what they feel, sometimes miss its opportunities, return home alone, tormented passionate desires or retire on the level of ordinary common relations that bring them with indifference, but calm, giving each of the partners sitting alone, leads to profound stagnation. In the later days of life they suddenly explode all for one incredible passion. Virgo has the highest percentage of stops, delays at the last minute: almost all making stops.
Lovers-virgin are divided into 3 categories: lucky type combines business with pleasure; it is charming with smooth character of the man who likes to preparation and to do all sorts of household chores.
The woman in this category are affectionate, lively, faithful and delivers coffee in bed". Sober type can be cold to the latent impotence, he is a Puritan, awkward novice, fantasiesi alone, interrupted by short adventure. A woman of this type can be outcomesa making my loneliness monument of virtue or turning life around him in the camp of the drill and at home. The third type allows sex to dictate its own rules, has adventures with adventure, heart almost is not involved. Sometimes with a penchant for pornography. Women of this type can start as Lolita and finish as the nymphomaniac in monastic garb. A favorable Alliance with Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer. Avoid Aries, Sagittarius.
Libra (September 24 - October 23)
- Influence: Venus, Saturn.
- Symbol: the scales, book.
- Color: dark blue, green, Aqua and pastel colors.
- Stones: opal, lapis lazuli, coral, diamond, sapphire, pearl, beryl, moonstone, green Jasper, crystal, chrysolite
Metal: bronze.
- Flowers: calendula (marigold), rose, violet.
Mascot: the heart of the book.
Happy day: Friday, Saturday.
- Bad day: Tuesday, Sunday.
Favorable numbers: 2, 5, (all numbers divisible by 6), 9, 15.
Born from 24 September to 2 October under the influence of Venus is a gentle, friendly, dreamy. Born 3 October 13 under the influence of Saturn - wise, live without luxury and ambition. Born from 14 to 23 October under the influence of Jupiter - I like to eat, sensual, able to literature, I love the ceremony.
Temperament and character
Temperamental, varies in search of a balance, the right moment, the right words in the way. No sign no more manic-depressive and not heroic people, no sign there is no better sense of time. Scales emphasize the role of knowledge, I love to accumulate facts, appreciate any kind of information, withholding information is considered a crime.
As the air, I want to circulate freely, I hate the darkness, despise poorly lit room, need people around them, know how to win: charm, affection, adulation, spontaneous hospitality, generosity, generosity, willing to provide services, understanding the perspective of other people. And men and women trying all my life to deceive, waiting a response of praise, affection, encouragement, admiration, approval, can't live without feeling popular, loved by all, including luck.
Feel deceived if they think they don't like. Dependence on the outside world interferes with their originality, they better work on other people's ideas, improving them. Full of rich intentions, good will, little will power. The tendency to avoid responsibility. They'll sleep better than to fight. Anyone or anything can't say "no".
When choosing between temptations ranges will. This may lead to apathy, compromise, lack of commitment, sometimes to some difficulties in the end to the guilt complex. Libra - the sign of the measure and moderation. They are not averse to measure, but don't want to be mediocre. Their stories are many points of view. They better lose the idea, but it may save your life. Libra must learn how to use feelings to make decisions and overcome overpassionate. Women balance create the best fashions.
They are the pinnacle of elegance. They are careful, as I love to please, to make a good impression. Pay attention to the cut of their clothes, but not always sure about the color, I prefer grey, blue, pale green tones and all pastel, as well as all soft perfume. Men are very concerned about fashion, sometimes snobbish spirit, sometimes effeminate clothing.
In his youth, balancing between multiple possibilities. They need help. They need to make a few suggestions and not to rush. Pressure cannot, it is better to make several attempts, than to push on something. Spending a lot of time and energy, they easily get tired. Good work with others. A great sense of collectivism.
Easily give orders, when the first obstacle can stand back and retreat. If they work, then do it well. Best of all they get the final strokes. Valuable their supernatural sense of time and the right moment. It may not turn them into conciliators. There is a danger of diletante.
Best use - everything related to fashion and entertainment: fashion designers, decorators, retailers art objects, antique dealers, agents for the sale of books, theatrical agents, lawyers, judges. Often hesitate to claim them due, to collect debts, do not check the accounts and are never slaves to money and property, but we are able to calculate your budget.
Libra governs marriage, more than other signs Libra need in Union with your partner, to feel perfect. Libra - the bridge between Virgin, which directs the mind and the Scorpion, led by desires. The hanging bridge and oscillating means the end of the human race, which means limited energy, short of breath, lack of physical strength. They don't fall in love at first sight, not enslaved by the senses.
For Libra Venus means more love. Completing individual and social portrait of Scales, it should be noted that the main feature is the ability to get along with people, like in society. Scales sentimental, they can't be gentle, the need for social approval may cause them to prefer a pretty face or a good position inside the depth and compatibility, can marry only half of the heart.
Libra flexible, and able to find common language with people. Their bodies lack the instinctive, animal, therefore it must be supported zverobojnym, sometimes pornographic imagination. They will do almost anything just not to be alone and to have a dialogue. Women balance the delicate and charming, can adapt with any man, even to the denial and masochism. This is the perfect helper, finding happiness in the success of her husband. But they also turn around and can find happiness on the side, if you do not feel loved, comforted quickly.
Men-Scales do not portray themselves as conqueror, and often wait for the first step from women. If a woman does not make the first step, feel unwanted and rejected, give up and are looking for good luck somewhere else. Tend to deceive each at any time, if the Scales are sure that they want that are the focus of the elect. No partner more charming, generous and adaptable. In the opposite case, the Scales become dark and cold. They are easy to influence. They expect women to achieve success and goals.
Men and women sometimes fluctuate between the two attachments that seem equally necessary. It happens that all my life trying to unite, to combine them, and make them both the love of friends. To make a selection. Libra, you must first learn to love, to make a decision based on feeling. More for Libra suited: Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, avoid Cancer and Capricorn.
(24 October - 22 November)
- Influence: Pluto.
Symbol: the Scorpion, selenosis, the eagle, the symbol of death, lamp, pyramid.
- Color: yellow, dark red, scarlet, crimson.
- Metal: iron, steel.
Stones: aquamarine, coral, beryl, ruby, moonstone, crystal, Topaz, malachite.
- Flowers: carnation, peony, chrysanthemum.
Mascot: beetle, Scorpio, the sign of death.
- Lucky day: Tuesday.
- Unhappy day: Monday, Friday.
Favorable numbers: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 21, 100, 666. Born 24 November 2 under the influence of Mars - disappointed able to medicine, with the gift of healing, shy young energetic at maturity. Born 3 November 13 under the influence of Sun - nature strong and passionate, initiative, willpower, noble generous. Born from 14 to 22 November under the influence of Venus is frivolous, emotional and amorous, artistic talent and strong passions.
Temperament and character
Scorpio - the sign of love and death, strongly influencing the other. Water sign - feminine, permanent, furious, night, silent, powerful, prolific. Motto: "Song of love on the battlefield". Managed by Mars, Scorpio is under the influence of Pluto, the new planet. Water Scorpion standing, in contrast to the Fish water (ocean), Cancer (spring).
Scorpions bad reputation. It is associated with the eighth house is the house of death, forgetting that the whole house is wealth, inheritance, good. Variable or constant Scorpio has great resistance and like a Phoenix can rise again. Over Scorpio ruled by two qualities of Mars: eroticism and aggression. This type lives in full force with alternating success with failure.
Dry and sultry Mars gives the Scorpion stubbornness and temper, he has a warlike qualities. The Scorpion energy, like that of a RAM. Scorpio is the duality of love and death, energy, drama, passion, mystery, individualism, rebellion. Pluto symbolizes the depth of our souls, the devil. Scorpio is determined by the hidden animal power and asserts himself confidently and effectively. This is evident in neprikosnovennyi and disorder, the containment life aspirations, internal conflicts, leading to suffocation and neurosis (ruthless Pluto reveals the deeper meaning of existence).
Domineering, violent, instinctive nature, irrepressible, even if the fire is hidden under the mask of immaturity. Scorpion carries a strong passion, dormant, but not dying. This character does not change. Pleased with himself, despite external changes. He knows what he wants. The essence of his nature - determination. A taste for life tireless. Rebels under any compulsion, disobedient to anarchism, if it is not.
The individualist, despising public opinion, and customs. Born under inharmonious sky. Its decisions are irrevocable. Armed for life, can defend itself, is not afraid to attack, due to the strong will and perseverance. Great is the influence of Scorpio on other characters. It penetrates into the souls of others at a glance: himself distrustful, mystery impenetrable and inaccessible. He does not seek to capture, but has a strong and demanding sensitivity. The implementation of sensual desires in a mysterious way it relieves, soothes and uplifts. Not a talker and not expansive. Scorpio hardworking and to a greater or lesser extent sado-masochist. Aggression and eroticism of the most destructive and prolific character.
Women-Scorpions - wonderful cooks in the physical sense, of medium height, stout, with strong limbs, with black face and great capacity for work. In General, active, proud, reserved, demanding, curious, irritable, violent, thoughtful. Researchers and observers, envious, ironic and contradictory. They are easy to excite, capable of kindness, prone to magnetism and strong sexuality; the reformists, sometimes clairvoyant, able to moderate their chimerical plans and constructive use of his will. Love the fight, never get discouraged, overcoming difficulties. They have a lot of children. Among them one may see a "fatal" women.
They become navigators, surgeons, sailors, chemists, miners, mechanics. If it's not a bad voice - it certainly awaits career good pop, Opera singer. The Scorpion is perfectly balanced mind and emotions, and if he is intelligent, he may be a philosopher and to start searching for the meaning of life.
Scorpio is sensual nature, prone to excess, including in love. The Scorpion seemed to be created for her. He is committed to it with all his being. Scorpio does not allow lesions. Knows the price of its charm. Scorpio, if the circumstances are so that the marriage can not be concluded, will love his chosen stronger and softer than the wife or husband.
He only listens to what he says to his heart. Man Scorpio is not inclined to show people their feelings. The people he was rude, inattentive and even cruel, he alone recognized the true relation. It is very suspicious and jealous.
Woman Scorpio part of the witch. Sixth sense she first glance discovers his future chosen. He did not remain, as to obey its magical charms. Woman Scorpio unusually passionate. For them the passion is only for amorous pleasures. She has similar feelings all around: she or passionate, or wildly hates. Woman Scorpio being terribly jealous, not like when you're jealous of her. And to refrain from jealousy of Scorpio is very difficult, as it attracts. For marriage and cooperation suited Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo. Should avoid Aquarius and Leo.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
- Influence: Jupiter.
Symbol: the centaur arrow, stars, wands raised index finger
- Color: blue, light blue, purple, crimson.
Stone: Topaz, amethyst, peridot, turquoise, opal, emerald, sapphire, emerald, agate.
- Metal: zinc, tin.
- Flowers: carnation, rose, cornflower, palm-tree.
Mascot: horseshoe, Salamander.
- Lucky day: Thursday.
- Bad day: Wednesdays
Favorable numbers: 3 (all numbers divisible by 3), 4, 9.
Born from 23 November to 2 December under the influence of mercury - nature brave and independent, sensual with a firm spirit, fond of hunting and sport. Born 3 December 12 under the influence of the moon have the imagination and fantasy, I love travelling and have a changing mood. Born 13 through December 21, under the influence of Saturn - persistent, sensitive, loving luxury furniture and delicious, not with aversion to food in General, reginaldina to meet their food needs.
Temperament and character
Can be clear minded, determined, which can often be a good audience. Can be discouraged and the high spirit and great and noble, or just egomaniacal. Many travel a lot and as far as in thought, and in fact, others have a "fireplace" collect. Two extremes can coexist and do not necessarily dissonant. Often reformists: nostalgia living in rebel-reformer, and dreams of the adventurer in an exemplary citizen. But positive and negative, active or passive - all excited over position in society, want to make an impression, and that impression was for a long time, preferably in the form of contribution to humanity.
Eager to leave their mark on the earth. More than anyone-man centaur longs to be a perfect man, often reaches in his more Mature years, sometimes not earlier than 60 years, when the senses are called to change places and people, when the curiosity of explorers becomes dangerous. Adult Sagittarius is the sign of a Mature, complete, women often reach a certain growth - physical, social, emotional.
May seem like Amazons, trying to be equal to or surpass men in archery. A well-known woman - Sagittarius, amputirovana yourself both Breasts for the opportunity to get in a Tibetan monastery and to write a sensational article about the life of monks. Many lesbians are born under the sign of Sagittarius. As the expression of this character - taste in clothes for women varies from tweed suits, well-cut sport pants and jackets and carefully stylized short haircuts to Grand luxury robes in the style of "Grand", a true lady who love beautiful fur, high stylish hairstyles and expensive jewelry. Regardless of the direction they prefer.
The same applies to men. Athletes, like imported sweaters and scarves, impeccably tailored breeches, but may have frantovy view of a diplomat or honorary aging statesman.
In his youth, mark is very high, sometimes overestimate their capabilities. Routine and mediocrity is not for them, I love to role play, desirable, essential, nature is best reflected in leadership positions. Don't like too much hard work, though usually kept for the fact that he chose, give yourself with enthusiasm and generosity.
Work better in a team than alone. Pioneer spirit of collectivism. The bosses are or with respect to, or openly rebel against him. They open a wide field of activities from horse to hunting expeditions, opened the road to the clergy, astronomy, good work on the tree.
Can be great athletes, gymnasts, hunters, riders, racers and race organizers, carpenters, cooks, hotel owners, salespeople, translators, politicians, reporters, researchers, botanists, missionaries, doctors, chemists, engineers, casino owners, lawyers, judges, priests and community leaders. Not very well know how to earn, because you can either be too impartial and independent, or too well off in the money.
Can get into huge downswings, and yet it is often inveterate gamblers and speculators. A huge need for comfort. Many believe that they are simply wasting your life, earning the daily bread. Among Riflemen significantly more common salaried partners and women on the content. Women can compete in the job, the promotion with men.
The fire of Sagittarius is not similar to the ardor of a Lion and the RAM.
This fire smoldering under the ashes - blown, but not yet extinct embers inner passions. Endlessly changing Sagittarius can declare itself. Some of the many different ways to send their arrows vertically on a high spiritual peak, considering the physical act of love by means of mystical abstraction or public aspirations. They are looking for a partner standing in life far beyond them, to whom they are selling it to his usually perfect passion. Others choose horizontal target and there is no end to their conquests. Love, sports, adventure, delight, in short - don Giovanni on a high horse, but to the knowledge of the life lesson of Sagittarius: "the Arrow and the target, ultimately, one aims in their own heart. Men Sagittarians love comfort, a certain atmosphere of ease, luxury, prefer a woman who not only increases their proud self-image, but also well takes care of the household, coping with it in the absence of a husband. They can be excellent fathers and defenders, but I love to feel his masculine nature.
Can be the most unfaithful husbands, considering it his male prerogative. Nobody with them does not adhere to such a two-faced notions about least. They fall into bouts of furious jealousy, if they get paid the same. They do not forgive betrayal, especially if you think you know about others. Sagittarius hates scandals, like no other, in every possible way to avoid them all together.
Women Archers either extremely proud, warlike, or this stately patron wishing to be loved, to be loved men, whom they can love, respect and build on the pedestal. Most of all they hold dear name. Some they like to be glorified and worshipped them. They also do not forgive betrayal, but do everything to avoid scandal, others do not like to be bound and prefer marriage free love or compete with men for the affection of another woman. Both men and women prefer a partner that stands out from the environment. Man is not only a different social environment, but also of a different race and religion or another country to which they are happy to move and at least to live in exile, but with prerogative voluntary "zagranicznej". Sagittarius happy in marriage, friendship and business with Gemini, Aries, Aquarius, Libra and Lions. Always trying to avoid the virgin.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
- Influence: Saturn, Mars
Symbol: the goat, ladder, tower clock.
- Colors: dark green, black, gray, blue, pale yellow, dark brown and dark tones.
- Stone: ruby, onyx, garnet, lunar, lapis lazuli.
Metal: lead.
- Colors: white carnation, black poppies, ivy.
Mascot: black cat, the devil.
- Lucky day: Tuesday, Saturday.
- Bad day: Monday, Thursday.
Favorable numbers: 3, 5, 7, 8 (all numbers divisible by 8), 14. Born from December 22 to January 2, under the influence of Jupiter - calm, prudent, systematic nature, acquire the status and success, but there is the risk of bankruptcy. Born 3 January 13, under the influence of Mars - the people from whom emanates home bored known bad influence on others. Born from 14 to 20 January under the influence of Sun - efficient, have vitality, passionate, contradictory, and sometimes prone to depression.
Temperament and character
A sign of fate, retribution, philosophy, the beginning of the world, ruthlessness time, remotely connected with the instincts and uses moderation and restraint as an internal system of self-preservation.
In General Capricorns don't care about how to look attractive. Rarely talk about themselves and consider it beneath his dignity to indulge in the charm. They do not demonstrate their advantages, why produce a weak impression or does not produce it.
They love the subdued light in the room. As with other signs there are low, medium and high types, but all strive to rise to the top of the spiritual or worldly.
To achieve them, not all have a stamina - endurance, stamina, despite great resistance - basic feature of Capricorn. Some Capricorns rock confronting difficult situations, others like a virgin - "worker bees", I do not know tired in search of instant decisions or solve the problem of the persistence of Taurus until it finds the correct and final answer until you turn lead into gold. Capricorns can be cold-blooded businessmen or politicians who are able to conduct transactions. It is patient, fair, loving, and although strict fathers, not showing his love.
Disregard to the charm and attractiveness of Capricorn is reflected in the clothes. The main motives for men and women - easy, moderate, poise, modesty, frugality little imagination. Usually depart from the fashion, many people simply despise spending on clothing. Ascetic in his youth, but then suddenly become extravagant. The only motive that compels them to give the clothes any kind of attention - ambition. More prefer to look correct, rather than causing interest.
Youth are divided into two types: one sooner learns what he wants in life and ceases to be a child aged 3-5 years, the other can't decide when to take an important step and lays him as long as possible. Learns and grows slowly and remains dependent on parents to 30-40 years until the parasitic inability to make any effort. Most Capricorns are belong to the first type, not afraid of hard work, usually a "warming-up" before you start, may not differ by the abundance of their ideas and improvisations, patient and punctual, can work from early morning till night, feeling neither hunger, nor thirst, nor monotony.
Work better alone or as a personal office for protection from noise, people and contacts. Or working in the open air outside the city. Poorly developed sense of collectivism, prefer all stages of work to do yourself, like the architect who build their Cathedral alone. Correct and keep distance with subordinates, know how to enter them.
Usually inspire respect, rarely devotion. They are treated with respect for his superiors, but at a distance. Rarely change jobs and usually become indispensable employees. Capricorns are good as shepherds, farmers, miners, diggers of wells, construction of roads, houses, designers, watchmakers, lawyers, antique dealers, geographers, agronomists, architects, pharmacists, mining engineers, mathematicians, philosophers, sociologists, administrators, politicians.
Like red wine may improve with age, will disappear when the internal stiffness. First, they are alien to people from distant connection with instincts.
They resist the fascination of fear, loss and suffering. They want a minimum of pleasures because of the minimum of pain, but the mask of icy indifference can hide the painful passions, which are suppressed in order to avoid domination of the senses.
The result is a breakdown of various forms. Some try to fill the inner emptiness thirst for power and collecting other leave in silence or in the nervous quirks, and sometimes physically sick in the desert of selfishness and avarice.
Others, while agreeing with such a fate, unfortunately live in solitude, as if indifference was a natural human condition, or pretend to be reconciled with destiny, proclaiming his loneliness is proof of their spiritual qualities, hiding dogmatism and gall Vedomosti under cover of false kindness.
Many can live a lonely life without love almost 40-50 years. Then they opened, submit to everything, against which he fought, and that was rejected, and surrender to it completely. Many men are misogynists and remain old bachelors. If you look at the woman, then look for honesty, reliability, completeness, usually among colleagues in his circle. Prefer an older woman, preferably with money, not capricious, that would have been a quiet, well-maintained order and little is wasted. Do not allow the scandals, not bred. The wife never finds out about his ladylove.
On the other hand, there is no better companion for women in old age than he. Female Capricorns are sometimes very hard-hearted. They hate the role of Housewives prefer to make a career and to achieve independence, than to indulge in a seductive novel, often they remain cold in the arms of a partner.
Married they come out due to financial and social reasons. Some of them have complex "Cinderella", they want to be loved, because they are quite attractive. Other Capricorns are quiet and attractive wives. If the lover Capricorn unlucky, he can come to terms. Internal weapons it is the remoteness of instincts. Capricorns are suffering less than other characters. Emotionally Capricorn should seek Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, especially good community with Scorpion. Avoid Gemini and Cancer.
(January 21 - February 20)
- Influence: Saturn.
Symbol: Aquarius, silver hands, wings, flying birds and airplanes, zigzags, youth, sage.
- Color: grey, purple, blue-green, purple (black - unsuccessful)
Stone: garnet, zircon, light sapphire, opal, amethyst, lapis lazuli.
- Colors: violet, Myrtle, Narcissus.
- Metal: tin.
Mascot: the key icon.
- Lucky day: Wednesday, Saturday.
- Bad day: Sunday.
Favorable numbers: 2, 4, (all numbers divisible by 4), 8, 9, 11, 13.
Born January 21-February 1, under the influence of Venus - shy and delicate, melancholic and refined in love. Born 2 February 12, under the influence of mercury - gentle, smart, a bit vain, moral, and have a sense of humor. Born February 12 and 20 under the influence of the moon - nature razocharovyvayutsya, reserved, modest, sensitive, truthful, great, nice.
Temperament and character
There are weak and strong Aquarians. It's a combination of angel and devil. They hate drama, don't want to effect, do not want impressive, but not averse to shock. Want to do something good, but mostly myself.
Alien conventions in relation to themselves, but old-fashioned in family matters. Don't want to be like anyone, but I want them all loved, want to be free from the gravity of the material world, but strive for power, position, prestige. Curious, they were drawn to new things, until they get bored, until they grasp the whole truth. They rarely rush into anything. They contemplative life, but can be generous soul.
In Aquarius can be something subtle, tender, and smooth. They vary between instinct and reason. They can be almost strangers to their own emotions. Many religious, mystical, see the outdoors, vegetarian, full of good intentions to everyone, they don't know hate. Their courtesy is easy, some gullible sometimes too. The least clear-sighted, a bit naive, they lack feelings of remorse, guilt, others, keep your sensitivity, not open feelings, medinas on each miss, focus your intuition in the future, reach higher goals.
They want to be not only equal to, but above, resist, if they indicate that to make or keep, can be jealous, spiteful, insensitive, thoughtless, putting forward the slogan: "do as I say, not as I do". Taste in clothes various, contradictory. Women all prefer originality.
Some can create a seductive effect in the absence of gems and jewelry by fine color matching. Some bring originality to extravagance and eccentricity, are looking for something rare, unique, up to a shocking and scandalous, meet and trendy.
No early passion for a career or ambitions. They make a human touch in everything you do. The profession may take a significant place in life. Can be highly conscious, disciplined, and responsible.
Keep your word, do what is required of them. They have a great sense of community, good in social work. Nezavistlivu and improvident, always ready to take the point of view of others, good manners and excellent relationship with the parent. They often give unexpected increase. They know how to give orders, how to explain what to do, no one can better them to introduce the newcomer to the course work. They find a way in which you can make your own ideas, though the number is sometimes suffers from quality. The best field of application is the field of art, anything related to film, radio, television, pedagogy, education, invention, work as flight attendants, spiritual mentoring, sociology, psychology, social work, law, Aeronautics, engineering. The money they are rare. Some neglected money foolishly.
The most famous Aquarians died in extreme poverty. Making money is not one of the goals, they rarely want luxury, prefer simplicity, even moderation, which keeps them from "obesity" - physical, mental, and moral. It's the bad owners, they hate checking accounts. They would be better to spend than to accumulate. But there are others that are managed by Uranus Aquarius, leading to persistent strange life, sometimes a Martyr, which may seem romantic, full of violations and surprising events, unexpected shocks, amazing luck and bad luck.
They can be happier when poor than when rich.
Emotionally Aquarius unfolds difficult, sensitivity he merges with his own imagination. Love to dream about unusual especially in his youth, surrounded by the love object mystical aura, rarely reflect the reality, in other words, they often idealize chosen, then disappointed and abandon love in the name of friendship. Some focus on "relative" happiness, which still sentimental traits play a subordinate role.
Other hidden internal vulnerability under a layer of ice, mixed with shiny rigidity, some may even become cynical, detached, deliberately unpleasant, even disgusting, but it happens rarely.
The desire for prestige is a trap for Aquarius. The idea that they can easily hurt life, especially love, is an illusion. Passion can pass through them, but will not destroy the heart. It can stimulate, but rarely leads to where they want to go.
They always return to the purity of its source - friendship and selected attachments. They rarely bother with hate, even more than Gemini and Libra, want to be free. Unbearable for them relations, when they are the "bird in the cage". Aquarians rarely wear wedding rings. If they enslaved the relationship, you think only about the release, which is prepared in silence. Aquarius has the highest divorce rate.
They are more willing to give yourself to the company than one person. They can no longer give someone else than your family members. Women can be intractable in matters of love, not to pay attention to public opinion, religion, nationality. As men, they want freedom. They are extremely feminine and sensitive. If the man is their disappointing, the ardor of their reduced and may disappear altogether, but if he tries to recover the good opinion of yourself, a woman will do everything possible to help him, until you raise it up on a pedestal. Lesson for Aquarius: don't sacrifice love for the sake of friendship. For marriage, friendship and cooperation Aquarius you need to look for Libra, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini. To avoid Taurus and Scorpio.
(21 February - 20 March)
- Influence: Venus/Jupiter.
Symbol: two floating in different directions, fish, shell, wave.
- Color: purple, violet, sea green, blue, purple, Aqua, steel.
Stone: pearl, amethyst, alexandrite, emerald, sapphire, moonstone.
- Flowers: Narcissus, Crocus, Jasmine, violets, forget-me-nots.
- Metal: zinc.
Mascot: node (monogram), Narcissus.
Happy day: Monday, Thursday, Friday.
- Bad day: Wednesday.
Favorable numbers: 6, 7 (all numbers divisible by 7), 11, full magic- 3, 7, 9, 12.
Born 21 February and 1 March, under the influence of Saturn - capricious nature with unfulfilled dreams, loving women, loneliness and change. Born 2 March 11, under the influence of Jupiter - like grandeur and glory, sensitive and vain, honest and solemn. Born 12 March 20, under the influence of Mars - Cutesy, artsy nature, communicative, sensitive, helpful, loving collective entertainment.
Temperament and character
This is the last of the signs of the Zodiac. Fish usually understand everyone but themselves. Life may find themselves moving to the touch and stumbling, not knowing how to interpret this "I".
Fish leads and directs the hidden side of life. Difficult than ever to associate each point to their own truth, they are like flowing gas. Fish are born tired, have no energy to remove obstacles to daily efforts to overcome the petty worries.
Their lives are like a house without Windows, through this house blows any wind. Any pain, heat, cold - everything affects them and has an immediate impact, making a poor inhabitant of this house even more poor and tired. Others, conversely, have nervous energy nature that can keep them awake for days, weeks, during which time most of them wearing yourself out, starting many nezakanchival Affairs, projects, plans, putting them on tomorrow and so on, Passionate, strong type of Fish, governing themselves, but more beliefs, persuasion than by force.
Fish - citizens of the Universe, not belonging to themselves, they are nowhere and everywhere. Rarely feel welcome, they need to say, at least twice what you want to see them or to treat before they will think that you might really want to see them. Fish are interested in everything and everyone, but very specific, for them there is nothing really standing, but there is potentially more internally rich man than developed Fish.
But these are rare, because over a desired concentration, effort, willpower. Fish somewhere half-way between zero and infinity. They waver between bad and great, between the monastery and prison, from innocent to compromise masochistic destruction, from compassion for human misery to floundering in self-pity. Fish victims themselves and others. Fish - sinless children, able to keep calm in the face of real danger and panic from nonsense. Perhaps this is the most loyal and affectionate people from all signs of the Zodiac. You want to take them, to ease their pain, help them to find themselves, to take them by the hand to bring out of the fog, but they rarely allow you to do this. They cling to their suffering mistaken for reality. Usually their "reality" wins and help tighten in a desert of despair.
That is why among the many Fish fatal women. Mysticism and fantasy prevails in them when choosing clothes, they care little about the requirements of the fashion, may be even careless in dress. The woman is easier to be a Fish than a man because society believes languid dreamy, half-hearted woman, charming, and does not endorse these traits in men.
Attitude to work rather intuitive than rational, they need to work at your own pace. They respond well to these circumstances, do not impose his authority, "do not crush" and deviate from pressure from above. Personal and important work devoted to self-sacrifice.
Pisces are extremely talented writers, artists, actors, musicians i.e., people of art. For them suitable areas: medicine, education, research, clergy, shipbuilding, Shoe-making, fishery, stock, and among them frequent gamblers, swindlers, cheats. Many of them show interest to all unusual: yoga, astrology, palmistry, rebirth and other occult Sciences.
They make good mediums. Many of them succeed where others fail, and fail themselves where others can easily cope. Attitude to money varies depending on the views on life.
So many variations, many fish in the sea. The man in the range from don Giovanni, eager to give herself to all women (shark in the ocean of love) to silently-suffering victim.
Women from the romantic, mystical, femme fatale, until soft faithful, though not very submissive wife, owned by a single man entirely and forever, which seems to be too good to believe it. There is adoring your "deity" in the distance and no one is opening their feelings, the more the object of passion. Love takes the place of honor, they can love at the highest exalted level, or not to love at all, to bring love to the lowest level - this could be heaven or hell.
No more complex heart than the heart of a Fish - it is widely, mysterious, unfathomable as the sea. It is inhabited by diverse impulses.
Love comes to Fish secretly and grows imperceptibly. They rarely know where it started and where it ended. Formal indifference due to internal constraints or fear to associate themselves for a long time. Long can maintain a Platonic relationship and relive their passion alone, without the explicit need for reciprocity, although some are easily the passion, the sensuality strong and contagious. They are not conquerors, and prefer them to be chosen, but it should be obvious that you prefer them, and no one else.
They don't fight with your opponent, better go with the way wish you happiness with another person. Prefer to bring a difficult sacrifice, than to make a scene of jealousy. The main difficulty does not know how to start, build relationships with the person, but does not know how to tear them up.
Hesitant to leave, to leave or return. The silent gloom, many fall in love with flawed people, moral and physical cripples who are trying to save his love, because love for many Fish means they need to feel welcome, learn to be happy without a doubt.
If so, then there is no more loyal, flexible, forgiving partner. Lesson for Fish: learn not to sacrifice the bird in the hand for the sake of pie in the sky. Fish is happy with Virgo, Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn, understand without words Scorpio. They should avoid Libra and Gemini.
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