Sunday, February 23, 2014

Prepare for spring press and the hip

Prepare for spring press and the hipFat deposits in problem areas is often so intractable that regular exercise to remove them does not work. But do not despair: you need muscle stress!

Do not confuse muscular stress with psychological, which we have plenty at work and thanks to the antics of children or husband. This stress reducing weight does not contribute. On the contrary, provokes "seizing" problems of chocolate or cake. And muscle stress called unusual for muscle load.

For example, you do a lot of sitting at work, and if you start to walk or do exercises in the middle of the day, such a drastic change of load will be for muscle stress. Or you used a lot of walking, then for you the stress will be skating or training with dumbbells.

Statics and dynamics

The most effective stress for the muscles in recent years recognized the so-called static-and-dynamic load. It is a training with small weights, but it requires an effort to stretch the muscles more than the weights, and not to weaken them. Each exercise is done 3-4 times for 30-90 seconds between them rest for 30 seconds. While relaxing the muscles can relax. If you are an advanced athlete or want to enhance the effect, you can do the exercise without rest for 1-3 minutes. The main thing is to perform movements correctly, not giving yourself breaks. Then at the minimum expenses of time (30 minutes for a workout) the result will be the same as one and a half hours in the gym.

Static-and-dynamic stress to the muscles forces the body to increase metabolism and to seek energy in remote sources. Therefore burns not only subcutaneous fat, but deeper inside the abdomen and muscles.

Food will not hurt

Kind of training dictates and unusual approach to nutrition. 2-3 hours before practice can eat almost anything but fatty and fried: chocolate, cakes, jam will give you the energy that you need for exercise. But after class, try 2-3 hours to "refuel" something quite low, for example, vegetables without mayonnaise and butter, boiled chicken without skin, fat free cottage cheese.

After a workout, the muscles continue to burn fat for another 6-8 hours. You should not interrupt it is a useful exercise portion of fat and starch! But unsweetened tea or mineral water without gas drink to your heart's content.

Well, we now turn to the exercises.

The external surface of the thigh


Get on your Mat on your right side, right leg bent at the knee and lying on the floor, right arm bent at the elbow and stands on the floor, his head on his right hand. Straighten your left leg, pull the sock and pull it parallel to the floor. On the exhale, slowly lift the left leg to the point where you feel maximum voltage of the thigh muscles. In this position, swing the leg up and down with an amplitude of 5-10 cm

Repeat 3-4 times for 30-90 seconds, then change direction.

Jodhpurs plus buttocks

Exercise similar to the previous one. However, before you lift the leg, need a little lean forward, placing your left hand in front of chest on the floor and leaning slightly on her. Foot will not rise straight up and slightly to the back, the foot will be looking at the floor.

Repeat 3-4 times for 30-90 seconds, then change direction.

Inner thighs

Get down on the floor, as in the previous exercise, leaning right elbow on the floor and resting his head on his right hand. The left leg bend at the knee and place it on the floor. Right foot print forward, straighten, toe pull and try to deploy the heel slightly up. On the exhale, slowly lift your straight right leg up to approximately the level of the knee of the bent leg. Sensing the maximum voltage of the muscles of the inner thigh, swing the leg up and down with an amplitude of 5-10 cm

Repeat 3-4 times for 30-90 seconds, then change direction.

Inner thighs plus groin

The exercise is done as above, only working leg is not moving up and down, and describes heel circular motion clockwise. For convenience, it can slightly bend and straighten the knee.


Stand up on his elbows and one knee. Free leg bend at the knee angle of 90°, while pull on a sock, and hip position approximately parallel to the floor. On the exhale, slowly lift the leg up guiding the heel to the ceiling. Sensing the maximum voltage of the buttocks (the heel is aimed at the ceiling) and the muscles of the inner thigh, swing the leg up and down with an amplitude of 5-10 cm

Repeat 3-4 times for 30-90 seconds, then change the leg.

Buttocks plus hamstring

The exercise is performed the same as above, but at the top of the foot does not wiggle up and down, and bends and bends at the knee. Sock stretched on, the amplitude of movement of the heel - see 10-20

Back and arms

For this exercise, you can take a small dumbbell. Lie on your stomach, spread your arms and bend them at a 90° angle. Lift your head, arms above the floor, holding the forearms approximately parallel to the floor. In this case the head is not sapacitabine, from the face to the floor should be 10-15 cm Holding arms, move them back and forth with an amplitude of 10-15 cm, movements similar to swimming breaststroke.

Repeat 3-4 times for 30-90 seconds.


Lying on your back, place your hands behind your head. Bend your knees, spread the feet hips-width apart. Submit legs, pelvis and coccyx to himself as if removing them from the floor (to tear my feet don't, but the feeling in the muscles must be such as if you're about to raise the thigh at the expense of the abdomen). On the exhale lift your head, shoulders and preferably the blades from the floor, the breath - fold.

Repeat 3-4 times.


Arguments and facts

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