Monday, February 24, 2014

In breast milk found a strong analgesic

In breast milk found a strong analgesicResearchers from the University of California at San Diego have identified a relatively small number of drugs in breast milk. Moreover, according to American scientists, the number of painkillers natural elements can substitute up to 30 milligrams per day of this potent drug, as vicodin. Also found a substance called hydrocodone can replace and some other medications.

For example, it can be used instead of acetaminophen (tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil). Experts currently recommend that women who experience pain after a difficult delivery or a caesarean section to exclude the use of analgesics. In the extreme case, they are advised to adhere to the prescribed dose, and not to take medication more than two or three days, and consult a physician immediately if their child begins to exhibit unusual sleepiness or not nursing.

On the basis of measurements in total opioid dose among infants less than one percent, than among children of older age with severe pain (3%). But Dr. Gideon Koren, head of the program for sick children in Toronto, said that such a difference can be misleading, as in the body of a newborn drugs persist longer than those of older children. In addition, he noted that the discovery of natural anesthetic will enable further development of harmless analgesics for kids.


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