Why are people rude?
Rude people, for various reasons, but mostly because of the lack of education and General culture. Often so people transforms their desire to dominate insulting others. According to psychologists, rudeness kind of psychological protection from people internally dysfunctional and not able to understand themselves.
There are people who want regularly, specially provoking others. If you enter into a dialogue with such people you will listen to everything possible to hear in such circumstances.
Also ham may be the one who does not know how relieving nervous tension, pressure and stress, not being able to overcome it, or unpleasant situation, which suddenly assailed him. And that's the way this person wants to Express their outrage accidentally tucked him in person.
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In any case, do not attempt to stand on equal footing with ham. Before answering, think. Here you can help - humor. The good humor relieves stress, gives rise to optimism, self-confidence and even make money.
Only do not seek to answer the insult. This will only provoke namepsace, which will be out in all serious. Believe me, his experience verbal squabbles much more than you are. Why do you spoil your mood and get stress? Therefore, not srevices, look at the situation from the outside, not to be nervous. It is better to smile, and think about the root replica. Polite and witty reply at the same time will bring you support from others. Still most of the people on the side of common sense.
Sometimes it is not always possible to answer. But a good thought comes later, when, as they say, was shaking his fists late. And here begin the experience: "Oh, it was necessary for him to answer, or that way, for nothing remained silent..." If this happens, you can use the well-known psychological method: later play a situation in your imagination, adding the desired final. Imagine that all this is exactly what happened, what you put in place the offender and came out with head held high.
Meanwhile, another situation has put you in a deadlock and you seemed speechless, you may just regret the unfortunate bully. After all, evil, grumpy or envious people their negative emotions destroy itself. In addition, the boors always less than friends: they deprive themselves of the good of human communication, and they have much less chances to have a successful family. And how you respond to rudeness?
Photo www.images.google.ru/
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