Sunday, February 23, 2014

Catch rays of sunlight

Catch rays of sunlightYou cannot underestimate the deficit of ultraviolet radiation, which strikes us in the spring, they accumulate after a long autumn-winter period. It becomes the cause of the apathetic condition and fatigue, as it produces less vitamin D, disturbed calcium metabolism, increases the sensitivity to fluctuations in weather and weakened resistance of the body.

In General panacea spring bed no, there are only a few ways to insure against depression and infections. The General principle of the struggle with the spring fatigue is simple: a moderate diet (not peregruzka heavy protein food), walking in the fresh air, timely and adequate rest and supplementation with vitamins.

Skin care in spring and summer

External skin fatigue is a direct manifestation of the internal state of the organism. Lack of vitamins, moisturizing and General fatigue cause your skin on the face and the body becomes less elastic, no inner radiance and a healthy color. The reason is also downward circulation. Need a comprehensive approach to the restoration of the skin, which would include a number of procedures: this cleansing and moisturizing, and various masks, taking into account the peculiarities of the transition of the winter-spring period. Cosmetologists have long come to the conclusion that after the winter the skin becomes real stress. And all this because she was tired and requires vitamins.

A serious choice

Walk up to the choice of tanning responsibly. First, there should be not just clean, but sterile. Make sure that the "beach" is treated (disinfected) by all the rules of hygiene. To do this in a room with Solarium usually post a sign which is filled by the personnel of your capsule. By the way, next should hang information about the latest inspection of the Solarium.

A few hours before sunbathing away from the skin cosmetics. And especially do not use in a Solarium non-specialized creams for sunburn. And even better - if you will refrain from their use. Proper selection of the lamp and the length of stay in a tanning bed and you will not only avoid burn, but will get a nice, even tan.

Tan tan strife

But nearer the summer, which this year promises to be unusually warm, so it's time to talk about direct sunlight.

Most women tend to face in the spring and summer was covered with a deep tan. However, you need to remember about some rules of its receipt and save.

In spring and summer during your stay in the fresh air, even in the shade, the skin receives a sufficient amount of ultraviolet rays. Tanning should not turn to the sun right in the face. You need to sunbathe only in profile, alternating between one side of the face with the other, to the nose and forehead are not burned, and the tan was even in the cheeks and temples, and neck.

It is unacceptable to use for tanning hydrating or vitaminized cream, more cream containing hormones. They also contribute to the development of dermatitis or burns and cause sweating skin. Do not RUB into the skin before tanning is just too much butter or cream, as under the influence of sunlight, you may receive the burning and redness of the face.

After sun cream or oil should immediately be removed.

If pustules, blackheads and oily skin to tan very carefully - better every day and the next day, starting with 2-3 minutes and gradually increasing the time spent in the sun up to a quarter of an hour. Then the duration of the sessions is gradually reduced (12, 10, 7 minutes and so on). The person you should turn to the sun of one or the other party.

Why the sun's harmful?

If the skin is exposed to sufficient long-term exposure to the sun, its natural protection from ultraviolet radiation becomes insufficient. In the rays begin to penetrate deep into the skin, damaging the cell walls and causing sunburn.

In addition, all of the sun's rays cause the formation in the skin of free radicals - these aggressive negatively charged particles destroy the skin cells that leads to skin aging.

Carefully, freckles!

In order to avoid the appearance of freckles and age spots, regularly morning and evening, clean the face with an ice cube with the infusion of parsley. For this 1 bunch green is filled with 250 g of boiling water, brewed, filtered and poured into molds.

Solar vitamin

In order calcium and phosphorus absorbed from food into the body is required "sunshine" vitamin D. Vitamin D is formed in the skin cells of animals and humans from cholesterinspiegel substances under the ultraviolet rays from the sun. Molecules of vitamin D created by the rays of the spring sun, especially active. Rich in vitamin D and products: fish oil, fatty fish - herring, salmon, mackerel, capelin, halibut, liver of animals, egg yolks, kefir, butter.

So go towards the spring sunshine in the literal sense of the word. Walk, sunbathe, catch the precious rays of the spring sun!


Robot for GNOC

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