And here we come to the aid Bodyflex (bodyflex).
Bodyflex is a set of exercises based on the so-called aerobic respiration, and is aimed at stretching various muscle groups. Using deep breathing and enriching the blood with oxygen burns fat, but certain exercises (or voltage at a time of a particular group of muscles) allow you to burn fat right where it's needed (thighs, buttocks, waist).
It looks something like this: you need to perform a breathing exercise (breath, breath, breath and retraction of the stomach), take stretching pose, count to 8 to 10 races to slubitsa and breathe). In General, nothing complicated about it! The main thing is to learn aerobic breathing technique!
The Creator of this new method Greer Childers promises "There is an easy way to avoid all the hassle. And the name of this method is Bodyflex!
Bodyflex is a universal technique that allows you to keep the body and the organism as a whole is in excellent condition".
Here is what is said on this occasion, Alec Borzenko, writer and specialist in the colon:
"Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and especially the cancer cells are destroyed in the presence of oxygen".
Bodyflex is the best available on the market methods of enrichment of oxygen. You get an aerobic effect five times faster than running. If you run for one hour, burn 700 calories. If you do an hour aerobics burn 250 calories. If you do an hour of exercise Bodyflex, you get rid of 3500 calories". In addition, aerobic respiration powerfully activates lymph flow and helps to massage the internal organs. All together leads to increased metabolism and good health. If this does not increase the appetite, as during prolonged physical exertion.
As we have already noted, for doing bodyflex requires no weights or special equipment, and You can eat still. In addition, the Creator of the technique also promises a loss of from 10 to 35 cm in the middle part of the body for the first week, spending exercises just 15 minutes a day". In addition, we often hear and read vostor negative feedback girls, who have tested this technique on yourself. Sounds more than desirable-but, isn't it?
But is it all just?
Every coin has two sides - it is an undeniable truth. So far we have heard and read just about one of them. Let's flip a coin...
Alex Faleyev, master of sports and multiple champion in powerlifting, the author of numerous articles and several books on the subject of weight loss, quotes in his article the following: "what is the basis Bodyflex? In the 10-second breath-hold. This method is built on the breath, and, moreover, very large. Not breathing for 10 seconds after exhalation is extremely a lot! Bodyflex - breathing practice, built entirely on the breath and oxygen starvation that, in the future, it is extremely dangerous for the brain and body. The brain is dangerous because the eyesight to think, becomes inadequate and prone to false. The body is dangerous because of oxygen starvation of tissues can lead to a disastrous result - the formation of cancer".
I am very interested in this article because it is one of the few negative opinions about the new super-efficient techniques and seemingly version of Alexey Fadeev easy to criticize, but worth to do some research reverse side of the coin.
Methodology Bodyflex based on aerobic respiration or, in other words, forced hyperventilation of the lungs. Such breathing exercises, or hyperventilation - increased ventilation of the lungs, significantly in excess of that needed to satisfy metabolic, hold divers before diving into the water to increase the length of random breath.
Its essence is not so much the accumulation of reserves of oxygen in the body, how much to remove from it the greatest possible amount of CO2 (carbon dioxide). Additional blood oxygen saturation does not occur, because the hemoglobin in normal breathing is almost completely saturated with oxygen. Prolonged hyperventilation of the lungs can lead to involuntary apnea and loss of consciousness. Apnea (from the Greek. apnoia - absence of breathing), temporary cessation of breathing while depletion of blood carbon dioxide (e.g., after reinforced artificial or spontaneous breathing).
Meanwhile, a number of researchers noted that after an arbitrary hyperventilation of lungs stop breathing in healthy people usually does not occur. However, there is no guarantee that you are not absolutely healthy person.
The occurrence of involuntary apnea and loss of consciousness when hyperventilation associated, mainly, with the quick fall of the carbon dioxide in the blood. Even relatively short hyperventilation leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels of the brain and, thereby, causes reduced blood flow by 35 %. Since hyperventilation is some danger, it must be, according to doctors, is strictly limited and may not exceed 60 C.
Thus, enhanced ventilation, conducted more than 60, has a negative effect, and can cause spasms of the limbs.
Hyperventilation can be dangerous for self use, but can be very useful in medicine. For example, it is used for the treatment of patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
However, the use of hyperventilation even for medical purposes may cause changes in cerebral blood flow that do not meet the oxygen requirements of the brain. This requires rigorous justification of the use of hyperventilation.
So you should be critical of all the ecstatic experiences that tell people who regularly practicing breathing techniques for breath. If you learn how to relieve stress with the help of that go for a couple of minutes on a deep, steady, slow breathing - it will not bring any harm, it will only benefit.
If you want to practice breathing, you'll like Jogging in the woods or a leisurely swim in the pool. Nothing better for a full supply oxygen to all cells of your body you think you can't.
Tuhvatulina, M
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