- What are the dimensions of the belly during pregnancy?
- The height of the abdomen, i.e. the height of the fundus of the uterus in norm corresponds to the period of pregnancy. For example, during the 32nd week of pregnancy, she must be equal 32-33 see But the "fullness" of the stomach depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. Sometimes it affects the anatomical structure: petite women with narrow pelvis abdomen is much larger than that tall women with curvy hips. But most of all, the growth of the abdomen is associated with a total weight gain of the pregnant. And that is what a woman should always pay attention.
- What is the weight gain is considered normal?
- Every woman is the norm for the individual. It depends on the body mass index, which can be calculated by a special formula. Weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. Normal index - 19, 8 to 25, 9. If you are expecting twins, add to these numbers at least 2, 3-4, 6 kg. Most women add 40 percent in weight in the first half of pregnancy, 60% in the second. If women before pregnancy was normal weight in the first trimester it can add 1, 5-2 kg, during the second - 0, 5kg per week, and for the entire ninth month is not greater than 0, 5-1 kg Weight should increase evenly and constantly. Depends on the normal development of the child.
- What are the dangers of excess weight?
- When too much weight gain may have problems as a pregnant woman and the fetus. Excessive weight gain is one of the symptoms of late toxicosis, unhealthy state of pregnant women. Late toxicity may lead to the development of a threatened miscarriage. In this case the woman pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. In severe cases, possible premature labor or premature detachment of the placenta. In addition, the extra weight makes the muscles. It also leads to the appearance of edema in the legs, anterior abdominal wall, on the hands. Start to hurt back and calf muscles, circulation in the veins of the legs, acute varicose veins. Pregnant more often and more tired, it becomes irritating. And for fruit late toxicosis dangerous chronic oxygen starvation and even fetal death. Very obese women have a higher risk of all of these complications.
- What can be caused by too rapid weight gain during pregnancy?
- Sometimes rapidly gaining weight Amateur abundantly to eat. However, moderation in eating does not guarantee a normal weight. In some women, the body accumulates too much liquid - for example, when poorly working kidneys. Therefore, if a pregnant woman too rapidly gaining weight, she should check the number of drunken and released fluid per day. In healthy women allocated more fluids than it consumes. And fluid retention in the body leads to weight gain. Then swell not only external but also internal organs. Especially dangerous swelling of the placenta: they disrupt the normal development of the fetus.
- As a pregnant woman can get rid of the swelling?
- Attending antenatal clinic, she should be attentive to the recommendations on diet, which will give the doctor. As a rule, all pregnant women are recommended to limit consumption of salt, as well as spicy, fried, fatty foods. The fact that they contribute to fluid retention in the body and lead to swelling. Recommended every 10 days to arrange fasting days. Of course, this does not mean that pregnant woman should starve. Hunger is absolutely contraindicated the expectant mother. In fasting days pregnant should be limited to certain products, such as apples, cheese, yogurt, meat in strictly limited quantities. In addition, to stay in bed - it improves the discharge of fluid from the body. Good help and diuretic herbs. But drastically limit the amount of fluid intake is not worth it. It must be at least 1, 2-1, 5 litres a day.
- It turns out that to fight the swelling simply?
- Unfortunately, not always. Weight gain is largely dependent on the work of the kidneys. So, for example, rapidly increasing the weight of urolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis. Sometimes pyelonephritis occurs already during pregnancy. Because at this time of hormonal changes. The body begins to produce more of the hormone that stimulates the expansion of the urinary tract. And through these open gates infections easily penetrate into the kidneys. This is why all pregnant women should be bacteriological examination of vaginal discharge, monitor urine tests.
And if a pregnant too large fruit and this explains the excess weight?
- Sometimes it does happen. But there may be yet another problem. Very often the large fruit happens to women with diabetes. If a woman is born large, it is necessary to check the level of sugar in blood and urine, as diabetes can occur in a latent form. Sometimes diabetes appears during pregnancy. Again due to hormonal changes. These pregnant women are at risk - even if the elevated level of sugar "jumped" is only one of several analyses. Observing them. These patients receive a blood glucose meter, test strips and independently control the amount of sugar in urine and blood. Give birth they are in the hospital at the same hospital, and their kids immediately put on the account of "diabetes". By the way, excessive weight gain during pregnancy often leads the midwives to perform a cesarean section.
- At any time especially undesirable sudden weight gain?
- Excessive weight gain, especially dangerous in the second half of pregnancy, namely the twentieth week. It leads to late toxicosis. And the sooner you begin such complications, the heavier the outcome of pregnancy. This is why women are encouraged to regularly monitor body weight, measure blood pressure on both arms, do a urine test. In case of late toxicosis pressure usually increases, and appears in the urine protein. If detected immediately all three symptoms - swelling, high blood pressure and protein in the urine of the woman urgently hospitalized.
Perhaps my question will surprise you. Is there a way to "regulate" the amount of fruit?
Yes, I think so. This requires a balanced diet that includes foods rich in animal and vegetable proteins, vitamins, minerals. Be sure to take vitamin preparations. This, of course, truths, but for one reason or another woman is not always adheres to the recommendations of experts.
- The size of the stomach, probably also depends on the quantity of amniotic fluid? And they are affected by fluid intake?
- No. Causes of excess amniotic fluid, or polyhydramnion, quite different: diabetes mellitus, abnormalities of fetal rhesus conflict, infectious complications. Oligohydramnios as often, when postmaturity.
- Too little stomach still better than too big?
"No, I wouldn't have said it. Insufficient weight gain often leads to disruption of fetal development, birth too a young child, premature birth, and sometimes even death of the newborn. Pregnant women need to seek a "Golden mean". By the way, American scientists have noticed that women with an optimistic Outlook on life less children are born with low birth weight. Experts explain this by the fact that optimisti better monitor their health with regular gymnastics, full feed.
- Is there a direct correlation between the emotional state of pregnant and overweight?
"Well, yeah. Because in a stressful situation, some women begin to throw into a mouth any fall to hand food to the empty fridge. Here you are overweight. And on the other, on the contrary, we can say: "sadness and melancholy it eats". It is therefore important and the expectant mother and her family to take care of her smooth, quiet mood.
The approximate distribution of the added weight during pregnancy
- Child 3, 5 kg
- Placenta 0, 675 kg
- Amniotic fluid 0, 8 kg
Enlarged uterus 0, 9 kg
Breast 0, 45 kg
- Maternal blood volume 1, 5kg
- Intracellular fluid of the mother 1, 4 kg
- Fatty tissue mother of 3, 25 kg
Women's health
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