Thursday, February 6, 2014

9 rules for those wishing to lose weight

9 rules for those wishing to lose weightWomen's Magazine amounted to a set of rules, following which you will be able to lose weight.

1. Don't forget to eat because the food is eaten within an hour after awakening improves metabolism by 20%. your Breakfast should consist of protein (boiled meat) and slow carbohydrates such as porridge, muesli, whole grain bread.

2. Sveshivalas once a week.

3. At least an hour a day to get any physical activity.

4. Sofa+TV, or any other lazy rest = 10 hours per week.

5. Everywhere and always try to move, not giving atrophied muscles.

6. Keep a diary of food eaten in order to control the quantity of absorbed calories.

7. Set a realistic goal of losing weight, because to achieve the model parameters for a week you will not succeed, but to lose 10% of your current weight quite reline.

8. Refrain from all sorts of rewards himself for dietary achieve, otherwise the risk to move one step forward and two back.

9. Lose weight together with her husband, girlfriend or colleagues, then your chances of success will increase.


Women's Magazine

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