Monday, February 3, 2014

10 real ways to lose weight after 40 years

Not all women are able to change their usual food. Most women attempting to lose weight, one after the other. Why after diet body weight increased again? All the matter in the wrong diets that slow down the metabolic processes. Success in the fight against excess weight will not be a variable, if you choose the right way to lose weight. Here are ten ways to lose weight fast without dieting and fitness. As a result of recent research, scientists have made interesting discoveries.

10 real ways to lose weight after 40 years

Disclaimer diets

A strict diet is not already considered one of the most effective ways to lose weight. Fasting only leads to disruption of metabolism. The weight comes back. One of the reasons for the return of the old weight - hunger that diet only increase. As a result the woman breaks down and starts another search for ways to lose weight fast. Any diet is a restriction. Lack of nutrients kills cells. The destruction of cells compensates for the lack of energy in the body. Pleats at the waist do not disappear, but the appetite is growing. According to the statistics of scientists from the medical College albert Einstein, 65% of UK women who sit on a diet, the weight comes back again.

Disclaimer cosmetics

In addition to diet ways to lose weight quickly, there are also cosmetic products. American scientists from the Medical center mount Sinai came to the conclusion that the goods shop can lead to obesity. Some chemical compounds can have a negative impact on woman's health and her weight. Such substances include, for example, phthalate. Phthalate is a substance that adversely affects the endocrine system. It affects the glands that produce different hormones. Phthalate can simulate the work of hormones. Bisphenol a also applies to hazardous substances. It is a component of plastic bottles and jars.

Substitutes fats

Substitutes fats are included in the list of ways to lose weight fast. But such a substitution is unsafe. Scientists have found that the refusal of fatty foods can lead to aging. The skin begins to lose its freshness, if in the daily diet of no fat. The process of weight loss slows down. Scientists from the University of Purdue believe that substitutes fats and sweeteners increase weight and impair digestion. Experiments were carried out on rodents. The mouse who ate a low-calorie chips, recovered. As a result, experts came to the conclusion that we should not give up fatty, you need to monitor the quantity and quality of fats. For example, olive oil, on the contrary, calms hunger.


American scientists neurology concluded that the smell of peppermint can reduce weight. The smell of mint deceives the brain, giving him signals of satiety. Such abilities have and some other products. For this reason, women who stand at the stove, I'm not hungry. Aromas of banana, Apple saturate the stomach. So eat these foods should not hurry. What is slower, the greater the weight loss. Often need to breathe in the smells of these fruits. Replace them and can smell the essential oils. The burner can burn at home and at work. By the way, the scents of these products can also reduce stress.

One sweet day

Many women find holiday to eat something delicious. But after the holiday stress begins the monotony of everyday life. Stressful situations women are used to bind. If you refuse the cake does not work, you need to set the rule. For example, there is one candy or chocolate. This rule will help avoid the temptation to buy something for dessert. Never need to keep in the house reserves sweets. The sweetness should not be undershot. Dinner or lunch, you can't start with sweet. Despite the fact that the cakes quickly fills the stomach, sweets quickly digested, and soon again the feeling of hunger.

Pine nuts

According to the opening of the British scientists, pine nuts help reduce the weight. The researchers conducted an experiment involving women, inclined to corpulence. Appetite was waning of those who drank the extract of pine nuts before eating. It turned out that thanks to them, the body produces the hormone cholecystokinin. It sends a signal to the brain regarding satiation. In pine nuts also contain fiber, tannins, carbohydrates, vitamins a, b, D, C, E and other minerals. Nutritionally they are superior to meat, vegetables and bread. Pine nuts also prolong youth, improve the composition of the blood, strengthen the nervous system, used to treat stomach ulcers.

Japanese sushi

Japanese dish sushi is not a diet. But many Russian women perceive it as such. Italian writer Fosco Maraini called Japanese cuisine a connection to nature. Japanese dishes consist mainly of fish, leaves and roots. Measured portions to avoid overeating. But the rolls and sushi should not be overused enough to cook them once a week. Otherwise, may occur hormonal failure and problems with the thyroid gland.

Sex as a fitness

Regular sex not only improves the relationship with her husband or lover, but also allows you to keep yourself in great shape. British researchers conducted a survey, which revealed that women have sex not for pleasure. 76% of women make love because they know about the miraculous effect of sex on health. 65% of respondents would choose instead of training regular sex, if such possibility was. On the topic of sex as fitness appears different literature. According to the book Kerry McCloskey "The better sex diet" to burn 200-350 kcal need one time to make love. Although you can choose an alternative to two hours to cook dinner.

Get the dog

The dog is the friend of women. To such conclusion the American scientists. It was found that dogs cause their owners to move more. Experts at the University of Michigan analyzed as moving the dog owner. The data is compared with the mobility of ordinary people. It turned out that dog owners are moving by 34% more than those who do not have a four-legged Pets. Those who are moving, the level of stress above one third. Walking the dog - regular, then fitness will also be regular.

Chewing for satiety

It is proved that thorough chewing of food fills the stomach. Recent scientific studies have shown that saturation contributes not only to the chewing of food. If after Breakfast to eat chewing gum, during the day a woman will consume 67 kcal less. The part of the brain responsible for satiety, related to the nerve endings of the muscles of the jaw. Chewing supports the illusion of satiety by stimulating nerve endings. Chew need in the morning for two hours, and only after a hearty Breakfast. No carbs, just protein, such as eggs and lean meats.


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