Along with medical treatment of kidney must strictly comply with the diet assigned doctor. The only way to achieve a positive result in the treatment.
Kidney disease, especially in the acute period, there has been a violation of nitrogen-emission options. Therefore, patients should limit the intake of products containing proteins, up to 60 grams per day, fat - up to 50 grams, carbohydrates - up to 250 grams per day. The total amount of fluid intake should not exceed 1500 ml per day.
As the kidney is directly related to the normal functioning of the liver, you should also limit the intake of food, badly affecting the liver. Basically, it's flour, fatty foods, tomatoes, and products containing large amounts of cholesterol. Moreover, these products are irritating to the stomach, inhibit peristalsis and cause flatulence, and you have to think also about how to get rid of flatulence. And this is in no way contributes to the normal treatment of the disease.
To exclude completely from the diet should be foods that negatively affects the kidneys: mushrooms, mustard, pepper, bearing plants. Contraindicated products with a high content of oxalic acid. And salt-free diet is recommended.
Patients suffering from kidney, in the diet should be introduced more foods containing potassium (raisins, carrots, potatoes, etc). They promote the excretion of toxins from the body and increase urine output.
Because of the diet excludes salt, it is necessary to replace the other taste qualities. When cooking food, you can use small amounts of vinegar, natural organic acids (lemon, Antonov Apple or cranberry). It is good to enter into the diet of sweet and sour sauce or fruit sauce. To cereal food did not seem fresh, they should be combined with vegetables, fruits and berries.
The meal frequency should be divided into 5 times a day in small portions.
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