The postpartum period is very important for women, since pregnancy and childbirth has made great changes in all organs and systems, which actively worked on the bearing and birth of the child.
That means post-partum
Postpartum (puerperal) period is the duration of time for which the mother of the woman ends reverse development (involution) of all organs and systems that have undergone changes due to pregnancy and childbirth. Postpartum period lasts from 6 to 8 weeks depending on how your pregnancy and childbirth, as well as individual characteristics of postpartum women and adolescent girls. During this time a woman's body is fully or almost fully returned to the state it was before the pregnancy. Changes occur not only in the genitals, but in the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular and other systems. The only exception is the mammary gland, as their maximum development is in the postpartum period.
Early postnatal
Early post-partum period is in the first 8-12 days after birth. At this time, the woman's body restores the function of all organs and systems during and after pregnancy and childbirth. In the first days after birth from breast starts to separate colostrum, which contains proteins, fats, salt, enzymes, carbohydrates, antibodies, epithelial cells of the glands, molozivnyi cells (cells with fatty inclusions). And for about 3-4 days postpartum milk appears. This process is hormone-dependent and regulated by luteotropin hormone from the pituitary gland and the Central nervous system. The process of swelling of the mammary glands is sometimes accompanied by a change in the General condition of the woman, can increase body temperature, accompanied by fever and pain in the mammary glands.
The mother needs to return to its original shape and size, so she starts to decrease, and for the first time a woman may experience painful contractions in the lower abdomen, the so-called "postpartum contractions, which usually occur during feeding. Within ten days after childbirth the cervix and uterine cervix return its shape, and the inner surface of the uterus is lined by new epithelium to the end of the postpartum period. Vaginal discharge during the first five days of abundant and similar to heavy menstruation. Gradually, the blood disappears, the amount of discharge is reduced, and by the end of 5-6 weeks they completely stop.
Late postpartum
Late postpartum period lasts up to 6-8 weeks after delivery. Visit the gynecologist recommended approximately 10-14th day after birth. The physician should monitor the progress of recovery. You must carefully observe hygiene, paying particular attention to the hygiene of the genital organs. In women who are not breast-fed, and sometimes some nursing mothers at 6-8 weeks after birth come menstruation. Lactating women menstruation does not occur during the entire period of breastfeeding.
The changes that the body undergoes women
After delivery in women dramatically decreases the level of estrogen and progesterone, which is the primary factor, which entails changes. First of all, reduced metabolic rate, decrease the oxidation of fats, which leads to an increase of adipose tissue.
There are also changes in the spine, the bones of the pelvis, joints of the lower extremities and back muscles. All this is due to the fact that the musculoskeletal system during pregnancy experienced increased loads and compensatory changed.
Because even after childbirth, women experience discomfort and pain in the sacrum, lower back and between the shoulder blades. Sometimes due to the blocking of the joints decreases the strength of the muscles, which manifests as cramps in the calves.
Hormonal changes also cause dryness in the skin, reducing the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, reducing the hydration and elasticity of the skin. Stretch marks indicate a lack speed stretching of the skin during pregnancy, when the fruit weight was increased. The post-partum period is also characterized by an increase in emotional load.
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