Efficiency: 95%
Advantages. Provides the reliable prevention of FOD. Can be used in the postpartum period, during breast-feeding.
The disadvantages. Reduces thrills. There is a risk that in the process of the condom breaking, especially if the woman produces enough natural lubrication. Condom use apportion the female body is very healthy sperm. Therefore, if a permanent partner, you are both healthy, it is better to choose a less "hard" method of contraception.
: Allergy
The value of: 2 UAH.
Vnutrivlagalischnye suppositories, pills, creams that destroy sperm
Efficiency: 95-96%
Advantages. Protect against FOD. Can be used in the post-partum period, during breast-feeding.
Disadvantages. With long-term use can lead to vaginal dysbiosis (one of its manifestations - thrush). There are some difficulties in application. The tool is administered for 15-20 minutes before sexual intercourse, while tablets and candles should be moistened with water. However, you can enter a candle or tablet in advance (she calmly "I will wait" in about 12 hours). You need to enter the tool before each new sexual intercourse, even if it occurs immediately after the previous one. Spermicides are afraid of soap (so to take a shower "before" and "after" need special tools (sold in pharmacies).
: individual intolerance.
The value offrom 20 UAH.
Intrauterine devices
Helix violates the condition of cervical mucus increases contractile activity of the uterus, in short, strongly prevents conception. The term "work" from 5 to 7 years.
Efficiency: 98 %.
Advantages. Can be used during breast-feeding. If the spiral is set correctly, the woman not perceive, and may not care about contraception for a long time.
Disadvantages. Increases bleeding and the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Can move (this is accompanied by pain, bleeding). After the spiral has served its time to take a break for 2-3 months to allow the body to relax.
. Any gynecological diseases. Nulliparous women are better to choose another method of contraception (im not desirable to carry out any intervention). Recently becoming more popular hormonal spiral. But to use them if necessary (for example, women with fibroids, bleeding). Such a spiral break of the menstrual cycle, may contribute to weight gain, the formation of cysts.
The value offrom 250 UAH. (ordinary spiral), from 1000 UAH. (hormonal).
Oral contraceptives
There are about 4 thousand types of hormonal tablets. They belong to different groups and each has its own peculiarities of action and application.
Efficiency. From 95 to 99 %
Advantages. Correct oral contraceptive in addition to the basic steps allows you to cope with the many problems that have endocrine-gynecological roots (bad skin, menstrual irregularities and even infertility).
Disadvantages. Do not apply during lactation. You need to strictly follow the schedule without missing a single pill. May appear smearing secretions. To find the tool should the doctor. Incorrectly matched tablet will be poorly tolerated, will exacerbate health problems. Some of the hormonal pills can cause the growth of extra pounds.
. Smoking, varicose veins, heart disease, liver, kidney, bleeding of unknown etiology, tumor growth in any organ or system, thyroid disease, diabetes.
The value of
20 about 200 UAH. per package.
Hormonal injections
Intramuscular injection of hormonal medication. The duration of the 90 days.
Efficiencyup to 100 %
. The method is suitable in the postpartum period, breastfeeding mothers, or women with heavy menstruation.
. Can cause excess weight. Disrupt the menstrual cycle. Fertility (ability to conceive) may not occur for 3 to 6 months. after expiration of the drug. So more suitable parous women.
. Smoking, severe liver disease, kidney, lung, heart. Individual intolerance to the drug.
Price: 50 UAH.
Vnutrivlagalishnogo ring
Ring of soft plastic, full of hormones, which are dosed every day, are released into the body. The ring is introduced into the first day of the cycle, after the 21-day change.
up to 100%
Advantages. Does not cause excess weight. Can be used in cervical erosion. Is inserted and removed independently. The ring is not felt by the woman, but reinforces the feeling men. Couples who use this method increases sexual activity. Rapid restoration of fertility (pregnancy on the next cycle after use).
Disadvantages. Cannot be used during breast-feeding. You need to be prepared for the fact that the ring can be deleted in the process of sexual intercourse. If happened, just rinse with warm water and soap and put in place.
Contraindications. Smoking, inflammation of the vagina and uterus, bacterial diseases of female genital organs, uterine bleeding, idiosyncrasy.
The value offrom 80 to 140 UAH.
Works on the same principle as the ring - releasing hormones that suppress ovulation. The patch is pasted on any part of the body (except breast), each time to a new place (to avoid irritation). The first patch is attached on the first day of the cycle. Then after 7 days it is replaced. A month use 3 patches.
Efficiency: 98%
Advantages. Does not contribute to weight gain. Convenient to use. With the patch you can swim in the sea, take a bath (but do not RUB this place a washcloth), exercise. All this is assuming that the patch you have pasted correctly: well smoothed, tightly pressed to the skin and held for 10 minutes.
Disadvantages. It is not used in the lactation period. In the adaptation period you may experience nausea, headaches.
. Smoking, varicose veins severe, severe heart disease, liver, kidney, blood vessels in the stage of decompensation, gynecological diseases (uterine bleeding, polyps, fibroids, and other).
The value offrom 80 to 140 USD. (3 PCs)
Remember! The body gets used to the hormones. So from time to time (when - will tell the doctor) you should take breaks, moving to another protection method.
And it doesn't try
Two very popular method of protection against pregnancy in the black list of doctors. Why should not interrupt sexual intercourse and to calculate the safe days, says obstetrician-gynecologist Vitaly Rymarenko.
"Coitus interruptus is not contraception, and disability," says the doctor. By the way, anything funny! Think about it: a man who is forced to stop at the most interesting place, not given process. He will stop him, controlling the prostate, and receives chronic prostatitis (because the emission of semen should happen naturally). Plus neurosis (it swings both men and women, who also can not completely relax). Not to mention the fact that the effectiveness of this method is 50: 50.
As for "safe" and "dangerous" days, is a myth. "Calendar method of calculation of contraception does not exist, " says Vitaly Rymarenko. - Come to me surprised many patients with the complaint, "Doctor, I got pregnant immediately after (or before) menstruation". Ovulation depends on emotions, it can happen any day of the menstrual cycle. In addition, ovulation may be steam, during not one, but several eggs. Therefore, we call this method "method calendar miscalculations." And the best way to get pregnant".
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