Proper nutrition
All the principles of healthy eating are in General one - do not overeat. Thus you will satisfied with unloading their cells and support their activity. The cells are updated faster, and the body becomes less susceptible to diseases.
Because there will still refer to the second fundamental principle - menu should match your age. The 30-year-old women first wrinkles appear later, if they regularly eat liver and nuts. Ladies over forty years of useful selenium contained in meat, eggs and seafood. Eating fish after fifty, you protect the heart and blood vessels. Moreover, in this age of the bone is badly needed extra calcium, which can be obtained from dairy products, vegetables, legumes.
And another very important secret - good mood preserves the beauty and health of women are not worse than proper nutrition. So from time to time, need to be pampered, beloved. Take and eat sometimes extra delicious piece despite all the recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. And the main thing - in any case do not berate yourself for it.
Healthy sleep
To preserve the beauty and health right to sleep no less important than healthy food.
According to the biological rhythms of the most useful time to sleep from 11 PM to 5 am. In any case, the dream must capture time from 2 to 4 o'clock in the morning. At this time a person sleeps most deeply and better rest.
To sleep it is desirable for special orthopedic mattresses. On the other beds, the body inevitably sags. This causes a disturbance of blood supply of the spinal cord and various organs, which are clamped.
In addition, the smaller the cushion, the better. Low head position during sleep supports in normal cervical spine, improves cerebral circulation and even prevents the formation of wrinkles on the face and neck.
Sleep in a cool room. The one who does it at 17-18 degrees, longer remains young. The reason is that the metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related changes depend on the ambient temperature.
So never forget to ventilate the bedroom before going to sleep (and if possible, do not close the window at night).
And remember: your linens should be fresh, warm and always beautiful!
Hormonal balance
A crucial role in the process of aging hormones. More precisely, the lack of them. While a woman's body produces enough hormones, she is young and beautiful. But as soon as their number decreases with age, immediately accelerates the process of aging, the skin dries and grabnet, fade hair, increased susceptibility to infections, etc.
The most important hormones that preserves youth, serotonin and endorphins. No wonder they are called "happy hormones". They not only improve mood, but also quicken the circulation, have a beneficial effect on the Central nervous system. A woman beautiful on the eyes, the skin, the eyes sparkle.
Produces these hormones during exercise and exciting experiences, but most importantly - when you caress and touch a loved one.
So you want to be young and beautiful - find yourself a couple. Love and affection are the best anti-aging!
Always keep all their own point of view. Consciously living person significantly less depressed than those who passively drifting.
Want to stay young - take. Even ten minutes of physical exercise or sports day prolong life. During exercise produces growth hormone, which is especially lacking after thirty years.
Our reference
Substances, preserving the beauty and health:
- necessary for the maintenance of view, has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, and nervous and immune systems. Found in liver, milk, carrots, apricots, sweet red pepper, melon.
- help the body to produce red blood cells. A lot of them in meat, legumes, nuts, brewer's yeast.
- keeps teeth and gums, protects cells from the harmful effects of the sun, ozone and aggressive molecules. Found in citrus fruits, potatoes, sauerkraut, sweet peppers, and tomatoes.
is necessary for calcium absorption and the health of the nervous system. Gets into our bodies from fatty fish, eggs and dairy products.
- protects the body's tissues. Contained in uncrushed grains, sunflower seeds, almonds, vegetable oil (but only obtained by cold pressing).
- necessary for healthy teeth and bones and for normal functioning of the nervous system and blood clotting. It can be obtained from dairy products, green leafy vegetables, legumes.
balm for the nerves and muscles. It relaxes the heart muscle. Without it, we cannot absorb calcium. Found in nuts, whole-grain products, legumes, bananas, green vegetables.
- regulates mineral metabolism. From its content depends on the strength of musculoskeletal system. In the body fluorine comes mainly from drinking water, bananas, products made from wheat flour.
- used for normal thyroid function and metabolism. Found in marine fish, shellfish.
- acts as a powerful antioxidant, and also participates in the activities of the immune system. In the human body comes from meat, eggs, seafood, nuts.
Komsomolskaya Pravda Ukraine
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