Tuesday, September 2, 2014

How to get rid of dandruff?

How to get rid of dandruff? Everyone knows about such an unpleasant problem as dandruff. And there is the obvious question: is it possible to get rid of this disease forever?

Get rid of dandruff it is very exhausting, laborious and useful process. In fact, that it reflects the overall state of the organism. That is why to fight with dandruff should be complex. The most important thing is not to disguise it, and to find and get rid of the reasons of its occurrence. Even when successful and proper treatment of dandruff, no one can be sure that it no longer appears. If you adhere to a few simple, but effective rules of hair care, the risk of falls to a minimum.

What you need to do in order to prevent the appearance of yeast fungus.

1. not worth too much to use a Hairdryer and uticaj hair. They desiccate the scalp, and this may contribute to dandruff.

2. emotional and physical exhaustion, nervous tension are also causes of yeast fungus (dandruff). Dandruff may indicate lowered immunity.

3. no need to use other people's hats. These are the most dangerous carriers of yeast fungus.

4. you need to check your menu for the presence of salty, fatty, spicy and hot food. The number of such food must be kept to a minimum. But the vitamins of groups b, a and C are welcome.

What to do if you still dandruff appeared?

1. first, the scalp needs constant nourishment and hydration. Moisture, which saturated the body itself, in the last turn comes to scalp. So you need to buy a special series for hair care dandruff.

2. if special cosmetic line does not help, should consult a trichologist. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy methods for the treatment of dandruff. This can be cryomassage, which helps to clean the surface layer of skin dandruff.

3. no need to wash under a hot shower. This may trigger a new irritation of the scalp.

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