In vegetables and fruits are antioxidants - substances that prevent malignant cell transformation. These include some vitamins (such as C or E), carotene (vitamin A), minerals (calcium), trace elements (selenium) and unfamiliar to us, but extremely effective polyphenols.
The ability of those or other products to protect us from cancer characterized by a special index - ORAC. It shows how many vitamins, minerals, trace elements is 100 g of this type of products. On the day we need to get at least 3000-5000 units of antioxidants. More all you want, but not less.
How were anticarcinogenic top
Scientists, oncologists and nutritionists thoroughly investigated the properties of vegetables and fruits, for decades watched the health of different groups of people residing in different rations studied the style of food those who have survived cancer, and then made the top of the most effective anti-cancer foods that should be included in their permanent menu.
In the preparation of top scientists and nutritionists take into account the high anticarcinogenic index of each product and its unique components that protect us from certain types of cancer. From the "top" of the food eliminated those foods that are not good for each or something we are able to corrupt.
For example, in the top not included soy - she is able to fight with breast cancer, but some oncologists believe that the presence of a tumor soy provokes its accelerated development. In the top there is green tea and chocolate - they also actively counteract cancer, but cannot be recommended to all and always, because tea is full of caffeine, and chocolate is extremely high in calories and rich in sugar. Do not hit the top and garlic in large doses, it causes indigestion.
1. Prunes
The ORAC index 5770
These dried fruits take anticarcinogenic activity first place among all vegetables and fruits. In them there is an incredible amount of anthocyanin - dark pigment that protects healthy cells from degeneration. In addition, the prunes are very high in fiber, which accelerates peristalsis of the intestines and cleanses it.
And it is well known that during slow release of the intestine into the blood again absorbed exhaust hormones and toxins that triggers the development of breast cancer in women and the digestive system in men. With constant use, the prunes in half reduces the risk of developing something of cancer.
As it should be. Five or six dried carolivy a day, three times a week.
2. Raisins
The ORAC index 2830
In dried berries concentration anticancerogenic much higher than in fresh grapes and in wine. Especially numerous in raisins kvertitsina, prevent the development of breast cancer in women, prostate cancer in men, and cancer formations of the pancreas.
As it should be. A handful of raisins at lunchtime instead of candy 3-4 times a week.
3. Strawberry
The ORAC index 2436
Strawberry antioxidant coumarin toxins from the tissues and neutralizes the harmful effects on the body carcinogenic nitrites and nitrates that are included with mineral fertilizers.
As it should be. Half a Cup of fresh strawberries a day twice a week.
4. Blueberry
The ORAC index 2036
The action is similar to prunes. So useful that the American dietetic decided to Refine dried blueberries burgers from McDonalds and turn thereby fast-food "healthy food".
As it should be. Half a Cup of fresh or quick frozen twice a week.
5. Oranges
The ORAC index 1904
The main advantage of oranges, like all other citrus fruits, is a complex of 22 biologically active flavonoids, fighting tumors. In combination with a high dose of vitamin C they make this orange fruit is a wonderful means of prevention of cancers of the stomach and skin.
As it should be. One orange a day.
6. Malina
The ORAC index 1848
Its main advantage is the huge amount of ellagic acid, which stops the division of precancerous cells. And this acid will neutralize carcinogenic effects on the body smoked and fried foods. In raspberry jam this acid is retained, but the abundance of sugar negates its usefulness.
As it should be. The season is half a Cup per day. Fans of grilling and barbecue is recommended to complete the feast with a glass of fresh raspberry berries.
7. The Swede
The ORAC index 1770
Buy it for my husband - it has indol struggling with prostate tumors. Men who regularly eat Swede, such as cruciferous vegetables (zucchini, cabbage), almost twice as less than everyone else, suffer from prostate cancer. And in the Swede many anticarcinogenic carotene and fiber.
As it should be. In cooked or in salads three times a week. If someone doesn't know: the Swede is sold in our supermarkets under the name "Kali".
8. Spinach
The ORAC index 1665
Protects us from cancer of the intestine. Fresh spinach is coenzyme Q10 - it helps the immune system to recognize precancerous education.
As it should be. Preferably each day to include in your menu salads of spinach and other leafy greens, like him.
9. Grapefruit
The ORAC index 1447
As well as orange, is distinguished by a harmonious composition, abundance of vitamin C and a great refreshing taste that makes it a welcome guest at our table.
As it should be. Daily one glass of juice.
10. Broccoli
The ORAC index 980
Ugly-looking curly cabbage is an excellent means of preventing angiopathy. Recommended as a therapeutic agent, a suspending tumour metastasis.
As it should be. 100 g of fresh or blanshirovannuyu a day, three times a week.
Anticarcinogenic salads
1. "Fish with herbs"
Buy canned chopped tuna in its own juice - 1 Cup, finely chop the spinach (or lettuce) - 1 Cup. Boil three eggs hard-boiled and cut into cubes. Mix all the ingredients. Add salt to taste. Season the salad with a mixture of salted olive oil with lemon juice (1 : 1) or 15% cream (150 g), French mustard and lemon juice (1 teaspoon).
What's the use of
Tuna and eggs contain selenium, spinach and watercress - sulforaphane. Both substances affect genes that inhibit the development of cancer. Combined effect of increasing 13 times.
2. "Red-green"
Three tomato slice and place in a bowl. Shared hands on inflorescences forks fresh broccoli, put on the tomatoes. Optionally sprinkle with a mixture of chopped Brazil nuts (they have a lot of selenium). Add salt to taste. Filled with a mixture of vegetable oil, Apple cider vinegar (1 : 1), ground black pepper and cloves crushed garlic.
What's the use of
Lycopene from tomatoes and sulforaphane from broccoli together are 10 times more efficient and help the immune system to recognize precancerous cells.
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