Once the presence of men in childbirth was considered not simply unacceptable. A doctor could easily burn at the stake for witchcraft or, if lucky, to betray exile. Childbirth was considered exclusively a female thing, not allowing the rough male intervention.
Today everything has changed. About doctors-men will not speak them now certainly no one will burn at the stake and not be accused of betraying the Church. But there are fathers who are increasingly present at the birth of his wife, as if turning to him.
In 1965 came the book by Robert Bradley Childbirth under the leadership of her husband. His method he began to practice in the late 1940's, and by 1965 th he plucked a description of several thousand births. Dr. Bradley insists that the husband does not simply present, but actively helped his wife with the help of massage, prompting her to breathe, had supplied her with everything you need.
Today many couples are guided only by his approach to partnership genera, however, decide to be present if the Pope at birth, each individual pair will have their own.
At the moment the theme of the presence of the Pope at birth is quite common. This method is what is called "developed", so we can safely allocate obvious pros and cons of this phenomenon from the point of view of psychology.
- Long joint preparation for childbirth can significantly bring husband and wife, to deepen their relationship, remove the primary fear and stress in women before birth process in principle.
- At the moment of delivery support in the form of meaningful and the most loved one can be very important and beneficial for women. Thus, the joint of the fruit as if psychologically rugaetsa joint efforts, which significantly relaxes and lightens the mood of the mother during the process.
- At the stage of baby care experienced together events only unite husband and wife, and once again will encourage dad to action and the obvious care with the infant, and not to the distance and smoothstreaming, as is often the case. After all, if a man went through the most terrible, almost exactly the same "father" of her child, so afraid to touch him, to change something, to redeem it for sure will not.
- Do not forget that no matter how tolerant to all natural things your future father, first and foremost, man. And the vast
most men because of their psychological device still sensual respond negatively to a different kind of natural "naturalness". The first thing that can permanently leave bright negative imprint in his mind is the appearance of women, discharge, blood in General, external unaesthetic this process. And even if your man is consciously submits the form, the level of the unconscious may be formed and disgust, and rejection, and intimate cooling to your woman impressed after picture.
- Quite often a man psychologically not tolerate torture and screams of his wife, he falls into a nervous condition, thereby becoming not encouragement and support, and unnecessary irritant. Imagine if something goes wrong or there are any difficulties you have with even greater force to overcome it, and the staff you will certainly be calm and pretend that everything is fine. And if you get a man that is called a "sound mind and sound memory, which obviously is aware of these difficulties and begin to fuss, upset, nervous - he and you will involve in this state. Besides, it might happen that after the experience of moral shock, watching the suffering of the wife, the man himself for an extremely long time to arrive in a state of "othodnyaka, but we are with you on the first stage it is important to us was strong, not tired and active person.
- On a symbolic cultural level, the process of childbirth has always been a kind of mystery to men, for which, strictly speaking, respected, and adored, and glorified women. Only women, giving all his strength, know how to give offspring to ensure procreation. So again, on a subconscious level a man could secede a kind of "equality" in this process and diminish the respect for the feminine essence in eternal type of contrast: "We are - men - more important, because we are strong, we earn, we provide, but we - women - you give birth".
These pros and cons of "work" and "included" depending on each individual - i.e., on the personal qualities of your man, his emotional characteristics, gender attitudes, sexual preferences, depth and spirituality of your relationship, etc. So be sure to try on her husband as the situation "for" and "against", and that will be more obvious in terms of consequences - both positive and negative, and assist you with the decision concerning the joint delivery.
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