Doctors also note that the longer a person works with a bad head, the higher the risk of cardiac diseases. If a person feels that his work is not appreciated, this leads to stress and the emergence of unhealthy habits. For example, he may start to smoke that is detrimental to his health.
The experiment was conducted for ten years. Scientists studied the health of men aged 19 to 70 years. During this period they recorded 74 cases of heart attack, angina or acute coronary heart disease with fatal outcome. All study participants were asked to assess the leadership style of their chiefs, for example, how clearly they are aiming their employees and how effectively they interact with the team. Those who have rated low competence of their heads, the chance of heart disease was 25% higher. Those who have worked with bad bosses four years and more, the figure was 64%.
The obtained results do not depend on the level of education test, social group, income, busy at work and lifestyle. Experts believe that if their findings are confirmed, experts on heart disease will have to pay serious attention to the behavior of the managers of their patients.
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