1. Warm colors. Solar colors (yellow, orange, red) add vigor and vitality, even if the window you are waiting for a gloomy morning. Let the curtains the color of orange or lemon linen will be spring vitamins, because warm colors stimulating effect on the nervous system and the brain. By the way, the color of this year is a warm shade of yellow called "Mimosa". So yellow is not only cozy and comfortable for living space, but also extremely relevant in this season.
2. Fun designs and patterns. Someone cheer up daisies and roses, some ants or cats, someone crazy a strip. Listen to yourself - watch what pictures, images and color combinations (at least in the outfits of the people on the street) cause you smile. And let them into your house. If you do not want to glue the Wallpaper will come to the aid of the Express tools - lampshades, vases, decorative pillows and so on. And favourite in the magazine picture, you can always cut and hung in a frame on the wall. Do not expect someone to blame for multi-colored balloons on the wall or shaggy rug before bed - you are already an adult, and no one will forbid to fall in childhood.
3. Stickers for walls. Trendy way in two accounts to change the interior - "decals" vinyl based, which can be easily glued to any surface and are easily removed without damage to walls and cabinets. You can buy ready-made drawings - this funny animals for baby and Oriental motifs, landscapes, and portraits. There are even themed stickers for kitchen and fridge. You can choose the colors and to make an order under the desired size. In General, the scope for experimentation!
4. Potted plants and flowers. Although it was still Golo and grey, no one bothers to celebrate spring in a single "Kingdom". To do this, get rid of dust houseplants and put in vases of fresh flowers. By the way, it can be not only traditional for this time of year, the tulips. It turns out that the polluted air of the apartment exactly provokes a feeling of chronic fatigue as a busy work schedule and daily stress. And plants help to purify the atmosphere of our home. So, one of the strongest cleaners is recognized as banal Chlorophytum.
5. The free space. The mess is not the best effect on our already depleted vitamin deficiency the body, plunging us into an even greater depression. It seems that the walls of the press and in the house to breathe. In order not to experience such sensations have to pull myself together and clean up your living space from clutter (there are 7 effective strategies! ). Getting rid of junk, you will clear a place for everything new that is waiting for you when spring arrives.
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