Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Why baby animal

Why baby animalWe all remember the famous cartoon about Karlson, where the Kid says sadly "the dog I bought...". Of course, parents are better than dogs, but the child wants a pet, but when we think seriously, first of all, recall of tainted Wallpapers, walk in the morning - and every desire disappears. So you were not overcome with doubt and nothing can beat the desire to please your child Pets we will tell you why you should still have a pet.

Pets relieve stress. In defense of this assertion remember "Prostokvashino", even angry Pechkin decided to have a critter that when you come home you happy.

Mistakenly of the opinion that animals develop children's allergies, on the contrary, they help protect kids from this terrible disease.

In times when every second child may not come unstuck from your computer, no harm will be walking the dog, in addition with your favorite four-legged friend can walk in the parks, and this will contribute to the development of a love of nature.

Many children lunatica once again to go to the store dahlbom, not to mention sporting activities. But with a dog is possible in a simple way to instill a love for sports at nichegonedelaniye child.

"We are responsible for those whom he taught the famous phrase Exupery was written not just scientists have found that children who have Pets, grow more responsible and caring.

When the baby grows one in the family, the dog may become for him not only a friend, but to save from loneliness.

And, most importantly, the kids, have Pets, more responsible. It is important not to forget to take care of the pet must not only you, your baby, too, have responsibilities, which, I assure you, he will run.


Women's Magazine

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