Surely every mother would like to have your favourite toddler always been near. But many people somehow believe is wrong. They say, let them shout, cry. Shouts useful for the development of the lungs, and from habits to be constantly on hand to wean the baby would be then difficult. Here baby and sleeps separately. According to child psychologists, this is incorrect. And if you could ask the little man, he would have rebelled against this injustice. You just for a moment imagine that he feels alone!
All terribly interesting
Newborn just came out from his mother's womb, where he was in complete security. There he heard the beating of her heart, accustomed to maternal odor, learned to notice changes in her mood. He felt an integral part of the mother. And this feeling after birth does not disappear, it lasts for nearly six months. But now everything is changed around.
After the usual dark kid surrounds a bright light, excites the sea frightening sounds, he feels cold, he may be hot. In addition, you need to breathe, and to complain that she has to scream. All sensations new and unusual. And most importantly - he no longer feels safe. But when again beside her mother, immersed in the scents, rhythms, and... immediately calms down.
The Council pediatrician
: To the newborn formed of a healthy nervous system (today, she is, unfortunately, only one kid out of ten), joint dream with my mother, in this case, the sense of security crumbs nothing has no effect.
Useful sleep
Usually the baby sleep doctors call shallow. For a child this age is normal. After all, superficial sleep "invented" nature is not in vain. If the baby was choking, suffocating, wants to cough, from shallow sleep easy for him to come out and give a signal to me that something is wrong.
If mom and baby are sleeping separately, this is for the kid - stress. And a protective reaction to it becomes a deep long sleep. And it may even be dangerous. Many have heard of the sudden death syndrome newborn: when during sleep stops breathing. Of course, this rarely happens. But if the child sleeps with the mother, she will be able to notice what was happening to him, and will immediately cause him to breathe. In the initial stage of this dangerous phenomenon enough to touch the crumbs, stir him. And everything will be OK.
During shallow sleep baby always says, where is my mom. And if not, he is frightened, disturbed sleep, and this is undesirable for proper formation of the brain and nervous system. But when mother is near, they are constantly touching - baby calm and my mom arrives milk.
Only together!
The hormone prolactin is responsible for milk formation and actively secreted at night, when the mother feeds the child from 2.30 to 7.30 am. If night feeding does not occur, the action of the hormone gradually comes to naught, and the amount of milk decreases.
Note: Demand feeding at night is a normal requirement of the child's body. To break it for its convenience cannot. This will be a psychological trauma for the child and will not benefit his health.
The joint dream many advantages both for development and for feeding the baby. First, it will solve the problem of night "podsalivanii", that is convenient for you and the baby. Secondly, the child sleeping with his mother, naturally applies to it and thereby stimulates the production of milk. Thirdly, during the day you don't always have the time close communication with your child, these watches "Nakatani" and will be recovered by the joint sleep with a newborn. It is the opinion of psychologists. To follow him or not, to decide, of course, only you.
The origin of the first fears?
It is noteworthy that according to statistics, children who from birth slept in a separate bed, in two and suddenly begin to experience causeless fears not only at night but also during the day. Particularly badly they survive when left alone. That's why every night putting kids is a real problem for some parents.
Moreover, the small man five or even six years, often stubbornly demands that he be allowed to sleep in the parental bed, because she is afraid of the dark. He upset the psyche, it is difficult to control their feelings and fears. Is it worth to bring to this, if the kids, sleeping with diaper together with mom and dad, after "transfer" in his bed quite easily fall asleep and fears them, as a rule, not torment.
Your choice
Of course, the joint dream with a baby fraught with inconvenience. It is not easy to have a good rest when your baby at your side. Consult your pediatrician, how to organize a joint dream with your child and choose a comfortable position for night feeding. But the main thing to understand is the desire of the child to suck at night chest and sleep about moms not a bad habit, and psychological and physiological comfort for him. May not need to deal with it?!
The advantages of a joint dream
- Many people think that they can sleep with mom unhygienic. This is not the case. In the period of breast-feeding mother and child have the same microflora.
Young mothers are often afraid in a dream to crush the newborn. Find a comfortable position, and this risk is completely eliminated. In addition, your sleep is very sensitive.
To spoil an infant by the fact that he is sleeping in the parental bed, cannot. Him so relaxed and comfortable.
- Joint dream with a child is not only useful as a means of strengthening the nervous system and health, but also important for prolong period of lactation.
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