Friday, February 21, 2014

Well, why is he silent?

Well, why is he silent? Not all love the moaning in bed. But what if you love the expressive men, and all the time he is silent?

As you know, all people can be divided into two categories: those who like to show their emotions, and those who prefer to hide them. And if you and your man treat different groups means, in sex it will be hard to find a common language. What to do if your man is too quiet behaves in bed?

You're a hot woman, so I like to moan, to scream during sex. And maybe to talk filth. Your man is the exact opposite: he just does his thing and doesn't make a single sound. Of course, after some time we have thought: "well do it with me? "

For emotional women first natural reaction is to talk with loved ones, to find out the relationship. But here's the problem - restrained man, likely to respond with the phrase "all right". What to do in this situation? We offer the following plan of action:

"Think: everything is okay in other areas of your life together? If not, perhaps the reason that your favorite is not able to completely relax in bed. And you must decide, first of all, this issue. If the answer is Yes - move on to the next item.

- Ask yourself: does your man some ways that he is happy with you? Your task is to understand, do you have any reason to suspect that a loved dissatisfied with your sexual life? If you find that have to deal with his silence during sex is meaningless: it is necessary to seek the roots of the problem and deal with it. But if your man just silent by nature, and in the sex with you its all happy with that, move on to the next item.

- Start slowly corrupt him. Just don't do it too hard or you'll scare the man. You can start with a small show together erotic film and to draw his attention to what excites you, when a man makes during sex loud sounds. This will give your beloved food for thought.

The next step may be a sexual game, you will be offered the man as a prelude. It might look like this: you and he turns caressing each other aloud, commenting on their actions. You can also comment on the actions of each other if you both like. Practice like erotic games regularly, and over time your man is liberated.

And finally, don't forget to encourage your beloved in those cases, when it acts according to your desires - this will reinforce the new habit, and soon you will be able to compete - who of you louder in bed!


Between us girls

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