It's nice that the phrase "for the future of Russian education" - not just empty words. Thank you very much for this Tina Kandelaki. It, with the level of IQ in 182 points, occupies the first place in the ranking of the most intelligent women in Ukrainian show-business. It all started with studying in a normal school, after which Kandelaki entered the medical faculty of the Tbilisi state University. But to become a doctor of medicine she was not destined. One year later, Tina realized that medicine was not for her. With your preferences, it was decided quickly. Once a future star came to the casting by a Central Georgian TV channels, and successfully passed it. Realizing that it was just what she needed, Kandelaki entered journalism at VTGO. Diploma of journalism, like it would seem, what else do you need? But Tina is not one of those who are satisfied with a little. In 2008 she received the diploma of the second higher education, graduating from the faculty of international relations of the Russian state humanitarian University (RGGU). And in April 2010 she was elected to the University academic Council.
Ksenia Sobchak and Tina Kandelaki
No matter how much blame Ksenia Sobchak all the ills of mankind, "blonde in chocolate" does not give up and continues to debunk the myths about intelligence blond girls. Her IQ is 175 points. You have something amazing? But in vain. In his 29 years Ksenia A. already got two higher educations. In 7 years she entered school at the University named after Herzen, where she began to engage in advanced study of the English language. Learned She reluctantly. But what can you do, when the origin obliges and they need to match the image of famous parents. In 1998, the future socialite joined the faculty of international relations, St. Petersburg state University (SPbSU). But she studied there for long. Soon Xenia bored Northern capital, and she moved to Moscow. Deciding that dedicate themselves coterie is not worth it, the girl has filed documents in the Moscow state Institute of international relations of the MFA of Russia (MGIMO). A year later presenter scandalous received his bachelor's degree at the faculty of international relations and enrolled in the Department of political science. The result of hard training were two diploma: Specialist in international relations" and "Political".
Just a little bit to our girl did not Sharon stone, whose IQ is 154 points. Her diaper was considered a child Prodigy. In 10 months, Sharon began to speak, in the 4 years she had already read, and a year later went to school. And once in the 2nd class. It is not surprising that the young genius was the best performance in the classroom. That's just the behavior interfere with the quiet life of the parents. They say that once Sharon was almost expelled for fighting with a classmate. In 15 years, the future star entered Edinboro University of Pennsylvania specialty "literature and art".
Meryl Streep
Just two points from Sharon behind the Oscar-winning Meryl Streep. It's hard to believe that back in school she was a brunette, wore glasses and was a nerd. The actress has argued that enrolled in school theatre only to learn how to flirt. And I must say, flirt she could. Moreover, she constantly amused classmates, parodying teachers. When Meryl was 12 years old, her parents invited her teacher singing. In those years she thought about artistic career. After graduation with honors from Meryl studied dramatic art and the history of costume in several educational institutions: she received a bachelor's degree in High School in new Jersey, and then received a masters of fine arts at the prestigious school of Drama Yale University. "Meryl was just created for the stage, and it was clear at a glance," said the former teacher of Meryl from drama school, Recalling both equally brilliant student played Strip and glamorous starlets, and 80-year old women, confined to wheelchairs.
Literally in the back of her breathing Natalie Portman. Her IQ - 151 points. This figure is an occasion for pride, because this intelligence can boast only 2% of the population. Started with Natalie excellent school. At the age of 17, she entered Harvard University in the Department of psychology. To study Portman treated with all seriousness. Rumor has it that one day for the sake of meeting in alma mater actress had to miss the premiere of the movie "Star wars", in which she played a major role. Teachers that sacrifice appreciated honors. But to be content with one diploma Natalie did not want, so went home and continued his studies at the faculty of foreign languages at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Today Portman is one of the few stars who is fluent in 4 languages. She is fluent in English, French, Japanese and Hebrew.
Renata Litvinova
Someone doubted that our list will get Renata Litvinova? In vain. Her IQ - 151 points. No, she did not receive a hundred degrees, not speaks four foreign languages and even reads Brodsky at a speed of 200 km/H. She just graduated with honors from the school. Then the first time entered the all-Russian state University of cinematography (VGIK) in the screenwriting faculty and also just got a red diploma. And even if at first glance Flirty Renata does not appear to be a clever person, its competent career and the "right" friends, like Zemfira, prove a high level of intelligence.
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