Sunday, February 23, 2014

Soft spot should be firm

Soft spot should be firmBareev for dinner, make no mistake: tomorrow your chest will not increase for a single millimeter, but jeans will not fastened.

What we first of all get fat in the buttocks, are genetically determined. Our body is no coincidence chose a ass as fat depot. For example, men who all their prehistoric past was worn for mammoths, gaining weight, have a prominent abdomen, because it's easier to run than with a weighty fifth point. As for women, from the point of view of the physiology of our body, which it was necessary to provide food and to cook it, much easier to carry extra weight in the buttocks area. In addition, the body stores fat in the lower area, so it was easier to provide nutrients to the unborn baby when the woman becomes pregnant. And what is most terrible, butt faster than the rest of the body increases in volume, and lose weight much slower.

However, we have gone far from our prehistoric ancestors, and therefore not all modern women complain about big butt. Some, on the contrary, it seems that their priests are too flat and far from ideal, which at the moment are all elastic buttocks. By the way, and owner of a small nondescript soft spots, and ladies with prominent priests equally suffer from cellulite: nasty orange peel still, where to live. Fortunately, there are special exercises that will help to both get rid of bumps and at the same time to give the fifth point perfect form: it's just that some girls will pump up the buttocks, and the second is to lose weight in this area.

To lose weight: precedi 40 times

Any girl knows, to promote weight loss aerobic exercise is a dynamic, active exercises, designed for endurance. If we are talking specifically about the buttocks, then your followers will become so-called "hip extension" - squats or any movement back legs. You do not need to think that, if you start a daily basis to go low jump, after a couple of weeks your fifth point will be less than several inches. The fact that fat molecules are too large and dense, they burned very hard and reluctantly. Imagine a fire in which a long and painful smolder huge logs: if you don't throw in the fire of thin twigs, logs will burn forever. In the case of our bodies, the role of brushwood perform carbohydrates. So they raskochegarili your body and prepared him for the destruction of fat, you should combine aerobic exercise with strength. Unlike the first, they are not intended for long use, and the ability of muscles to overcome resistance. In fact, these are the same exercises - squats and legs swinging, but with a worsening. For example, with dumbbells in your hands or special cargo (2 kg not more) attached to the Shin.

Just bear in mind: if you are within an hour will do the same exercises first in power, and then in the aerobic version, you simply travelwise gluteal muscles, which will not withstand such loads. Therefore, training should be based on the following schedule: Monday do with cargo on Tuesday without them. First, do each exercise for 10-12 times. When the muscles begin to get used to active work, increase the number of approaches to 3-4 and reps up to 40-60.

Nakahata: add weight

If your goal is not to reduce buttocks and, conversely, to make them less flat, you should do the same extension of the hip, but only power option (always with goods). Unlike aerobic they contribute not burning fat, which you have not, and to build muscle mass. Remember: if thinner ladies are forced to increase the number of repetitions you do in no event it is impossible. Otherwise your clever body, wanting to make your life easier, will not build muscle mass and to thicken the fibers so that they were easier to cope with stress. The saddest thing is that on your appearance it will have no effect: the priest was flat, this will remain. To avoid this, perform each exercise no more than 6-10 times, but gradually, as the body adapts to exercise, increase the weight of the cargo.

Starting position: lying on your back, bend your knees, hands, stretch your arms along the body, palms down.

Exercise: raise the maximum pelvis up on the inhale, lower to starting position as you exhale.

Starting position: get up on all fours, back straight. Keep looking head, look straight ahead.

Exercise: on the inhale lift back bent at the knee at 90° to the right leg. Come back to starting position as you exhale. Repeat the exercise, changing an arm and a leg.

Starting position: lying on his stomach, straighten out your arms in front of him.

Exercise: on the inhale, raise the maximum straight up the left leg and right arm. Come back to starting position as you exhale. Repeat the exercise, changing an arm and a leg.

Starting position: lunge your right foot forward. The back is straight.

Exercise: sit down, put on the floor bent knee of the left leg. Right when it should to stand on the heel, not looking up from the ground. Repeat the exercise, changing legs.

Starting position: lying on your side, put your right elbow.

Exercise: on the inhale, lift the left leg up. Make sure that the pelvis is not unfolded. Otherwise the load will move from the gluteal muscles on the other. Make
the exercise for the other leg.


Arguments and facts

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