Experts hasten to reassure those who think that the idea of this expensive. "Just don't think that it is just on the shoulder of those who have the skills landscape designer. Experience shows that even the most primitive Alpine slide very soon becomes a favorite spot in the garden, and visitors to the site guests perceive it as downright divine creation. So, get this creative process - you are sure to get something beautiful," they say.
"Garden" Alps
The creation of the first rocky gardens is attributed to the indigenous population of the mountains and the monastery gardeners. But the Europeans began to build Alpine slides relatively recently - only in the second half of the nineteenth century. One of the founders considered Tyrolean botanist Marilion. He studied Alpine plants and created for their research artificial rocky gardens.
The result was the book On the cultivation of Alpine plants" (1864). Botanical gardens gladly jumped at this idea and one by one began to arrange the Alpine slides. At first they were placed exactly the Alpine plants. Only later realized that to create the "Alpine" images you can use and other plants, which, in General, in the mountains do not grow.
Visitors to the Botanic gardens are also interested in the Alpine slides and did not fail to implement them on their own sites. Thus, on the sly little pieces of the Alps into the lives of gardeners and became one of the most pleasant and prestigious landscape delights.
Heart of stone
The stone is the heart of the Alpine slides. He is its Foundation and decorate the garden in winter and autumn, when the plants are sleeping. So, if you correctly pick and place boulders, your slide can be pre-considered successful. Most likely, you will have to choose between three alternatives: granite, limestone and Sandstone. This is the most affordable in our band rocks.
Granites have a very diverse structure and color. Range of their color ranges from gray through yellow to red. At first glance, this seems dignity tempted to beat the colored boulders, achieving interesting combinations. But for the layman it is not an easy task, and if you want to stay on granite, it is best to choose a neutral instances of bright colors.
Limestone is a very good stone for the Alpine garden. He has grey, white, cream and brown in color. Unlike granite, limestone is not as durable, easy to erode, but its advantage is the sharp corners soon smoothed out, and on the surface will soon settle picturesque mosses and lichens, in harmony with any plants.
Sandstone, with creamy-gray, sandy, reddish color. Sandstone is easily processed metal tools, thanks to which it can be shaped in a suitable form.
Right place
The ideal sites for rock garden is Sunny areas of the garden, as most plants Alpine photophilous. The shores of the ornamental lakes and ponds is also a great option. In any case, the main objective in the construction of slides to be noticed, therefore, to locate it in the place of honor of the plot, which is easily visible or frequently visited.
Well, if the hill you will come closer: from a distance it is difficult to see and appreciate a miniature Alpine plants. Try to avoid the neighbourhood of the rockery with large plants, as they visually reduce the size of the construction.
You should not split the slide
- in a shady spot;
in the center of a large open space or away from the main traffic routes - in this case, it will be difficult to appreciate;
under the canopy of deciduous trees - autumn defoliation will always have to UN-fallen leaves;
next to the Playground - it will instantly become a favorite place to play.
Allotted under the hill plot primarily paraglide and completely free from weeds. Make sure your drain, having laid in the basis of broken bricks, clay, crushed stone or gravel. These materials prevent the accumulation of moisture, which is very important for Alpine plants.
When drainage is ready, proceed to the main point - the creation of the slides. From the available stones, select a large stone with an attractive surface - it will become the main in the bottom row of a rock garden.
1. Dig a hole slightly larger in size than the base of the stone and with a crowbar lay a stone at her.
2. Under the base of the stone and behind Podesite soil and rubble and firmly tamp. 3. Try to stand on the stone - it should not oscillate. So, put smaller stones on either side of the main. Try to keep the layers were placed horizontally. 4. The gaps between the stones fill the earth and tamp.
5. Now proceed to laying the second row of stones. Continue to lay the stones row by row, until you put them all. Finally, stand back and make sure that the stones are placed so as you wanted.
6. When the setting of the stone and create the foundations have been completed, the slide fill the earth for plants. The soil must be loose and not too fertile. For most plants will fit the following mixture: 1 part sod land, mixed with 1 part humus and peat, 1 part sand and pebbles.
When the construction of the Alpine slide is not necessary:
all the stones to be laid in the same way - some need to be grouped more tightly, between others, to leave wide gaps;
- ignore the pudding is in the care of the plants on the rocks have to get up, so they must be sustainable;
- place the stones vertically they violate the common law and "cut eye";
- set in the center slides one large stone composition takes the form of gravestones.
The ratio of rocks and plants can be absolutely anything. Want to arrange a slide in the Japanese style, with a predominance of stones and sand and only a small number of modest plants. Do you want to choose EU - rosy, cheerful, sparkling bright colors.
First planted showy shrub - mahonia, rhododendrons, box-trees and conifers. Then make landing a powerful herbaceous plants - iris, host and daylilies. Last post types, forming ground cover picture: Arabica, badani, stonecrops.
Try to keep ground cover plants covered the surface of some, but not all of the stones. Should not be planted delicate and rare species near aggressive and fast-growing - last will quickly displace the first, is placed on the top of the hill tall plants is visibly reduces its size. Also, you should not put large plants together with small stones or plant in limestone, with a slightly alkaline reaction, fans of "acid": rhododendrons, heathers, heaths, etc.
Now you can snuggle up in a chair on the veranda with a Cup of tea and feel the Creator. Nice, isn't it?
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